Chapter Five

Today, Tomorrow

“So does this mean we’re allowed to have girlfriends now?” Junho asked, looking at the way Wooyoung and Jieun sat next to each other on the couch at 2PM’s dorm much later that night.


It probably wasn’t the best idea, considering the warning JYP gave them and the fact that Jieun’s manager was under the impression that she was at home resting, not at a boy’s dorm. And getting miss A involved probably hadn’t been smart either, but they had to smuggle Jieun out of the concert somehow.


“Technically, she’s not my girlfriend,” Wooyoung said.


Junho raised his eyebrows, clearly unimpressed. “Then what are you to each other?”


Wooyoung looked over at Jieun, who was looking at him expectantly. “We’re best friends. Our contract doesn’t say anything about us not being able to have girls as friends.”


“So, she’s your girl…friend?” Junho asked.


Wooyoung nodded. “Sure.”


“It’s not fair,” Chansung groaned, producing a banana from somewhere. “How come Wooyoungie gets to date and we don’t?”


“What date? We haven’t gone anywhere!”


Chansung sulked and started peeling his banana. “Yeah, because the two of you will get mobbed.”


“Maybe not mobbed,” Junsu said. “But you’ll definitely wind up on Dispatch.”


“I think it’s adorable,” Taecyeon spoke up, grinning at them from the armchair next to the couch. “Now the fanfic I’m co-writing with Suzy can have an ending!”


Jieun’s eyes widened and she looked over at Wooyoung. “I thought Jin Young Oppa was joking about that?”


“…I assumed he was,” Wooyoung mumbled, slightly alarmed.


“Yah?” Nichkhun started, glaring at Taecyeon from the other side of Wooyoung on the couch. “I thought I told the two of you to stop writing that?”


Wooyoung groaned, letting his head fall back against the couch. “You guys are really embarrassing.”


“Well, if Jieun sshi is going to be part of the family, then she’s going to have to get used to it,” Junho declared.


“Don’t scare her!” Wooyoung slid off the couch and pulled Jieun up with him.


“Where are you going?” Taecyeon cried out. “I was studying the two of you so my characterization won’t be off for my story!”


This was why Wooyoung only told Nichkhun certain things. He sent Taecyeon a glare and pulled Jieun along behind him out of the living room and onto the balcony, away from the prying ears and eyes of his group mates. “I’m sorry about them,” Wooyoung apologized, wincing at Jieun.


She sat down on one of the lounge chaises set up on the small balcony and smiled up at him. “It’s okay. I think they’re all so funny.”


“So you’re not bothered by any of the teasing? Because they’ll do that a lot and I can make them stop if you want me to,” Wooyoung assured her, sitting down next to her on the chaise. “I just don’t want them to scare you away.”


Jieun reached over, her small hand finding his, and she gave Wooyoung a shy smile. “I’m not going anywhere. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.”


“What?” Wooyoung asked, his eyes going wide. “How long? I thought you didn’t like me before?”


“Why did you think that?”


“Because! You were always avoiding me and you never liked texting or calling…” Wooyoung trailed off, giving Jieun an incredulous look. “That’s why when you texted me about the joke, I knew something was off.”


Jieun looked embarrassed. “I avoided you because I liked you. And you made me nervous, so I was always worrying about saying something stupid and making a fool out of myself.”


“I make you nervous?” Wooyoung asked, a slow smirk forming on his lips.


“You did. But not anymore,” Jieun said, wagging a finger at him and then laughing at his crestfallen expression. “I’ve gotten to know you now, so there’s no reason for me to be so nervous.”


“Well,” Wooyoung started, untangling their hands so he could slide an arm around her shoulders. “You still make me nervous.”




Looking away from her, Wooyoung smiled a little to himself. “Because you’re not like any girl I’ve ever met before. And I’ve never really done this sort of thing, so I don’t want to mess it up. I just want you to be happy.”


Jieun was quiet for a moment and when Wooyoung dared to sneak a peek at her, he found her watching him with her own little smile on her face. “I am happy. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.”


“Then I’m happy,” he told her with a grin.


Returning his grin, Jieun leaned over suddenly and gave Wooyoung a quick peck on the cheek. “I’m glad,” she said as she pulled back, looking at him shyly.


Wooyoung reached out with his free hand to cup her cheek gently and bring her face back closer to his. He looked her in the eyes, silently asking for permission and when she just smiled at him, he figured he had gotten it. Closing the small distance between them, Wooyoung leaned forward and brushed his lips against Jieun’s, letting his eyes flutter closed. He pressed closer when Jieun tilted her head and deepened the kiss, feeling his heart try to beat right out of his chest.


Suddenly, something hit the glass of the balcony door and Wooyoung and Jieun tore apart in time to see several 2PM shaped shadows through the blinds trying to scramble away. And someone sounding an awful lot like Taecyeon was cursing at Chansung for bumping into the glass.


“Aish,” Wooyoung murmured, closing his eyes tightly in embarrassment. He was going to kill them. “I’m sorry,” he started, opening his eyes to look at Jieun, expecting to find her angry. He was surprised to see her laughing instead. “Jieunie?”


She covered and kept laughing into her hand. “I’m sorry,” she said in between laughs. “They’re just so cute.”


“You can have them.” Wooyoung shook his head and laughed a little.


Jieun’s laughter died down and she gave Wooyoung a bright smile. “I think I’m pretty satisfied with the one 2PM member I have already.”




She answered him by wrapping her small fingers in the collar of his shirt and tugging him towards her for another kiss. And it was uninterrupted this time.

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Chapter 6: i like it so much
Chapter 6: So cute I love the milky couple ♥
Laaaaate, but thanks everyone. <333
Chapter 6: Wish this becomes true.. Love this! ^^
Dhanaletta #5
Chapter 6: Omo...i don't know how many times i read this story...even now i'm still reading it..^^
Pleaassee...continue to this to make a story like this.
It 's feels like a reality..^^
Chapter 6: Read and really enjoyed your story. One of the best written one
I have read so far. I hope you can find the time to continue this.

Chapter 6: Late, but thank you! ^_^
mihaelaalexandra #8
Chapter 6: very funny the part of taec and suzy fanficion
and lovee the story <3
they're all soo cuuteeeee :3 great job on the story and the plot. really kept reading till the third one :) keep up the good work
Thank you! There's still more to come. :D