While sitting at the room, Donghae sat beside Jessica. He sat closely then leaned in to kiss her. At first, she was hesitant, but her heart says yes. What can she do?



They kissed softly, not until Donghae's tongue invited her for a battle. She responded back, as she moved her hands to his back.


His hands roamed to her body. He started to her shirt.


Jessica stopped him.



'I promise, I'll be gentle.'



[A/N: So yeah, they did it. I can't write more than this lol. Just Imagine.]











Jessica woke up, she felt something heavy in her waist. It was when she saw herself and reality hitted her that they did 'it'. She slowly removed her hands, and got up. While changing her clothes, she heard Donghae sleeptalk, 'You leaving now, Sunye?'



Jessica was shocked. She  was the said-to-be Donghae's girlfriend from the other school. A pang of jealousy hitted her. She rushed dolling up herself to leave.










Jessica avoided Donghae for months because of the name Sunye. She didn't know why, but she felt so mad.



She's taking a breakfast when suddenly, she feel nauseatic. She ran to the toilet and vomitted. Her stomach feels weird too.








'Fany-ah, you know we did 'it', right?' Jessica shyly asked her bestfriend.


'Yeah, why? Do you want to do 'it' again?' Her naughty bestfriend asked back.


'F-fany, I-i ...  I think I'm pregnant....'

Silence occupied the whole room. As the two both stopped.



'J-jessi, a-are you sure? Have you taken the test? Have you-'


'Tiff, I haven't that's why I'm here to ask for your help. Your unnie is a nurse right? Maybe she can help us to get a pregnancy test kit?'












The two cried, as the test window showed positive. What are they going to do? How can Jessica tell him? Now that she is the one who's avoiding him?










To: Fishy

From: Jess



Lee Donghae, meet me at the Cafe near the school at 4. Today. And you MUST come.









Donghae recieved a message from her for the first time.



'Why do she wants to meet me all of a sudden? After avoiding me....... Aish!'


The innocent fish scratched the back of his head because of frustration.










'I..... I'm pregnant'

Jessica spoke the two words that changed the fish face to the total opposite.





It occured between them. Yes.


Lee Donghae ran outside the restaurant.

Jessica's tears fell nonstop as it was the only answer he gave her.






'I'm a father! Woooooh! I am now a father!!'

Donghae shouted like a madman when he stepped outside the restaurant.

He saw Jessica crying in the glass window and he rushed back to her.



'Yah! Why are you crying? Aren't you happy we're becoming a family now?'



Jessica raised her head,




'I asked, aren't you happy we're a family now!?'












It's been two months since scary events started.

Lee Donghae dyed his hair black to formally introduce himself to Jessica's family. While Jessica, who found comfort to Donghae's funny family.


Everything's going alright between them, except Donghae who dropped school and worked.




One beautiful day, a girl and a group of 5 gullible boys are walking inside their campus.


'Where is Jessica Jung?' The pretty tanned girl named Sunye asked the boys who was easily fell for her unpowerful charms.





'Hi there, Jessica'












'What are you doing here, Sunye-ssi?'


'Let me get straight to my point. Why did Donghae dropped school?'





Sunye pushed her. She fell on the stairs. Blood started to trickle on her legs.



'W-what the...'

Sunye said in scared tone.





The So-Cal girl Tiffany shouted while running.


'Are you alright?'

She asked in english


'My b-baby....'

She answered back in english.



'Hold on Jessi, Hold on. You and your baby will survive, I promise.










Donghae is walking home from work. The snow is so pretty, he guess. He wants their child to be a winter baby, as it'll be perfect. He saw a pair of cute hand crocheted small socks.



'How much is this?'








Despite the unsureness of the identity of their baby, he bought a blue pair of sock.






'Donghae-ah, Jessica! She's in the hospital.'













Everything that Donghae could imagine about their future is gone. His hopes crashed down when he saw the lovely yet pale looking girl tucked up lifelessly in the hospital bed.



'He's gone.'




The voice from his back said. It's not that loud, but clear enough for him to hear. It's just two words, but right enough for him to understand.









Little did they know,








The cruel fate between Donghae and Jessica just started.......














LOL I was supposed to post this chap few hours after posting the first one. But being stupid me, ofc I forgot to unmark the Hide chap thingy .. Sorry for that LOL

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zicky_yun #1
Chapter 2: Please update TT.TT
njemus #2
Chapter 2: Update soon pleasee
zicky_yun #3
Chapter 2: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh update soon please HaeSica Lol
jessimeow #4
Chapter 2: OMG! This is so sad! Aren't you going to update? :(
Update ..
Gaaaa I wana push sunye....why did she do
That is she bipolar...and what do you mean
It has just started????
smurfette #7
It's so sad T ____T
immagorjess22 #8
Speaking of koizora please don't make donghae dies here :|
Ooh!! What's gonna happened next? Update, soon~
Jazzy101 #10
Please update! I LOVE THE STORY SI FAR! ;D