Chapter 3

My other half


Kyung bit his lips again and thought whether he should talk to him or not. Jiho was his old friend. That’s not a problem for him to talk to him again if he doesn’t change overall. He turned away from the other male and prepared to walk away from the only things he had ever wanted again.


“You handle Jihoon really well” was the only words escaping his mouth. He wanted to scream as he realised the words ‘thank you’ refused to speak up and he was embarrassing himself in front of Jiho, Woo ing Jiho!


Kyung looked over his shoulder and saw Jiho relieved his grin that made his whole body suffers.


“I don’t like people copying me. It’s just annoying to think about it” he stared at him as he placed his hands at the back of his head and stared at the little guy as Kyung slowly approached and sat next to him.


“He is just a jerk then” he gulped as Jiho drew his attention back to him and Kyung studied the tall guy’s face and his heart beat faster when he realised that Jiho was normally talking to him like before.


He realised, he missed all sorts of stuff. “So why are you here actually? This school is too big for you to think of. And you shouldn’t walk here all alone or you will be end up like the previous”


What? Kyung thought. He was hoping a nice perspective from this man yet he started to talk mean stuff to him again? “Fine” he spat before he stood up and glared at Jiho. “You are obviously most annoying guy I’ve ever met”


Jiho ran his hands through his hair and frowned. What did he do? He talked nicely to Kyung right? “Hey Kyung!” What with this guy actually? Why he was freaking attractive when he said those words? Since when Kyung looks so damn fine to him?


“Kyung!” He stood up and looked at the stairs as he was halfway to the hallway when he called Kyung. “Yah! Wait for me!”


Like hell he would, he thought. Why must he listen to him after being insulted that way? He doesn’t like people calling him short although he already knew about his height and he was aware with it. Among of the three (He, Taeil and Yukwon), he was the one who people love to make fun of.


By thinking one of the person who mocked him was Jiho, he started to feel disappointed with Jiho becoming his ‘hero’. Why did he like Woo Jiho? He had not expected that the tall guy would actually running towards him so when he grabbed his shoulder to make Kyung stop, he gasped in surprised. “Look, I don’t know what I just talk but I’m sorry”


Jiho was screaming on the inside as Kyung turned to look at him, fixed their gazes together. . He can’t resist this temptation. “I’m sorry” He said and Kyung was pleased to see how he managed to make the tall man to actually run to get him and apologize to him.


But his amused face quickly disappeared as Jiho ran a hand through his blonde hair and grinned. “I’m sorry, I don’t really know that people hates my jokes as I thought that was one way to actually makes them smile or laugh.” He explained as he drew closer to the little guy. Wasn’t aware with his action.


But Kyung was aware. He was mentally killing himself in his thought for standing close with him, standing only a few meters from him. And he was swearing to himself, how his feet suddenly stuck at the floor like he was being glued to it.


“Kyung?” He snapped as his name escaped from Jiho’s mouth. “Are you okay?” He shuddered as Jiho warm fingers trailing all over his face, touching him as he started to melt like he was an ice-cream that was melting due to hotness. He let Jiho ran his hands through his hair, feeling Jiho hands was warm compared to his cool skin.


His fingers played with the hem of his sleeve. He was tired to control himself from blushing in front Jiho. What if Jiho saw him blushing? It will be super embarrassing for him and the tall man will make fun of him as much as he can.


“What are you guys doing?”


Kyung and Jiho snapped and backed away as they heard Minhyuk walked towards them, shoving his hands into his pocket with glasses fixed on his face. Well Minhyuk is freaking handsome from all sorts of perspective.


“Nothing!” Jiho spoke first before he about to open his mouth and walked towards the other guy and patted his shoulder before taking a glance at Kyung “I just bump into him, this short guy”


Like he expected. It was lies. Jiho only pretending. He doesn’t feel anything to him, he was nothing to Jiho. He nodded and looked on the floor rather than looking at the two men, he wanted to cry. He doesn’t know why but his heart’s hurt so much when Jiho said those words.


He took a deep breath and swallowed those harsh words. Again. It stung his entire body and he turned back to where he was actually going. Leaving both of them alone while him, rushing to go to the toilet.


As he arrived there, he just ran into one of the toilet that was opened and locked him in there, clenching his fist tightly as he cried silently, afraid the others heard him crying. He doesn’t like it.


“Kyung?” He gasped with the tiny little sound was made from outside his door before he realised, it was Yukwon’s voice. “I was in here and see you here before I heard you... You cry…. Are you okay?”


He swung open the door and hugged Yukwon as the other wrinkled his eyebrows together and ruffles his hair as Kyung started to cry in his embraced.




“” Jiho can only manage to say it for two hours he skipping class. Thank you to Minhyuk for destroying him. Kyung can’t lie. Even when he tried, he never got it right. His teary eyes were the only thing Jiho saw before Kyung turned around to go to the toilet.




It was obvious that the other guy was actually hurt with his harsh words again. Calling Kyung, short doesn’t make him happy as he would be like Minhyuk when he smirked in amused. Why must he think about that arrogant guy now? And Why did he was so worries about Kyung anyway. In the past few years ago, this is the first time they talked again.



It's Yukwon's Birthday!!!!!!!! My love <3 <3  

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Chapter 13: Omo i live in korea and school starts at 8:00 when i still lived in austria it even started at 7:45 !!! Aigooo when does school start in ur country ?!?!?! I almost die every morning!
Chapter 15: omo!
i really liked this story!
aw it was some chapter where i wanted to punch Zico in the face! such an ! and poor kyung :c and i love the ending tho!
hahaha i was kinda confused with the taeli-pyo-jaehyo stuff but it was great that u let them like that ~
everything was great! nice story! thanks ~
Chapter 15: oh my god!!!!
nice thing here!!!
and the all the pics!!!
love this!!!!
this story was great its so sad that it is over nows. v.v ubomb so cute seriously and zikyung~~ awws so wonderful they are together!!
damn, done already and i still havent started reading LOL, imma start reading right now!! hoho^^
Kya-!!! Ubomb >.< so, they already been together . If only I know from earlies . Muahahaha Jiho is jealous XDD I would never touch cucumber in my whole life XDD Cute ending :3 smiling like crazy while reading it.. Ima gonna miss this story TT____TT Author, you are the best, Love this story so much <3 jjang *thumbs up*