Breakdown – B2ST (KyuSung)

10 Songs, 10 Drabbles (2)

Genre: Angst, Romance, Tragedy

Word Count: 244

Warning: Character Death


Kyuhyun doesn’t know what living is anymore.  Scientifically, it means to inhale and exhale and for your heart to pumping blood in and out of your veins.  And technically he is still alive.  He can still breathe, he still needs to eat, his physical heart is still working overtime just to keep him on this planet.  But really, that’s all he is.  He’s alive.

But he’s not living.

He doesn’t know what feeling is anymore.  He used to know.  Not anymore.  Not ever since a beautiful man with the best smile on this planet walked out.  He didn’t walk out per se.  Because walking would involve the physical ability to get out of a white hospital bed.  No.  He didn’t walk out.  He just drifted away.  To join whoever it was up there that wanted him.

His ex bandmate turned manager, Ryeowook, is bugging him.  Bugging him to unlock his door and actually come to his recording.  But Kyuhyun doesn’t really listen.  He just stares listlessly up at the ceiling waiting for his love to come back to his arms and into that waiting gap in his heart. He's even got his arms spread for his love to fall into them.

“Jongwoon-ah… Please… I can’t live without you.”

And all the while he repeats this, clutching a picture of the only person he had loved, their smiles evident, his arm possessively around his waist.  It was of a time when he wasn’t breaking down.


PS: Okay yes I did break some rules and came back to edit it.  But that's because I realised it was very very very similar to a different fic I read previously.  And in my head it was set in the Super junior verse but apparently that didn't show up very much so here. 

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391 streak #1
Chapter 10: Aaaaaaw, thanks goodness, you end the chapter with a lovely and sweet one d >___< b
391 streak #2
Chapter 9: one sided huh? T^T
391 streak #3
Chapter 8: Wuaaaah, that's heavy T^T
391 streak #4
Chapter 7: Park Yesung, why this sounds really lovely *______________*
391 streak #5
Chapter 6: Well, that's really cruel, dearest Sungie!!!
391 streak #6
Chapter 5: Eeeeh, I don't know how to feel with this chapter u___u
391 streak #7
Chapter 4: *_________________*

We need more than this, yechul <3333
391 streak #8
Chapter 3: yemin <3 I truly miss Sungmin T^T
391 streak #9
Chapter 2: This chapter needs more!!!! >____<
391 streak #10
Chapter 1: Ugh... I really REALLY can't with angst T^T always breaks my heart