
tell me what's real


I woke up earlier than usual. Ever since I realized the feelings I have for this girl, I finally got rid of my bad habit of coming late. I got ready for school and picked up the little yellow card I made last night from my study desk. I drove off with my car and parked it at an alleyway hidden from view.


I went inside the school. I disguised myself and sneaked along the hallways toward the lockers. I gently slipped my handmade card inside and went out of school again.

I stayed inside a cafe and when it's only ten minutes before the time, I went out and get inside my car. I slowly drove my car and got in just on time. I parked in my usual space beside a huge oak tree with a bench at its side. I saw my bestfriend sitting there, waiting for me.

"Yah! IM YOONA! I told you to come early, but you really love to keep me waiting!" Yuri said and pouted afterwards.

I got out of the car and smiled at her.

"Don't you get tired of saying that Yul?" I teased.

"Maybe you should ask if I get tired waiting for you, coz I certainly do!" She huffed.

"Aww. I know you don't. Stop pouting! Fans are feasting taking your pictures!" I exclaimed when I say people holding cameras and phones snapping pictures of us. The prize of fame.

"At least some people appreciate me." She mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked while getting my bag and sat next to her.

"Nothing you dummy. Let's go and get our things from our lockers!" She said while standing up. She's still mad at me. I can tell.

As we walked, people greeted us, took pictures and some even asked for autographs. As I signed one notebook, I glanced at Yuri who was doing the same and smiling at the girl who approached her. I frowned.

She's smiling at them yet she won't even look at me?

I was too preoccupied I didn't notice people were talking to me.

"Oh, Yoona-sshi. Can we take your picture?" I went back to reality and smiled at them, ready for the picture.

"Uhm, is it okay if we take your picture together?" The girl smiled shyly and I looked at Yuri who glanced at me for the first time. 

"Sure." I said them moved closer to Yuri.

As fans took pictures I just smiled and posed a little. Afterwards, we bid goodbye and about to go when I heard one of the fans said to us.

"Yoonyul! Are you fighting? Please make up soon!"

I just smiled in response and looked at Yuri who was walking slightly in front.

I sighed. I should really start acting like a good bestfriend.

When we reached our lockers, I just went to get my books and some notes. She was still standing there, unmoving.

"Hey Yul~"

No response. Still mad, I guess.

I scooted closer to her and saw that she was smiling goofily.

I looked over her shoulder and saw her reading a familiar yellow card.

I smiled.

"Hey! No peeking!" She whined when she finally noticed me.

"The same sender?" I asked while leaning on the locker beside hers.

"Yes. It's been going on like this for a while. I really wonder who sends this. She doesn't bother to place her name." She pouted.

"She? The sender's a girl?" I ask while raising my eyebrow.

"Yes." She smiled genuinely.

"How did you know and you're okay with that?" I was curious.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" She stared at me.

"Well, a girl likes you. Like, like as in like you. You don't get creeped out?"

"First, I can sense it. The notes are too gentle to be a guy's and the note smells like a girl's perfume. Actually, I like it coz it somehow smells like you. Second, if she's serious about it and sincere, why will I be creeped out?" She just looked at me. I stared at her.

"You like my smell?"

"You're not getting the point! I don't care if the sender is a boy or a girl, okay? And stop being so full of yourself!" She blushed. How cute.

"If you say so." Then I walked slowly, a smile playing from my lips. So it's okay, huh? My heart skipped a beat.

"Yah! You're just going to leave me? You didn't even apologize!" She whined again while walking hastily beside me.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't be late again, and I won't leave you." I said with utmost sincerity that she was slightly taken a back.

"Okay." She just looked away.

We went to class and just focused on the lectures. No matter if we know the lessons already, we still listen as a sign of respect. I can say that Yuri and I are quite popular. They say it's because we're both rich, talented, intelligent and beautiful. Some even say they became fans because of our 'sisterly' love, thus the nickname Yoonyul.

The bell rang and we went out for lunch.

We sat on our favorite spot, and I volunteered to buy food for us. Well, I always do that. Yoonyul fans say its very gentlemanly of me. Hehe.

When I got back with our food, I saw her rereading yellow cards that she have collected. She was blushing and smiling at the same time.

"Well, you are really obvious of liking that admirer of yours among the tons of others." I teased and fished for good comments.

"Yeah. I do like her." She smiled and looked at me.


"Yeah. But I still have this crush on this girl who's dumb enough not to notice." She frowned.

"She's really stupid." I said, somewhat jealous. She likes someone already?

"You can say that."

Then we ate our lunch and continued bickering over all the small things.

When school was over, we went to my car since I always take her home.

"How long have you been crushing on that girl?" I asked as we settled inside the car.

"Huh?" She asked with a puzzled expression.

"The one you said earlier, the one you like other than the sender?"

"Its been so long, I can't recall." She nonchalantly said.

I got furious.

"How come you never told me?!" I screamed.

She was so shocked, her eyes opened wide. I can tell that she's frightened. When she recovered she answered with equal fury.

"Why are you so mad about it? Who are you? My girlfriend?!" She mocked.

I got hurt. My chest constricted so much. 

"Yeah, I'm not, I'm just your bestfriend, right Yuri-ah?" I said in a small voice. Tears are threatening to fall but I smiled at her and drove off. 

The ride was silent that the silence was so deafening.

She kept looking out the window while I concentrated on driving.

I saw our favorite park. The same park where I first met her when we were five. I pulled over and she looked with me with inquiring eyes.

"Let's take a short walk. Is that okay?" I asked, careful not to let my voice shatter with her gaze.

She just nodded.

When we walked I felt empty. I felt like I lost her already. We walked side by side but I keep on glancing on her hand. Her hand that was supposed to be holding mine. I miss holding her hand already. Why are we even fighting. I don't mind being the bestfriend, ONLY a bestfriend.

I sighed while looking forward to the pathway before us.

Then I felt a warm hand intertwining into mine.

"Why won't you hold my hand anymore?" She asked, a bit of hurt can be heard.

"I don't deserve you." I said while looking away. She gently squeezedu my hand.

"Why would you say that?"

"The only one who deserves to hold your hand is the person you like. No one else." I said, defeated.

"But I like you." She said softly.

"As a bestfriend." I sighed again.

"Yoong, why are you acting like this? You're my bestfriend, I like you. I like holding your hand and I don't mind not having that person as long as I have you." She said, her voice cracking and tears fell down her face.

I removed my hand from her grip and held her face.

I caressed her face and wiped the tears away.

"Shh. Don't cry, it hurts me seeing you like that." I pulled her to sit beside me on the swing, we've arrived at the playground.

"You know what Yoong. It hurts me seeing you walk away from me. Seeing you not holding my hand and keeping distance. You don't want to be my bestfriend anymore?" She sounded so innocent, like a child.

I hugged her tight and whispered.

"I was just afraid that one day, you are going to have that special someone and I can't take it not having you around anymore. You see, I can't go on a day without you. I'll be your bestfriend forever. But seriously, I get jealous over this person that you like. I think she's going to snatch you from me. I can't take that." I sobbed.

She deepened our hug and I can say that she was crying.

"Tell me about this person. I promise I won't hurt her." I joked while looking at her eyes.

"It's a secret." She stuck her tongue at me.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and started tickling her. She laughed very loudly.

"Stop Yoong, stop!" She said in between her laughter.

When we calmed down, I asked her again.o

"Why won't you tell me?" I pouted.

"I'm not ready." She blushed.

"Are you in love with her? You always blush when we talk about her." I said, amused, carefully masking my bitter tone.

"I guess so." She confessed.

I just smiled. How can I deny my bestfriend of her happiness? I pulled her in a hug once more.

"I'm happy for you Yul. Whoever this person is, he/she should treat you right or I'll kill them myself." I said in a serious tone.

She laughed. I smiled. Then we joined our hands and I delivered her home.

When I got on my room, I made another yellow card and wrote my last note. There's no need to confuse her with her feelings. I better end this now and wish her the best.

I am happy to have known you. Throughout the time I spent loving you, I never felt sad. You always make me happy with your smile, with your laugh. Seeing you even from afar puts a smile at my face everyday. Eventhough I know that your smiles were never for me, I still hoped that one day you will smile at me too. Even just for once. I love you Yuri. But seeing that you will never be mine, I guess I have to let go of you. My heart aches but I will always smile because loving you is yet the greatest experience I ever had. I wish you the best. 

Tears dripped down my face as I wrote those words. I thought letting you go is easy then why does it hurts so damn much? The tears fell and got the card wet a little. I kept it in the table, took a bath and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up early today to deliver my last card. I drove directly to school, placed the card on her locker and waited for her at the bench. 

When she got down from her car and instructed the driver to go home, her eyes widened in shock as she saw me there patiently waiting.

"Wow. You're here." She smiled, still amazed.

"Well, I don't want to be a bad bestfriend." I smiled. But she kept on looking at me worriedly, staring at my eyes even.

We went to our lockers and she read the note. She cried. I consoled her but she wanted some space. Throughout the day she was silent and she cried a little every time she gets. It broke my heart to see her like that. When I drove her home she said she wanted to visit the park again. She sat on one of the benches and said. 

"I never felt like this before. Its so painful that I can't help but cry."

I stayed silent just looking at her.

"Why did you cry?" She asked.

I stared at her in confusion.

"Last night, why did you cry?" She urged.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I can see it in your eyes."

I broke down. I guess I'm not strong enough for feeling this pain I brought upon myself and her.

I sobbed so hard that she embraced me tight and held me there even if I was wetting her shirt so badly.

When I finally calmed down, I rested my head on her shoulder still in her embrace. We just stayed like that, with no words. I finally decided to confess, I can't lie to her and myself anymore. She deserves to know even if she won't be mine eventually. I'll always be her bestfriend, ALWAYS.

"Yul." I croaked.

"Hmm?" She said while playing with my hair.

"I cried--, I cried because.. " tears threatened to fall again.

"It's okay if you're still not ready to talk about it." She said while patting my back. I released from her hug and faced her.

"No, I need to tell you now. you deserve to know." I breathed in and saw her looking at me intently.

"I cried because I decided to let you go." I softly whispered.

"I'm sorry the card was a little wrinkly, I guess it got wet by my tears when I wrote it last night." I looked at her.

She looked at me with wide eyes. I braced myself for a slap, harsh words, anything. I closed my eyes and I hoped that she can forgive me.

Minutes passed and nothing happened. I opened my eyes.

She was still staring at me.

Finally, she spoke.

"Why did you let me go?" Tears are forming in her eyes.

"Because you clearly like someone else. I can't bear to complicate your life just because I was such a coward to confess." I looked down guiltily.

"Its funny you know, knowing you were the sender whom I liked so much." There  was a little joy to her voice, though she was obviouly crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Yul." I cried again, cupping her face with my hands and wiping her tears. She placed her hands over mine and said.

"It's okay. I don't mind knowing that I fell in love with you twice." She smiled while saying those words. My eyes went big with shock.

"I fell in love with you as the sender of those sweet, innocent cards that managed to bright up my day. With your sincere and humble words that showed me that you really loved me. Come to think of it, you always deliver it early, so I guess I'm sorry for ranting of you being late." She smiled and I continued to listen.

"Then, even before, I already fell in love with you as my bestfriend. I love you for being you. For being there for me, for making me happy, for protecting me, for being the best friend a girl could ever ask. You weren't the only one who was  afraid. I was afraid that you don't love me the way that I love you. You are my perfect bestfriend and I can't bear to hurt you and lose you." She looked at me and gently smiled while holding my hands.

I smiled back. I was so happy that I laughed. Laughed at the silliness of our story. How two perfect people turn into fools because of love. But I don't mind being a fool. I don't mind being in love with my bestfriend.

"I love you Kwon Yuri." I confessed softly while kissing her hand.

"I love you too Im yoona." She hugged me tight.

I pulled her up and held her hands while we walked.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"I'm going to show you something." I smiled and gently squeezed her hand.

I lead her to a big tree near a fountain. There was an old bench beneath the tree. She smiled at me, recognizing the place. We sat down together and she placed her head on my shoulder while playing with our held hands.

"I want to show you the place where we first met, and the place where you stole my heart. Here, I want you to promise me that you'll take care of imy heart and never give it back." I smiled while we look at each other's eyes.

"I do." She quietly said. 

We leaned closer until we can feel each other's breath.

"I love you." We both said at the same time. We smiled and closed our eyes. Slowly we leaned in.

We shared our first kiss.


I guess YoonYul is real, forever.



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Chapter 1: What's real..??? YoonYul is..... REAL. .!!!
I miss yy so much here im rereading ur sweet story of em...
Chapter 1: God !! so sweet!! <3<3<3
imzara #3
Chapter 1: love it , so sweet yoonyul ^^
Chapter 1: This is really sweet! Thanks for this.
wow! It's a cute ones! I love how it goes. I love how jealous yoong is! I love it! :D
Good job author! hwaiting! Yoonyul <3
ouah so sweet! Yoonyul couple is cute~
yah i really love this story, thank you author ♥
Awwww :,) That is such a sweet story! Yoonyul is real