Crush at First Sight ?

Meet My Hubby ~

Myungsoo's POV

I was at home . Yeah , I skipped my first day as a senior in Woolim High .

"Omma , i'm going out with Infinite ! ~" I yelled while putting on my shoes .

I went in my car that looked like :


I drove to Sungyeol's house and got there after 10 minutes .

"Yah ! Sungyeol ! Get in !" I yelled . Well , every time me and Infinite go out , we'll go with partners and these are the positions :-

Drivers :         Me                    Dongwoo           Hoya             Sunggyu

                     Sungyeol               Sungjong          Woohyun        (nobody)


"Hey , yesterday a chic asked me out and guess what I said NO !" he laughed .

I faked a chuckle . "Where are we going ?" I asked him coldly . "I just called them they said we're going to watch a movie titled Mirror Mirror " I nodded and drove to the mall .


Your POV

I was walking home suddenly , I felt two pair hands on my shoulder .

" Hey ~ wanna go buy some drinks my treat" Jiyeon asked me while pointing her two thumbs at herself .

I chuckled at her cuteness . We went to our favourite shop StarBucks . We ordered our favourite hot caramel macchiato . After getting our drinks , we sat on a chair and gossiped . " Hey , did you know that the millionaire Kim Myungsoo goes to our school ?" Jiyeon asked me .

I shook my head . Suddenly , a cute blonde hair guy passed by me . " Omo ! did you just stare at him?" Jiyeon pointed at the blonde hair guy .

I shook my head again and sipped my drink . *Could it be ? Is it love at first sight or crush at first sight ? * I thought .



Annyeong ~ Is the 2nd chapter great or worse ? Comment :)

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Chapter 29: This is one of playful kiss scene right? Hmmm... this story not bad but if you written with the details will be fun !
daebakKKKKKKK ><
Chapter 21: It's voodoo frustrating when you cut the moment at the end of a chapter and didn't continue it in the other chapter xD ... I hope you describe later in flashback ^0^
Chapter 16: Didn't he miss one chapter here ? Because you just pass to the canteen at the engagement party and at the end of the other chapter something important happened .. I wanna know what ...
Chapter 29: btw,minyoung does not even ever say before that myungsoo wants 2 become a doctor?*confuse*
Chapter 29: why does this part reminds me of the scene in playful kiss?!
parkjihoonsgirl #7
This is giving me feels~
Chapter 51: Wow! Ur story is really good! But the link of the sequel doesnt work it says page not found
Chapter 4: I'll just watch Playful Kiss instead of reading your fanfic....This is just like Playful Kiss.
Smurfy123 #10
Chapter 30: The gif is so cute and funny! ^^