telling dayoung

What are you going to do.... It's Life

Seukhyes point of view

Im walking home from school, when i relize that Chanyeol is following me  he asked me were I lived I told him I lived in the big house on the left with my aunt I couldnt have told him iilived in a foster home. with 4 other kids. so as soon as he stopped followwing me i went to the foster home .


Dayoung's/Dasoms Pov

Dayoung asked me how my day was in a sweet voice.


Seukhyes pov

i told her it was great as I pinched her cheek while she just stood there giggling.


Dayoung's pov

Dayoung was so happy she asked me to come play with her as she dragged my arm.


Seukhyes pov

I sat down at the table with the fake with all the fake food and i asked Dayoung what are we going to eat.


Dayoung pov

And then Dayoung said too mee we are having carrots with juicee.


Seukhyes pov

I mean she is my little sister so I played along and said "mmm sounds yummy" as took the plastic fork as I pretended to eat it.


Dayoungs Pov

Dayoung scrunched up her face making a huge grin, and said "hehe im glad chu like et" have moree


Seukhyes pov

i continued pertendding to eat until I heard a knock on the door 'bang bang bang' it scared Dayoung.


Dayoungs pov

unnie unnie she said as she started tearing up what is going on

Seukhyes pov

I opened the door it was Chanyeol


Chanyeols pov

he looked at me saying uhm what are you doing here as he tiltid his head?


seukhyes pov

uhm okay you caught me i guess the truth is out, well this is where i live. I didnt want to tell you because i thoght you would be embarred of me.

Chanyeols pov

Why would i be embarresed of you you could have jst told me instead of just lying to my face he said in exasperation.


 Seukhyes pov

Im sorry Chanyeol as i gave him a big hug

 Chanyeols pov

its alright he said i forgive you as he hugged me back in return

 Seikhyes and we spent the day together just playing with me chanyeol and my sister dayoung

hmm what will happen next will  I finally get the love note?






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m0zarts0nata-- #1
When was reading this..i was like "OMFG!!!ITS JOO!!My real name XD!!!"
Gotta continue reading this from now on >:}
I was wondering, what should the next chapter be about?
iminlovewithyou2 #3
nice ff :)
Annyeonghaseyo! ^_^
Can I be the co-author, please? :D
m0zarts0nata-- #5
there's Dayounggieeeeeeeeee ><