A Prayer To God

Paper Planes

Oh, the thought of getting away from here is but a dream

It's a lie

And I know it

". . . and so we must believe in the almighty will of the Lord, that he will relieve us of this torture one day. . ."

Prayers, all the prayers that the prisoners gave before each meal were all directed to the almighty God. If only he could hear them. If only he could reach them. It wasn't that Minho didn't believe in God. He just gave up. There was no more hope. If God wanted to save them, then He would have already done it, right? Was there any hope that they were going to leave these wretched buildings?

"You prisoner's will be released one day. We just don't know when."

Minho scoffed, yeah right, lies. All lies. Sugar-coated lies that fed false hope. Why did they even do it? Was it to all salt to the wound? It hurt enough as it was. Why did they have to put up with this? Weren't they suffering already?

The ones who believed in South Korea were all considered 'Rebels', while the North Koreans were considered 'right and just'. What a twisted world.

Lies of freedom, promises of it. . .they had long been buried in the dust. Forgotten. . .  

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Update Update ~ HAHA !
this is so sweet (i think minus the lashing) update soon please