I fell in love with my sculpture~

I fell in love with my sculpture~

“Sure you don’t want to go to the movie?” This was about the thousandth time Jiho had asked me that. Why should I go anyway? What would really be the point but to watch him and Simon flirt with girls? I just shook my head and turned back to my precious marble. “Why won’t you come? I could get you a girl and you’d be able to have some fun.” Jiho’s tone annoyed me.

“You know exactly why I won’t go. Those creatures have no interest in me and I have no interest in them. If you’re going please go, you’re distracting.” My words came out low and harsher intended.

“See you later Woohyun” With those final words I was alone. I don’t understand why he and Simon were so persistent to find me a so called “girlfriend” they knew how I felt about those vile creatures called women and yet they kept on. Every chance they got, they would invite me to parties, movies, or dinner’s where various girls would be waiting.  For as long as I could remember women have always disgusted me, I’ve always hated them, with their imperfect features, their seductive ways it all just made me sick to my stomach. There wasn’t a proper female on earth in my eyes; if I wanted someone I’d have to make them myself, which honestly didn’t sound like a bad idea at times.

Hours passed and before I knew it I had completed yet another sculpture, to my surprise it was a beautiful young woman. She seemed so real her lips were plump and slightly parted, her jaw structure was softly rounded, her waist was slim, and her hair fell passed her shoulders. She was perfect. I was so caught up in my thoughts I hadn’t realized what I was sculpting I just let my hands have their way. I’ve always been one to be proud of my work but looking at the art in front of me I was mesmerized, she’s so beautiful, though she was made of marble she was absolutely stunning. “Beautiful.” I whispered as I caressed her cold cheek before walking out of my studio. The night breeze ran through me, I’d spent my Saturday in my studio with my one and only passion sculpting. Once I arrived home I made no attempt to make food, I showered and headed to bed.

“Woohyun……Woohyun come and catch me!” before I could see her face she was frolicking through the meadow her long raven tresses not far behind her. Who was she? How did she know my name?  I had some many questions for her I needed to catch up to her, but no matter how fast I ran she was never close. “You’re really slow.” She would giggle and taunt me, making me run faster. Why was I even bothering?! I felt as if I ran forever before I was able to feel a thread of her hair on my out stretched finger. The feeling didn’t last long, the soft strands were now solid and so was the girl. She’d turned into stone still in her running position her arms were by her side and feet were barely touching the ground. She could have been flying if I didn’t know any better. I walked around to face her dead on…. BEEP! BEEP!

I threw my alarm clock dirty looks. “Was it really just a dream” sighed before smacking the clock. It was Sunday a day were people my age would be getting over their hang overs, pretending to pay attention in church, or better yet sleeping until it was night again. Me on the other hand I was heading back to my beloved studio were my sculptures were waiting for me. After an hour or so I was back where I belonged, my studio. I glanced ahead and there she was standing in all her glory, I walked up to her and repeated my actions from yesterday caressing her smooth, cool cheek “Good morning gorgeous.” I smiled before walking away and gathering things together for my next project.
All the while I talked to her, it may sound crazy but her being there brought comfort to me, she was my own creation after all. I started to wonder what she would be like if she were real, she’d be perfect, kind, caring, and everything I’d want and need. Sighing I realized how stupid I must have sounded.


“Hey!” I looked up to see Simon, Jiho and a woman making their way towards me. “Staring into space huh?” Simon laughed and ruffled my hair.

If looks could kill he’d be lying on the floor cold, he knew I hated being touched. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked coldly. I don’t see how these guys have managed to stay friends with me so long I’ll admit I’m not a social butterfly, I don’t like people, I stand being around them and yet here these two are always here to intrude in my life.

“We just wanted to introduce you to Tae Soon. She’s a match maker.” Jiho chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“A what? Do I look like I need a match maker? Get out!” I felt highly offended, I didn’t need a match maker I needed my space. I could feel my blood boil. I was so busy glaring at Jiho and Simon to notice the woman had moved over to my masterpiece.

“She’s very beautiful.” She whispered before running her hand over my sculptures face down to her shoulder. It made me even madder seeing some stranger touch her!

I snapped “Everyone get out!” I’d never raised my voice before and this was shocking to everyone as they rushed out of my studio. My breathing was coming out ragged and my skin was burning “What gives them the right to come into my space! Who do they think they are?” I was so angry I saw red; I looked over to see her still standing there peaceful and still. I wrapped my arms around her slim waist and held her close. “Why can’t you be real?” I whispered before kissing her cheek.

I stayed there with my arms around her until I felt a pair of arms wrap back around me. The cold stone was no longer hard but soft and plump, I could hear breathing. Was I hallucinating? I stepped back to see that my masterpiece, my perfect woman was standing there, standing right in front of me. I could do nothing but stare.

“Hello…” her voice was soft and meek; it was music to my ears. How could this happen? My throat became dry everything I wanted to say, was gone. Am I really going crazy? “Please call me Gyuri  from today on? Ok?” she smiled as she stated her words. Seeing her, hearing her, it made my heart flutter. I couldn’t believe she was real I didn’t want to believe it.

“Gyuri…..Do you know how long I’ve waited for you.” Were my final words to her before I closed the distance between us and kissed her lips.


Yes Gyu is a girl lol I'll be rewriting this to make him a boy soon so just be patient lol what do you think of this?~ 

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Chapter 1: I'm shock!! How did the sculpture come alive?? it's a little bit cliff hanger tho but the end is sweet
blueblurrry #2
Hi!! It's a bit late, but your fic is lovely~ I'm a new writer and my first fic is also going to be about girl Gyu too! Just as I thought I was the only one I came across your story and wow I'm glad that someone shares the same thoughts with me! :D
woosoogyu #3
Chapter 1: Gyu...? Girl....? For a minute, I thought it was another person... So you gonna change Gyu to a guy...?
Unique storyline you have here... ^_~
ah did you repost this? i read this before but i didn't have time to comment :X
anyway i loved the concept of this, very original indeed ^^,
and you're going to turn gyuri into a boy soon?! hahah yay!!! :D
shedding-dream #5
LOLOLOLOL~ i thought it's gyuri KARA too =__________=
Gyu..ri?! I thought it was Gyu KARA =w= mahn, you made me heart attack </3 but hey, to me, girl Gyu is the cutest person ever <333
Awww...This is really cute and I can't imagine Gyu as a girl but I'm pretty sure he would be a really pretty one.