
Five Days

Junsu found it harder to get up with each morning. Ever since the sasaeng issue exploded in their faces and Yoochun's father died, everything started to feel somewhat meaningless. He could feel meaninglessness seep through his entire body: his torso refused to budge, his arms won't leave his side, his legs decided to rebel against movement, and even though he could see dawn's first light peep through his dark colored blinds, his mind declined any effort to even get out of bed.

His eyes drowsily scanned his room for anything that would motivate him to get up. Everything in his room was in its usual place.

Computer. Sound system. Weights. Shoe Rack. Door. Girl. Closet...

With a jolt, his eyes jump back to the space between the door and the closet. He thought his eyes were deceiving him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. When he opened them, he saw there, seated on the floor, a young girl no older than he was, with brown eyes and black, wavy hair. She was looking at him with eyes neither probing nor malicious. She was just sitting there, waiting for him to say something, like how a pet would stare at her owner before mealtime. The softness in this girl made him half-convinced that she was a sasaeng. If she was, she would've ransacked his room or him by now. But no. There she was, sitting quietly, waiting for him to react to her presence.

"Who the heck are you and how did you enter my house?" Junsu said, trying to sound more alarmed than he actually is.

"My name's Liv." she replied in Korean. It was only now that Junsu realized that she didn't look Korean at all. She had bronze skin and deep set doe eyes that could never belong to a local Korean, "The sasaengs taught me a thing or two. I asked them how to get into celebrity houses... I just didn't say that I had your house in mind."

"Don't worry. I'm not one of them. I just wanted to talk to you about a few things." She continued.

Junsu got off his bed, haphazardly wrapped himself in his bathrobe, grabbed Liv's arm and led her towards the front door. "You really shouldn't be here. I don't know you and I don't know how you got in here. Please leave before I call the police."

Liv didn't struggle. Junsu found this odd. Usually they'd struggle or fuss whenever he led trespassing fans to the front door. Liv just looked at the floor, disappointed. She sighed, "Is there really no chance for you to hear me out?"

"Give me one good reason to."

"I only have five days left to live. And I decided to spend them with you."

Junsu was dumbfounded. Liv's eyes showed that she was speaking the truth. He loosened his grip on her arm and stared at her. She didn't stare back, but he could swear she was fighting off tears.

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Chapter 3: Love your story.. Update please..
junsu was right
liv so cheerfull for someone who is gonna be to die
@Jun_KOI_Mi Yes, well I've always imagined Junsu to have a very kind heart... and be very sensitive to other people... So, he's like this to Liv. ^^
Like it!
Junsu has kind heart to help her
Yes, they are! :) I plan for that in later chapters. :)
wow intense......are the rest of dbsk going to appear some what, I totally love this.....^_^ hope you update soon, good job!
omg, this sounds awesome lol, he was probably freaked out how she hid in his house like a ninja, please update it...btw was listening to One Direction-One thing, while reading this, its awesome....^_^aktf