
When I Fall

“Kim Kibum?”

“It’s Key.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s Key, my name’s Key.”

The teacher at the front of the room, a man in his mid-thirties it seemed, looked over the rim of his glasses to where Key and Minho sat. The brunette didn’t notice all the stares he was attracting, including Minho’s, considering he was staring into the creases of his folded hands in his lap.

“Oh. Well then Key, glad you could speak up.” The man huffed and returned to calling out names for attendance.

The older boy wanted so badly to just run out of the premises and go home, but all he could really do was slump in his chair, hoping no one will notice him. Or better yet, maybe he’ll disappear.

“You okay?” The younger to his left whispered as he nudged Key in the side with his elbow.

“I want to go home.” Key spoke out his thoughts. He figured eventually this’ll all be too much and someone’s going to get hurt in some way. Minho didn’t reply, just blinked rapidly at his slumping brother, wondering if this really was a bad idea to get him involved with society again, and turned back to face forward.

As class began, the teacher, Mr. Lee, was facing his back to the students and wrote furiously on the white board. Some students, like Minho, copied down the notes and asked questions for whatever they didn’t understand. Key on the other hand, stared off into space while doodling in his notes rather than writing. He didn’t understand why they had work on the first day of school. Then again, he didn’t understand anything period. Yeah he was taught the basics of his grade’s curriculum at the orphanage, but he never got any of it.

Balled up papers and notes flew across the room, gaining giggles while others blasted their iPods, texted their friends, slept, or even dared to ditch the class from their totally oblivious teacher.


“Yes!” The said boy bolted up from his seat and answered a little too enthusiastically. The students all howled with laughter.

“Sit down please and would you mind telling us the answer to this question?” Key immediately complied and looked at the board, ignoring the responses he got. The teacher was sternly waiting to see if Key would answer, all knowing he was in his own little world for the whole lecture.

The words, they weren’t words. They were numbers and Key hated it. Wasn’t this Korean History or something? Everything, every symbol and digit, was blurring together and screwing his head up. He felt a headache coming on. He squinted to see if it would help let his mind function sometime soon, but of course it didn’t work. The boys and girls around him snickering weren’t helping much at all, in fact, it only distracted him and got him worked up for no apparent reason.

“Quiet down class!” Mr. Lee yelled at the top of his lungs angrily, barely making himself audible over the rowdy students and the class listened. “Shisus. Answer Mr. Key?” His eyebrows furrowed and seemed as if they would permanently stay creased in the middle of his forehead.

He scanned the board over and over again, trying to comprehend whatever he could, but it wasn’t understandable, not to him. Math was never his good subject; even if he did listen to the lecture, it wouldn’t have done much good. “I don’t understand it sir.”

“Maybe your seat partner Minho would like to help you explain the answer to us then. Minho?” He gestured to the ace of the class beside Key and all heads turned to full attention.

“Um,” The tall boy glanced in his hyung’s direction, concern written all over, but Key showed no sign of anything. “Okay.” He easily told the steps of solving the problem, being the overly perfect son of the family, and the teacher’s expression smoothed out and he started to nod in gleeful approval. Guys blankly stared; girls gaped and swerved in awe, while Key’s rage began to build up more and more by each passing second. He didn’t like being the less superior, he was Almighty Key; no one outsmarts Key. His fists balled up under the desk without himself knowing.

“Thank you Mr. Choi! So the rumors were true, you are very bright indeed. I’ll look forward to your work.” He clapped lightly by himself, making the sound a bit deafening in the silence. “Now Kibum on the other hand, you should learn from Minho. High school is serious business students, you’ll get nowhere by not paying atten—”


Key screeched off his chair and forcefully hit his palms on the desk he shared with Minho. He was shaking with rage and had about enough. Everyone flinched including Mr. Lee, who was now holding his right hand to his chest in shock.

“Key,” Minho rested a hand on the boy’s shoulder to calm Key down, standing up as well, but nothing was going to stop him.

“Don’t. Touch. Me.” He shook out of the black-haired boy’s grasp and walked up to the nerve-wracking man.

“Key-goon, you are disrupting our class.” He took his spectacles off rigidly and folded his arms over his chest, tapping his foot in dismay.

“Well I am sorry, so very sorry. Sorry for everything. Sorry for not being a perfect student, like Minho. Sorry I’m your student, but you know what? I’m not even the one who wanted to come here so screw it all, okay? You’re really not making my day sir.” Key spit every single word out in the man’s face, which gaped openly at the boy’s sudden harsh words. Key rubbed his face with his hands furiously to try and wipe the anger away, and also the tears that are starting to painfully form in his eyes.

“Sorry to hear that. Maybe you should go talk to the principal about your issues.” The man, after dazing for a moment, replied to his speech with a sure stance. He pointed out towards the door and really looked as if he didn’t care anymore what this child did.

“Mr. Lee, sir, it’s my fault. My mom and I knew he wouldn’t be ready for school yet, but we kind of forced him into it. Please understand, my brother doesn’t mean harm to anyone.” Minho walked up to where Key was focusing on lowering his body pressure and heat. Both girls and boys began to disperse into silent murmuring conversations of ‘Minho’s brother?’ ‘He is?’ ‘I thought he didn’t have a brother?’ ‘He’s cute.’ ‘Was it Key?’

“Well, I suggest you take care of it once class is over. If you knew he wouldn’t be able to handle this, you shouldn’t have forced anything Minho-goon.” The man’s voice softened a notch, but his assertiveness didn’t lessen one bit. He gave Key a brief up-down and sighed, trying to focus back on his lesson. “Go sit down you too, and please, don’t act like such children.”

Minho’s eyes flickered between Mr. Lee and Key; the man was getting a little obnoxious, even he admitted it. He heard and saw Key’s pink lips speak, “. This,” quietly to himself with eyes closed, which only Minho heard and saw, thankfully. When he looked up, his eyes were dark and piercing, Minho didn’t like where this was going. “Actually, may I go to the bathroom? I’m not feeling well sir.” He seethed through clenched teeth.

He didn’t answer and with that, Key stormed back around to the door and left, just like that. Students around the class were back to mumbling things while the teacher scoffed as he shuffled his papers and resumed his teachings. Minho stared after the closed door for what seemed like an eternity and finally his feet led him out the class as well.

“Choi Minho!” As he closed the door and ran down the hall, he heard the teacher blare out at him, but it didn’t matter, not now.

“Key!” He whispered out loudly into the air as to not get caught, rushing through every possible hall, empty room, staircase, and bathroom, anywhere. He was already sweating; he couldn’t lose Key like this. Who knew what he would do, or maybe he’d run away. As he was about to give up for a while, considering he was heaving for air and his legs felt like jello, he saw the front main door to the school was opened a crack and letting in cold wisps of air. It felt good on his face, but he didn’t have time to rest.

The tall boy sprinted out and looked all around their running grounds, the gates, behind the buildings and still didn’t find his brother. The only place left was the garden, hidden within the little forest of trees in the corner behind the school, a place where no one went, but Minho felt a sudden attraction to the place, like something was calling for him there. The walked towards the opening, breath slowing down, and he heard someone cursing and mumbling about several things.

“Kibum?” Minho pushed aside the branches sticking out and sure enough he found the boy sitting on of the benches laid out in the garden. Despite no one coming here, it was beautiful; the roses, lavenders, chamomiles, tulips, carnations, everything was so perfectly grown, scented, and peaceful. Birds came and went, soft chirping being heard, and the warm sun shone through from above and the sky was mercilessly clear.

The boy was sitting with legs held up to his chest and chin set on his knee. He slowly looked up at the tall boy, not very surprised. “What.” His voice was scratchy and it cracked a little. His eyes and nose were rimmed pink, but it seemed he didn’t care.

“Are you okay?” Minho sat beside Key, leaving some distance, and brushed some hair out of his creamy face. The boy flinched, but didn’t back away from the touch.

“Yeah Minho, I’m perfectly fine, so why don’t you stop asking.” He snapped and the younger frowned at it wondering if he did something wrong and pulled his hand back into his lap.

Key sighed deeply and returned to shoving his head between his knees, “I’m sorry.” He mumbled, but Minho didn’t dare to speak up, not yet. He left some time for the both of them to think things out. The older got tired of waiting for the other to say something and started out again. “I-I can’t, I’m not,” He fished for the right thing to say, to explain that he wasn’t meant to live considering his so far messed up life, but he couldn’t.

“It’s okay. I understand.” The younger fumbled with his hands; he wasn’t good with these kinds of conversations, as much as he wanted to talk freely with his hyung and get to know about his past life more. At the same time though, he knew it was too soon to ask for so much.

“No, actually, you don’t.” Key looked back up, eyes piercing into the sky while his thoughts roamed. Minho didn’t question anything, as they stayed like that, unmoving.




“Kibum-ah! Can you help me in the kitchen?”

Key hopped over into his kitchen and saw his mom juggling a variety of foods, utensils, dishes, spices, and towels while jumbling all over the place as always. “Yeah umma?”

“Oh! Bum-ah! Take this,” She tossed a couple potatoes over to Key, which he just barely caught since they all flew in random directions. “And wash them please?”

“Ugh, okay.” The 7-year-old boy rolled his eyes and huffed as he dragged his feet over to the sink and stepped onto his little wooden stool he used to balance out his still-growing height and the sink.

“Hey, don’t complain, I see how you always have fun helping me and Halmeoni cook.” His mom managed to set everything down on the countertop and leaned with her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow at her son.

Key just laughed it off; she was right. He turned to the sink, pulling the faucet up to rinse the potatoes clean. His mom began to open up the containers and cut vegetables and meats to prepare for the night’s dinner. They laughed and joked with each other while making use of their hands busily. Of course Key only did the simple jobs while his mom did the actual cutting and cooking.

“Yah Kim Kibum! Did you go in my room again?” His raging noona popped into the kitchen and stalked after the boy. She bonked his head with a fist, softly though, and he rubbed the spot with his wet hands as his face crumpled together.

“I wanted to use the computer.” He made up excuse. He could’ve used the one in the family room, which anyone barely used, but honestly, he didn’t know what drew him to his sister’s room at the end of the hall. It was all pink and girly, the thing a young boy like him would hate, but to him it was fascinating, ever since his sister tied that ribbon on his head it seemed. He liked smelling the faint mist of candied perfumes, lotion, and shampoo. The pretty clothes draped on hangers within her closets and drawers. The bright aura of the room he felt just by taking a peek. He liked it all, a little too much. He would always secretly squeeze through the frail and squeaky door when she was out with her friends or out for a study session. He would skim the frill and seams of her shirts, jeans, and jackets delicately with his fingertips, thinking it would all crumble to his feet if he made one wrong touch. But it seemed this time, he was caught doing so again, he never knew how she found out.

“Computer my Kibum.” His sister rolled her eyes and flipped her long hair back as he was brought back to reality.

“Hey, no profanity please, and Kibum, why do you always invade your sister’s privacy?” She did take her daughter’s side, but her love for Key would always win her over. He was a mama’s boy and he was proud.

He put on the cutest face he could muster and whined, “I really wanted to use the computer! The one downstairs is too slow.” He jutted out his bottom lip slightly into a pout, which his sister fake-gagged at and his mom smiled at.

“Don’t do it again okay?” Key nodded in satisfaction and she resumed to her cooking and Key’s sister flailed.

“But umma!” She grunted in despair, Key always won.

“Ah, no buts.” And with that, she shut up with a groan and Key snickered at his victory once again.

Ding dong~

“Oh honey, that must be appa. Can you go open the door for him?” His mom set the knife down on the cutting board and wiped her hands on the front of the apron as she waited for her husband to appear. Key was too engrossed in his rinsing to have heard the coming of his dad.

About 30 seconds later, Key’s sister came back in carefully. “Umma…”

“What’s wrong honey?” Her forehead creased at the panic stricken face of her daughter. “Where’s appa?”

“Umma. They’re here with appa.” She breathed out, but Key still wasn’t paying attention.

His mom’s mouth fell and shuffles were heard out in the living room. She paced over to Key in a rush. “Bum-ah, honey?” At this, Key looked over to his mom, ignoring her worried tone.

“Yeah?” He had finished cleaning the dirt off the potatoes and turned off the water.

He turned to face his mom pursing her lips, eyes wide and wet with so may emotions. “Come here honey, you don’t have to help me cook anymore.” She guided him out the kitchen in the way opposite the family room and led him behind a door and around to his dark room and didn’t bother to turn the lights on. His sister followed suit.

“I want to help though,” he was released from his mom’s hands and was but confused.

“Oh, I just wanted you to stay here for a bit, we’re having guests,” he didn’t miss his sister’s eyes flicking to meet with his mom’s quick gaze, “and you don’t know them.” She tried to smile, but it ended up looking strained, like she ate something sour.

“Hey! What are you two doing there! Hurry up!” A man yelled behind the closed door and the shattering of glass and porcelain could be heard.

His mom and sister were unmoving, seemingly used to it all, but Key flinched and immediately backed away. “Noona what’s going on?” His voice shook with obvious fear at the ‘guests.’

“Don’t be afraid Kibum, it’s going to be okay.” She reached out to him with deep eyes, grabbing both his arms and squeezing them lightly.

Afraid? Don’t be afraid of what?

“We’ll come back as soon as we can.” His umma hugged him tightly and spoke as if she figured she would be leaving home and would be gone for a while, but Key didn’t catch on with his premature mind. He thought nothing was wrong; they were just going out to the living room to greet their guests.

“Okay.” He just stood, scratching his head while he missed the single teardrop slipping past his mom’s cheek, which she quickly brushed off.

His sister made a strangled noise and glided out of his room, closing the door behind. He still was oblivious to the fact that there was danger out his door. “Kibum-ah, we love, you, you know that right?” Key just blinked at his mom who was at eye level with him, grabbing his shoulders. “Kibum-ah…”

“Yeobo.” Key heard his dad speaking in a whisper from the other side of the plastered frame, but what was unusual was that he sounded like he was pleading. “Hurry up, we don’t want them to wait too long.”

His mom nodded to herself and planted a brief kiss on his forehead, making him crinkle his nose in mild distaste. “Stay here, don’t ever leave the room and don’t make a sound, okay?” Her voice cracked a little and was swelling up by the second. He nodded and she patted his head and face, taking in the last glimpses of her one and only loving son. She turned around and went past the door, shutting it closed with a soft click.

A loud, heavy thud was heard from outside his room and Key flinched again, wondering what in the world the guests and his family were doing to make such a ruckus.

As muffles and more thuds were heard, he became too curious to stay locked up. He was never much patient to begin with. He made his way to the doorknob and turned it, opening the door a peek. Outside in the bright room, he got a glance at two slick, well-built black-suited men upon the center of the room. All seemed normal until he caught sight of his family members kneeling on the floor in a tight row, arms tied painfully tight at their backs, and he clasped his hand over his mouth, finally understanding the situation and taking his mom’s earlier words into consideration.

His eyes scanned the rest of the room and they landed on a tall, skinny, but well built young man dressed in a contrasting luxurious white suit. The man’s face was covered by a white fedora placed intricately on his head, but just by looking at the prominent jaw line and dip of his nose to his flawless skin, Key could tell he was handsome.

He walked up to the three in his gleaming white shoes, not even a speck of dirt visible, straightening out his blazer and went down on one knee in front of Key’s dad. “Well Mr. Kim, you’re time is up. Do you have my money?” He lifted up the man’s chin with little effort, playful smile forming along his hidden features.

“I’m sorry Link, I didn’t make as much pay as I thought I would.”

“Hmm, well doesn’t that just ?” He got back up, clapping nonexistent dust off his hands. “Jun? Kwang? Let’s go.” With a snap of his fingers, the two men not much younger than the white attire man stepped forward and brought up Key’s family by their arms and they didn’t fight back. Key felt useless since he couldn’t say or do anything. But his mom had told him to do so and besides, he didn’t know what to do even if he wanted to help; what impact would a seven year old make?

‘Link’ shuffled out the door while yawning and Key watched his parents and his noona get dragged out, helped was a better word considering they followed with their own feet. The two men seemed nice enough by their soft expressions, just doing their jobs.

His eyes soon met with his dad’s, we’ll be back soon, go in your room son, they spoke to him.

His mom’s had written, I love you Kibum, okay?

His sister just stared back with an ironic soft smile; happy it wasn’t her cute little innocent brother, see you soon you little goofball, don’t go in my room!

Key couldn’t take it so he just shut the door quietly as to not make himself known, and waited for all sounds to disappear. They were gone, and by then he figured they wouldn’t be back. It was too much for him at such a young age. Left behind, all alone, with nothing to do, no one to call, nothing to say since he knew nothing of what was going on, he wouldn’t even cry. He stayed locked up in his room through the rise and fall of the sun and moon, waiting for his mom to come in telling him dinner was ready. He didn’t move, just sat and waited for what seemed like an eternity until he crashed from the lack of sleep. His stomach grumbled immensely, but it didn’t matter, he felt and heard nothing.

One day, the doorbell rang and Key jumped from his sleep, and reflexively ran out to the front door, only to stumble from the lack of balance and nutrition, but he made it. He looked through the peephole and found his best friend Dongwoon, jumping up and down, all smiles. It was Saturday it seemed, they always had play dates on Saturdays aside from school days. He opened the door, not even knowing or caring how he appeared.

“Kibum!” He raised his hand up high enthusiastically, but it soon dropped. Key looked horrible. “Key?” He stepped into the all too familiar house and held onto Key who looked like he might faint anytime soon. As he did so, all of Key’s resolve crumbled in an instant at the glad presence of his best friend and he latched onto the boy’s crisp white shirt, digging his face in it. He cried, cried and cried until his little heart couldn’t take it and broke, delving deep into his chest, forgotten.




I AM SO SORRY FOR THE VERY LATE UPDATE OMG. i started this during my winter break, but then school started back up and i have so much hw, tests, projects, it's just UGH. i'm really thankful yet very sorry to those who read my fic and subscribed -___-; i'm trying to fit it all in, but i just don't really have the time, even on weekends. Please bare with me? oh and um, this chapter really lacks minkey and i'm sorry for that. i just wanted to show you what happened to Key and his family in his past and what drove him to being the cold, heartless boy he is presently. i also don't really know what i wrote, my fingers just moved by themselves, so sorry if i disappointed :( anyways, YAY B2ST POPS IN, oooh hyunseung's a bad boy. critism, comments, and requests are always welcome! i'll really try my hardest to move the story along more efficiently and make it more interesting to read ^^ Thanks to all!

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Chapter 4: please update soon, this cannot just stop here:(
JennyL #2
Don't stop there xD
Update soon you're leaving us hanging XD!
Chapter 4: why are you still not updating!?...please update soon pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeee :(
Awwww Krystal is a evil lying ?<br />
This outta be interesting ^^<br />
kekeek<br />
Minho is so cute when hes being all protective and all >3<<br />
Haha update soon please ~
Aw, protective Minho! ^^
cant wait for the next chap :D
I like this, Almighty Key being all worked up but all he did was to cover his real emotions.<br />
Update soon~
omg, just read the first chapter. this is the best!!! :D<br />
so gonna subscribe~!
update soon please! :D