Chapter 25



“We have your memories back.” Jonghun’s voice was playing inside Seol’s head as she and Seunghyun were left in a dead silence in his room. She asked to be given some time before the actual ritual starts and she asked to be alone with Seunghyun for the mean time. The two of them knew very well that the time has come for the past to catch up and what would be happening to the two of them would be answered in a few more minutes.

“I guess this is it.” Seunghyun broke the silence. Seol looked at his pained filled expression and she knew she was responsible for it. She held his face and looked at him with tear filled eyes as he sighed and held the hand holding his face. “I’m with you in whatever decision you make.” Seunghyun repeated his words on the same night he confessed his feelings for Seol. He knew there was nothing that could stop Seol from getting her memories back, not even him.

“Seunghyun,” Seol whispered his name as she started to tear up. She knew he was hurting. Even though she didn’t want to say good bye, this felt like they were parting. For she knew in her heart, she couldn’t make an excuse any longer, her feelings for Jaejin for not making any sense because in a few minutes everything would be crystal clear. And when that happens, where would Seunghyun’s place be?

Seunghyun then took her into an embrace and his tears were falling in an instant he felt her warmth in his arms. “I will not say good bye yet.” He said softly as his voice was breaking in between. “I’ll hold on until you get your memory back and decide. Even if it’s a one in a million chance, I’ll still hold on.” Seunghyun’s words were filled with conviction and she didn’t want to take away the little of what he had been holding onto. Even so, she couldn’t bring herself to reassure him or anything.

“You’ll be the first to know.” She promised him as she hugged him tighter for a second and let go afterwards.  That was the least she can do for him: to be honest, after all the love he had given her.

Seunghyun then captured her lips then again, letting her feel his feelings with each kiss. She let him be, for who knows if she would ever get to do this again with him. Seunghyun broke the kiss, cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly one last time.

“Now go.” He said to her with tear filled eyes as he let go of her gently and watched her slowly leave the room. He dropped his self on his bed and cried all his feelings out. He was actually preparing for the worst and he knew that their kiss a while ago was the last.


Seol was wandering aimlessly around, nervous about the fact of getting her memory back. She found herself walking really slowly with her mind floating in thin air and that was when she bumped into him. He held her steady, thought she would fall but she was just stoked as her eyes met his. When she realized who she bumped into, she stirred and tried getting a hold of herself.

“Nervous?” Jaejin asked her gently and she just nodded, leaving her head bowed. “Why don’t we get you some chocos to help you relax a little?” He signaled for her to follow and she followed him to the kitchen as he rummaged through the fridge for the sweet treat. “Here you go.” He gave her the chocolate bar and she took it without even looking at him.

“Thanks.” She said as she unwrapped it and started nibbling on it. He then suddenly went down her eye level and she was startled when their eyes met.

“Aren’t you going to give me some?” He suddenly asked and Seol looked at him stupidly for a while before handing him the treat and he took a bite.

She was left wondering by his actions, at the same time pissed since the way he was acting felt like he was so confident that he was the one she was going to choose when she gets her memory back. She bit a large amount of chocolate in frustration and he watched her child-like expression in amusement. He started to giggle and she glared at him.

“Sorry,” He then stopped giggling but the amusement on his face was still clear. She returned her attention to the sweet she was eating off instead.

“You seem so happy.” She remarked sarcastically and his smile instantly faded.

“You think so?” He then sighed and went to get a glass of water. “You don’t seem to be happy.” He said before drinking from his glass and he looked at her.

She paused and thought of what to say. All she could think of was the night she found out about him and Jezebel and she wondered if her “old” self would still choose him despite that. “What if I still don’t get back with you even after I get my memories back?” She suddenly said and Jaejin almost choked from the water he was drinking. He placed the glass carefully on the sink and leaned backtowards the counter as if trying to support his self by getting off guard of such question.

Never had his mind crossed that there would be a day that she would not be in his arms and right now, all the things he didn’t imagine were like a series of nightmare hunting him everynight. His heavy heart was sinking and sinking to further uncertainty as he thought of what to reply. “That.. That’ll be very very..” She looked at him and his expression surprised her. His face was full of pain of uncertainty. She suddenly felt that he had no confidence at all. The sight tortured her. She couldn’t bear to look at him this way. “Sad..” Jaejin’s voice trailed off as she looked away. “But I hope you don’t mind if I hold on to these feelings right?” When he said those words she looked back at him and she could clearly see the tears about to fall from his eyes. She didn’t respond.

There was a moment of null, of both hearts lost of what to do. That was then Seol found herself, found her body moving on its own accord. She went to him and kissed him on the cheeks and Jaejin was frozen in his place upon her action. She was blushing so intensely and muttered, “For whatever that can happen.” Seol said to him. She was then taken into an embrace by Jaejin and she could feel familiar emotions filling her in. She at least knew how much he had been enduring. With just one touch, she was reminded, why it was him who can only make her feel that way. Deep in her heart, she knew, it was time to finally end everything. He let go of her slowly and she walked away, not looking back at him.


There were three knocks on the door before Wonbin finally opened it. It took longer than they expected but Seol was finally there. There was only Jonghun, Wonbin and Hongki in the room, all waiting for her to get her memories back.  In front of Jonghun was her memory book, sitting on a desk and this time it wasn’t just the cover only.

“Are you ready?” Jonghun asked her and she shook her head. They all let out a soft laugh at her but she remained straight faced. “You do know that you have to stop running away right? You have a lot of responsibilities Seol, not only with Jaejin and Seunghyun.” The prince reminded her and she nodded.

“Let’s do this already.” Hongki said excitedly.

“Why are you so excited?” Wonbin asked.

“I want to pick on Seol when she gets her memory back. – AW!” She instinctively zapped Hongki and a few voltages managed to shook Hongki’s flesh. “What did you that for?” Hongki whined and Seol looked at him half-wondering.

“I don’t know. Something told me I should zap you, so I did.” She said innocently and Wonbin and Jonghun couldn’t help but laugh. Hongki glared at them and they both quit laughing.

“Must be because your memory is just a few feet away that’s why. Anyway, shall we get going?” Jonghun showed Seol the way. “Should I call Jaejin now?” Jonghun asked all of a sudden.

“Why?” Seol asked back.

“Because when you sealed your demon powers, you sealed your memories at the same time. How do you think you sealed your memories without your demon powers or how did you seal your powers without your memories?”

“Now that you said that..”

“Are you ready?”

“Does it really have to be Jaejin?”

“You should’ve asked that when you sealed your memories 5 years ago.”

“Okay.” Seol said in defeat and Jonghun asked Wonbin to get Jaejin.

 A few moments later, he was back with Jaejin.

“Such complicated spell. I don’t even know how you managed to do it.” Hongki stated as he watched Jaejin prepare the diagrams on the floor; two five pointed stars or pentagrams side by side. Candles were placed at each end of the points.

“It’ll be more difficult this time because she has no memories and she’s still new with spells.” Jaejin stated as he got the memory book and placed it on the center of the left diagram. “Seol, you can sit on the center of the right diagram and face the book.” Jaejin told her and she followed. “Are you ready?” Jaejin asked her one final time and she nodded, preparing herself for the reality she ran away from. “We’ll be here when you wake up.” Jaejin reassured her and she closed her eyes.


The next time she opened her eyes, her thoughts were running a thousand miles per hour, everything was coming back at her. She took her time to process the details; the things she missed, the things she forgot, the things that happened. She slowly shifted her gaze from the ceiling to her side and saw no one in the room but her. That moron didn’t keep his promise. She thought to herself. She slowly got up, sat on her bed and contemplated for a few moments on how she was going to face all of them.

“As much as I wanted to say what was I thinking? I know very well why I did all those. Stupid.” She scolded herself out loud as she brought herself out of her room.

She then searched for him and followed his presence, like she promised him a while ago; he’ll be the first to know. She knocked softly on his door and it creaked, as if telling her to enter. Without even telling him who was at the door, he instantly knew who it was.

When she entered, she was greeted by the solemn face of the boy who was plucking his guitar. He greeted her with a smile as if he wasn’t feeling any pain at all. “Hi.” He welcomed her with a smile. A soft smile instantly formed on her lips upon seeing him and she sat down next to him. “Don’t worry I’ll teach you this next time.” Seunghyun said to her, all aura of unhappiness cannot be seen.

“You lied.” Seol said and he kept on plucking a few notes. “You were saying good bye to me a while ago.” Seol continued and she looked at him sadly while he was trying to keep a smile on his face.

“I know this will be the ending anyway.” He said trying to be okay with it. “I’ve been with you far longer than anyone else does. I know the difference by the way you look at him and the way you look at me.” The notes he was playing continued surrounding the room as he talked. The melody was adding gloom to the mood as it filled the room with its soft sad sound.

“But why did you still continue?”

“All my life, all I did was let you go. This was my first time fighting for you, probably the last time as well.” Then there was this deafening pause. “At least I tried right?” He then looked at her and his eye turned teary all of a sudden. The tune he was playing stopped and all Seol could do was hug her best friend. “Don’t worry, I’ll be all right. I’ve handled these for almost a century.”

“I’m sorry Hyunnie.” She apologized to him as she snuggled on him. She tried holding back her tears, after all Seunghyun was holding back his tears as well.

“Don’t be.” He said to her and she pulled back from the hug and looked at him. He was smiling but a trace of pain can still be seen in his eyes. “Those were the happiest days of my life.” He said to her and this did it. She broke down into tears of guilt and pain. He patted her head until her sobs died down like he always did for her.

“You’re always like this to me. You never get mad even if I’m the one who is wrong.” She sobbed like a kid and he just smiled at her, letting out a few giggles.

“I told you it’s okay. After all, I get to kiss you.” She stopped breathing and crying all of a sudden. Her cheeks turned red instantly and his face was in a smug as he caught her reaction. “Looks like Jaejin-hyung trained you very well.”

“STUUUUPPPPPPIIIIIDDDDD!!!” She smacked him several times and Seunghyun was laughing and covering her hits in between. After a few more slaps she calmed down and he was still smiling to her.

“Now go. He’s been waiting for too long.” She paused for a second before completely processing what he meant. She studied his face for a few more seconds before finally standing up and headed for the door.

Before completely leaving, she looked back at him and whispered the words, “Thank you” before rushing out to find the person whoo she was wanting so much to hold.

“Yeah, you’re welcome.” His voice rang to the now empty room. His emotions finally kicking in, he was at least glad that he prepared his self.

“I don’t know which one is the real lie; you really said good bye to her or you actually really hoped.” Seunghyun then searched for the owner of the voice. He found Adriel and Minhwan in his bed room door, looking at him.

“Oh, how long have you been there?” He asked them, trying to ignore the question.

“Long enough.”  Adriel answered and the two of them entered his room and sat beside him.

Minhwan put his arm around Seunghyun’s neck to comfort him. “Do you want to play some video games or do you prefer some alone time?” He offered and Seunghyun just let out a small painful smile.

“Let’s play after this.” He then broke down in tears and Minhwan and Adriel hugged him, accompanied him all throughout he was crying his broken heart.


Oh hi.. xD not much of a cliff hanger so every explanation is here chappy will be, you know.. MY APOLOGIES FOR BREAKING SEUNGHYUN'S HEART ;__; when i was writing seung-seol moments, seunghyun was ruining my bias list that's why it took some time before they got back..oh well xD i have written til chapter 28 quite stuck..if i need to extend the 5 days update, i'll let you guys know.. IM SORRY for being incaompetent ;__; and thank you for looking forward to this and for the kind words.. <3

@ilovejinnie-OMG /DANCES WING OTL SF HEROES?? XD hahaha yes.. :) well not on this chappy yet though ^^ soon soon ^^

@jaceBlue- probably gonna end around 30-35 running out of ideas and time to write tbh =__= reality is brushing itself to my face too much that's why it's harder for me rn =__= about your question about seol's feels for hyunnie..will be answered next chapter ^^ and sorry about hyunnie /hides xD

@sillyhappyperson-OH NO XD i wont make hynnie that way.. but yeah,, IM SORRY FOR DOING THIS TO SEUNGHYUN.. i just see him the type who will do anything for the person he likes xDD and i dont mind about the aww :) <3 im actually glad for the comments ^^ thank you!

@babo_cy- omg xD yes jinnie is back but let them kiss it's the last anyway xDD

@loves_jkspsh- here's an update and i hope you liked it ^^

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Chapter 32: Finally get to comment v.v

And Jaejin, you cant possibly gave up on her right? After all these years..
Chapter 32: i was shocked that you updated this story and fragments. please author just finish the stories that you've started. i know you don't have an inspiration/lack of it but pls. i hope you will have someday. more more more power to you.
Chapter 31: i've been reading your stories for a while. i know you're busy but please finish new beginning and especially this. actually this is my first time reading a short where fti is the main character and it's fiction theme. i'll be waiting for your update author. more power! :))
rachelxzoe #4
Chapter 31: :D KRISHA

and yes im so happy that we talked again <3
Chapter 31: She had just retained her memory for like what? Less than 3 days?
And she's back memory-less...

Scary. Scary what love can do to people...or in this case, demons.
minari_j72 #6
Chapter 31: i hope u can also update your hongki story *^▁^*
jaceBlue #7
Chapter 30: OMG! I knew it! someone's dying~ and I have a feeling its seunghyun TT__TT just the thought of it is making me sad..
anyway its good to see you back! :)
Chapter 30: omo.. i really love this story..i'm too immersed to this.. keep on updating!!
rachelxzoe #9
Chapter 30: praise the high heavens for this update thank you jesus
i was beginning to miss you terribly (of course, not that I didn't miss you before this BUT NOW I MISS YOU SO MUCH MORE)

yes the chapter is slightly different from the drafts, i really liked this one better hehehe :) i'm on msn most nights so i hope to catch you there :)