G-Dragon and Siwon...plus someone else...

My dreams ._.

there are two parts to this dream.....sorta, they dont really have much in common other than Siwon. i had the first one, then i might have woken up and went back to sleep and dreamed the second one. i probably woke up becaues my dad was talking to me.

i remember that G-Dragon was playing video games. He had headphones and one of those microphone things for the game. So he couldn't hear me or my friend. i have no idea who it was, all i know was that someone was there with me trying to talk to him. Siwon was there talking with us as well. i had a controller for...the x-box? and he was playing the ps3. i started pressing buttons on my controller, pretending that i was playing alongside him. GD finally paused his game, looked at me and what i was doing and started laughing. i looked at him innocently and then i started laughing with him and he smiled finally and shook his head.


the second part

Siwon and Donghae were wearing karate uniforms and Siwon started walking away. Dongahe was scared Siwon was going to fight him or hurt him or something like that, threw a stick at him and ran behind something. Siwon looked at me, and i turned around to walk with him but i thought there was a pole. so i got a little scared and jumped a bit. i told him that and he started laughing a lot. he turned back to Donghae and started walking, only to trip, i laughed at him, and ran away then he started chasing me.

so yeah, those were my dreams or whatever. did i mention that this took place in a parking garage? haha

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KPOP93 #1
Ooh, your second dream is scary lll~ I need to post mine! >o<