Love You

Note: Sorry if Grammar wrong.. ^^


Yoona [ POV ]


" Kyaa!~ Why you laughing at me? " Donghae argue to me..

" Annyie.. Your story is too funny!! hahaha!! :D " " Ouch!~ "

" It is hurt? "

" Kencana.. ( Alright ),  I go first.. " I go up from the chair and .... " Bye funny DONGHAE!~ "

" Kyaa!~ " Donghae shouted at me..

" BYE! " I'm running while say goodbye at Donghae..

I run to lobby.. " Ouchh!~ " My shoulder is hurt.. 

I'm looking for a bathroom, suddenly I saw the place that Donghae has singing before and I go in..


Donghae [ POV ]


" This girl.. "  I'm running looking for Yoona..

Suddenly I saw a handphone on the floor..

" Whose the owner? " I keep it and continue looking Yoona..

Suddenly, I saw Yoona at the bar..

I go in to the bar..

" Waeyo? ( Why ) "

" Kyaa!~ You surprised me, glad I don't have heart attack! "

" What r u doing here? "

" Annyie.. ( Nothing ) I just want to see.. "

" You want to sing? "

" Embo? ( What ) "

" I can help you to being popular, and the world will know you.. "

" Ne?! ( What ) , Ouchh!~ "

" Why you don't go back to room if your shoulder hurt? "

" I want to go but before I want to go room..... "

" Whatever, fast give me the plaster.. "

" I can do for myself.. "

" Kyaa!~ ppalli!! ( fast ) "


Yoona [ POV ]


After Donghae put the plaster at my shoulder I sitting on the floor..

" What r u doing there? " Donghae said..

" Wae? ( Why ) Cannot? "

Suddenly Donghae sit beside me..

" What r u doing here? "

" Wae? ( Why ) Cannot? "

" You also copying me.. "

" What your family doing? " suddenly Donghae said..

" Ohh.. My mother loves to garden than she open a garden and flower shop.. "

" Father? "

" Ohh.. Father leave us when I born.. Mother say, father have emergency and cannot come back till now.. "

" Sorry for that.. "

" Kencana.. ( It's alright ) My mother say love will come anytimes if we looking at it.. Until today, I doesn't found my love.. "

" First love also? "

" Ne.. ( Yes ) "   My eye tear fall down..

" R u crying? Sorry.. If I so far.. I just want to know about your story.. Let's go out.. "

" Do you like me? "


Continue.. ^^

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Chapter 3: wow it is an interesting story
please update
grilsgenerationlover #2
will update soon.. :)
Yoonhaenadz #3
Update soon:)...
grilsgenerationlover #4
subscribe plz.. ^^