We Meet Again...

After All These Years (one shot)


Joohee's POV
"Teukie-ah, we need to talk" I entered his room and carefully shut the door. I'm so nervous right now that I can't  keep on trembling. We made love together and right now Im pregnant with his child for 3 months. I just don't know how will his reaction be.
"Talk about what? Talk about how you lost your ity to Myungjin? Huh?!" He stood up from his bed and walked towards me while I stepped back. I don't know how knew about my dark secret.
"What are you talking about?" I questioned him with a scared voice. I didn't expect this would happen. I thought that he went to America and keep his mouth shut about this. I thought that I wouldn't see his face anymore. I thought that he will not come back and ruin my life once more.
"Don't play innocent on me. I know all about what happened. You had a one night stand with him for money he said
that you really liked it. You even secretly recorded it on video, didn't you Joohee? Huh?!" He went closer to me and held tight on my shoulders. I kept my eyes shut as those horrible memories flooded my mind.It was painful to reminensce the past.
"Li-listen to m-me-"
"Listen to what? All your lousy excuses?  Am I just your money provider? After all these years that I loved you and all along you are just this filthy , , gold digger and worst a liar!" 
I had it enough. I immediately packed all of my belongings while the tears roll down my cheeks. I don't care what he is saying right now. All I care is I got hurt and I can't stand the pain anymore. The pain of him being away for like 3 or 4 months in a year?The week after we made love, he left me for 5 months! And this is the only time I get to see and break the good news but it turned out to be reckoning one. It hurts. 
"It hurts being called a , , gold digger and liar when I didn't do anything of what you said." The pain is  still visible in my heart. It still hurts saying this infront of him right now in a shabby coffee shop. I don't expect him exchanging out greetings.
"I'm sorry if I hurted you like that in the past. Sorry for judging you too quickly without knowing what exactly happened. May I care to know what really happened?" He replied with a sad tone. I looked in his eyes and saw the sincerity and regret for all what he did. He still love me and I still love him too.
"Yeah. Not here. In my place anytime you want" I fixed all of my things and ask the waitress for a take out of a slice of chocolate cake.
"If you don't mind, may I know tonight?" I nod at his request and he thanked me. While waiting for the waitress, we had a brief telling of tales of our lives. It was already seven. Youngjin must be awake already. I thanked the waitress and paid the cashier. We were supposed to be riding a taxi but Leeteuk offered a lift to my house.
The ride to my house was quiet and awkward. He asked me to whom the chocolate cake is for. I replied him that it was for someone who is special and important me. As I opened the door to my house, I can already hear Youngjin crying. I offered Leeteuk a sit and excused myself for a while.
"Shh... Youngjin stop crying right now. Umma is here." I picked Youngjin from his crib and slowly rocked him so he
could stop crying. It was a hard responsibility leaving Youngjin alone with no one to take care of him. I can't trust anyone
with him. I only wanted him to recognize that I'm the only one who took care of him since he was still a baby.
"Joohee-ah, tell me who is the father of your child." Leeteuk surprised me from behind. I looked at his eyes and was near on crying. Youngjin stopped crying after Leeteuk carried him. Youngjin giggled at the presence of his appa. I can't help but to tear up and cry. I'm clinging to the hope that we can be reunited as a family again.
"Tell me who is his father." I remained silent as I watched them. It was heart warming at the same time, threathening
"It's your child Leeteuk" I hesitantly said. I'm scared. Im scared that Leeteuk will take Youngjin away from me. He is the only one who could make me happy despite the stress and difficulties I've been.
"Please don't take him away from me please." I pleaded him and knelt in front of him. I'll give up everything 
even my pride just for Youngjin. I can't imagine him being taken away from me. I silently cried and hoping that he won't take
him away. Suddenly, I felt his hands on my shoulder and slowly helped me stood up. The next thing I know is I get to feel his
lips again. It was a passionate one and he encircled his arms on my waist while I wrapped his neck with my arms. The kiss 
lasted long and hugged each other for a long time. 
"I'm sorry for all. I'm sorry if I didn't get to hear your side and for judging and calling you those stuffs. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you before. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry. I love you and I still do. I just wanted for us to be a happy family." He let his tears roll down his cheeks and looked at my eye seriously.
"I forgive you... but I still need to think on your request"
"Anything for you to cover all of my mistakes and all of the pain"
"You need to win my heart again first." 
Tada. It was short, I know. xP
Tell me if it is nice or whatever and if you want me to make a series of this. 
Thank You!
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claire3leeteuk #1
SERIES please!
Glad they got to be a family~
Oh I enjoyed it:) leeteuk needs a lot of making up to do though
Okay OuO
pianomc08 #5
@bombompoww- I'll try :) I just need to finalize the plot in my head :)
series TT^TT

but not the long one. just the short one