Together Forever

You Are My Everything

I've been crushing on this boy for a while now his name is Lee Byung Hun he is really smart and intelligent yet he is kind of mean. He has black wavy hair and likes to read a lot of books. He is super cute a lot of girls like him which kind of makes him unreachable, but today I will have courage to ask him if he could tutor me.


"Hey L.Joe." I said cheerfully.


"Do you want something?" He asked hesitating to look at me.


"Well I kind of need your help. You see I'm having troubles with my studies, so I was wondering if you could tutor me." I said.


"I’m kind of busy at the moment." He said.


I kneeled in front of him and pleaded so many times that he finally gave up. He told me to come at his house at 6 pm. When I got to his house it was so big and elegant.


"You’re here." He said dreadfully while opening the front door for me.


"Yeah, glad to be here."  I said with a smile.


"Let's do this quickly. Follow me to my room so we could start." He said walking up the stairs.


I followed him to his bed room it was so beautiful and peaceful. He had a nice balcony with a telescope.


"Do you look at the stars and stuff?" I asked.


"Sometimes when I’m bored…" He replied.


"That is so cool!” I exclaimed.


"Let's just start." He said. “And can you stop wearing those glasses? You’re not even smart but yet you look like a nerd.”


I huffed and ignored his mean comment about my glasses. We started studying. I have learned so many things from him but there were some things I still did not understand. I did not bother asking him.


"Oh my! I did not notice the time, I have to go. Thanks for tutoring me. Let's do this again tomorrow. Bye." I said heading out.


L.Joe tutored me for the last couple of weeks. When it was finally time to take the exam it was really easy for me. One week after that we had the results. I was glad I passed.


"I passed the test!!!" I told Amber and Sulli.


"You are so lucky.” Amber said. “I probably failed it. I’ve never been good at math.”


"Tell us how you did it?" Sulli asked.


"L.Joe is tutoring me." I said quietly.


"OMG! Really? You're so lucky." They both said.


"Alright, be quiet." I said.


"What are you screaming about?" Hyuna asked.


"None of your business." Amber said.


Hyuna just rolled her eyes.


"Jade don't come near L.Joe again, asking him to tutor you. You are so pathetic. Don't you know you just got lucky? Stupid girl, L.Joe would never fall for you.” Hyuna said and walked away.


"You alright?" Amber asked.


"Yeah…" I said.


At lunch I sat next to L.Joe.


"Hello! Can you continue tutoring me?" I asked.


I really liked spending time with him.


"I don't know, I'll see." He said.


"Really? Thank you so much" I said giving him a hug.


He pulled away as soon as I hugged him.


"Don't do that. Just eat your lunch" He said.


It was dismissal time. Hyuna was outside she grabbed me by my elbow.


"Jade. Sorry for being so mean to you earlier." She said.


She gave me a pink envelope. "I want you to come to my pool party. Hope to see you there." She said and walked away.


I could hardly believe that Hyuna was being nice to me. I also don't know how to swim, but if L.Joe is coming then I am too. L.Joe continued to tutor me. The more time I spend with him the more I fall in love, but I had to focus on my grades so I could have a better chance going in to college with L.Joe


“I have to tell you something.” I said to L.Joe.


He sighed “What?”


“My birthday’s tomorrow.” I stated.


“So?” He retorted.


“Well, you are my friend and friends get each other presents on their birthday” I said with an annoyed voice.


“I don’t think I’d consider you as one of my friend.” He said.


“Why? Is it because I’m a girl?” I asked


“No, I want to be friends with someone who is more sophisticated” He said.


“I am sophisticated!” I exclaimed.


“No you’re annoying” He said with a smirk.


“Hey! Why do you have to be so mean” I said quietly.


“If I’m so mean then why did I agree to tutor you?” He said.


“Cause you felt sorry for me?” I asked with a tiny voice hoping what I said was right.


“No, I just felt like the world needed fewer idiots.” He said.


“Well thank you for tutoring me but I’m not going to sit here and watch you insult me. I’m leaving.” I said standing up and walking toward the door.


He grabbed my hand.


“I was just kidding, but you got to admit you are pretty stupid, and you can’t take a joke anymore? Where’s that annoying girl I used to know who used to joke around with me all the time?” He said.


“You weren’t joking!” I said furiously.


“I was, just sit back down” He commanded.




“Is there anything else you don’t get about the classes?” He asked.


“No, but can I ask you a question that doesn’t have to do with this topic?” I asked.


“Fine. What is it?” He asked.


“Are you going to Hyuna’s pool party? It’s the day after my birthday.” I said.


“I might go if I don’t have to do anything that day.” He said.


OMG I really want him to go!!!


“Why? Do you want me to go?” He asked.


Could he read my mind?


“Well, it’s your decision but I would like for you to come.” I said.




“Oh. I got to go. I’m going to be late.” I said heading out for the door.


“Alright. Goodbye.” He said.


When I was walking home I wonder if I should tell L.Joe I like him, but I’m afraid he’s just going to manipulate my feeling so I decided not to. When I got home I was so tired.


“Where have you been?” My mom asked


“You see my friend is tutoring me I go to his house every 6 p.m.” I said.


“Oh is it a boy? Is he rich? Is he cute?” My mom asked.


“Yes, yes, and yes.” I said.


“Then you guys should go on a date” My mom said eagerly.


I sighed “Mom, just because a boy is rich and cute doesn’t mean I should go out with him.”


“Your daughter is right.” My dad said


“You shouldn’t force your daughter to go on to random dates.” My dad said.


“See mom? Dad gets me” I said


“Anyway, where does he live, who’s his parents? Is he a bad kid or something” My dad asked.


“I can’t exactly tell you where he lives, but his house is very big and really elegant. I haven’t met his parents yet but I’ve seen pictures of them, his mom is really beautiful and his dad looks like him but the much older version.” I said with a smile remembering all those pictures he showed me.


“Darling, I think your daughter has a crush on this boy, she even smiles while talking about him.” My mom said quietly.


“Honey, I don’t think she does, please just stop this, let her focus on her education first. Once she finishes college and gets a job she could have all the boyfriends she wants to have but of course it has to be parents approved.” My dad said.


“Do you really think I can’t here you guys? Both of you at whispering.” I said.


“You’re here?” Hoon asked.


“Of course, I live here.” I said


“I thought you would never come back since your to busy spending time with your rich boyfriend” He said playfully.


“He’s not my boyfriend! He’s my tutor.” I said.


“Ha! You really need him. A LOT!” He said running up the stairs.


“Get back here you idiot!” I said following him upstairs.


When I entered his room I immediately saw a picture of a girl his age. I grabbed the picture and examined it.


“Is this your crush?” I asked


“Hey! Give that back to me.” He said loudly.


“No, unless you tell me who it is…” I said lifting the picture up so he can’t reach it.


“Give it to me you jerk!” He screamed.


“Then tell me who it is!” I demanded.


“Fine it’s my crush. Now give it to me.” He said.


As soon as I lowered the picture down he immediately snatched it away from my hand.


“How did you get a picture of her? You stalker!” I said with a playful smile.


“Hey! Why are you blaming me? I got my stalkerish ways from you!” He said accusingly.


“Why you little freak!” I said while messing up his hair.


“Don’t dare to touch the hair” He said pulling away.


“So have you told her you liked her?” I asked.


“No why should I?” He said.


“Cause maybe she feels the same way about you too.” I said.


“Maybe. I don’t know how to tell her I like her” He said.


“Just write her a love letter.” I said.


“No that’s stupid. Just leave!” He said.


“Alright I’ll leave, you don’t have to be so mean” I said leaving his room.


I went into my room and jumped on my bed. The next morning my parents greeted me a happy birthday. When I went to school most of my classmates greeted me. My friend gave me gifts and a cake. I was so lucky to have them. After school I went straight to L.Joe’s house. He was actually waiting for me he said he wanted to start early.


“You know it’s my birthday today right?” I said.


“Yeah I know” He said.


“Here,” He said while handing me a beautiful heart necklace with three little stars under it.


“Wow! Thanks! But I thought you weren’t going to get me anything.” I said.


“You don’t want it? I’ll take it back” He said.


“I didn’t say I didn’t want it. I just thought you didn’t care.” I said.


“Well I was feeling generous today so that’s why I gave you that necklace.” He said.


“Well can you put it on me?” I asked.


“Why can’t you do it? I’m sure you’ll find a way.” He said.


“A gentleman isn’t supposed to say that” I said with a frown.


“I don’t care. You’re lucky I even gave you a gift.” He said.


“Jerk.” I said in a tiny voice.


“Let’s just study okay?” He said.


“Okay but I have to be home early.” I said.


“Okay, then let’s get started.” He said.


Today was a little different. He didn’t teach me anything about school. He just told me how to concentrate while studying he gave me a lot of tips. I really learned a lot. I noticed the time and I knew I needed to leave.


“I got to go.” I said.


“Alright, but what’s your birthday wish?” He asked.


“For you to be nicer and to come to Hyuna’s pool party tomorrow” I said with a grin.


He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Just go” He said.


When I got home my family threw me a surprise party. My friends were there too. They give me all kinds of gifts. I was really thankful.


“Where did you get that necklace? It’s pretty!” Sulli said with a smile.


“L.Joe gave it to me.” I said.


“Awww… You guys are so sweet” Amber and Sulli said together.


“Oh shut up. By the way did you get invited to Hyuna’s pool party?” I asked them.


“No! We don’t want to be invited; we never would have come anyway. Wait. Did you get invited?” They asked.


“Yes.” I said in a quiet tone.


Amber punched me slightly on my shoulder.


“Why didn’t you tell us?” Sulli asked and crossed her arms.


“Well I thought you guys were invited, and I forgot about it.” I said.


“Are you coming?” They asked.


“Yes, but only because L.Joe’s coming.” I said


“Aww…” They both said at the same time.


“So does that mean I can come?” I asked them.


“Of course you can.” They said


“One problem, I don’t know how to swim.” I said.


“That’s okay. Just fight, fight, fight!” They said with a laugh.


The next morning I went to Hyuna’s house for the pool party.


“Jade, I’m glad you could make it” She said with a smile. She led me to the pool.


“Wow. How deep is it?” I asked.


“It’s 7 feet deep.” She said.


“That’s very deep” I said.

“Yeah.” She said.


“Where’s all the people. Is L.Joe here?” I asked.


“They’re inside the house. They said they didn’t want to go to swimming yet.” Hyuna said.


“Where did you get that necklace?” She asked.


“Oh, L.Joe gave it to me for my birthday” I told her.


“Do you mind if I could take a closer look at it?” She asked.


“Sure” I said while taking off my necklace and giving it to her.


“It’s very nice. It’s real diamonds. It must have cost him a fortune, too bad it’s going to be destroyed.” She said.


“What are you talking about? Give me back my necklace!” I said.


“You want it? Then go get it.” She said and threw necklace in to the pool.


“Why did you do that?!?!” I said.


“Oops I guessed it slipped. If it’s really important to you go get it.” She said.


I jumped into the water and grabbed my necklace. I couldn’t swim so when I got to the top I asked for help but Hyuna just walked away.


“Help me!” I screamed.


I could hear Hyuna and L.Joe talking.


“Where’s Jade?” He asked.


“Help me!” I yelled once again.




He jumped into the water and rescued me.


“Are you okay?” He asked.


“Yes. I’m so sorry.” I said.


“For what?” He asked.


“I couldn’t get the necklace that you gave me.” I said wearily.


“It’s okay I’ll go get it.” He said then he jumped into the water and tied the necklace around my neck.


“Now let me ask you a question. Why would you jump into the pool? When you don’t even know how to swim.” He said.


“I was going to get the love star necklace, and I didn’t drop it in the pool Hyuna threw it.” I said.


 “Would you stop making up lies. It was an accident.” Hyuna said angrily.


“No it wasn’t I was there. I never should have came.” I said while heading towards the door.


“I’ll drive you home” L.Joe said.


“But the party just started L.Joe, if she wants to leave let her.” Hyuna said.


“No it’s okay I’ll get her home.” L.Joe said.


After L.Joe dropped me off at my house, my parents started asking ridiculous questions about L.Joe and why I came home so early, but I went straight to my room, my friends were there.


“Why are you so early?” Amber asked.


“Yeah, and why are you wet? Did you go swimming?” Sulli asked.


“I didn’t swim; it was more like I was drowning.” I said.


“What? Why? But I don’t get it why would you swim if you didn’t know how to?” Amber asked.


“Well, Hyuna threw my necklace that L.Joe gave me into the pool, so I went to go get it, but I drowned. Although I was very lucky because L.Joe was there and he saved me.” I said.


“OMG that is so sweet!” Sulli said.


“I guess it was, but for me it was like a nightmare.” I said.


“Don’t worry were gonna get revenge on that girl.” Amber said.


“No it’s okay.” I said.


“Whatever, you’re no fun.” Amber said.


“Well I’m going to sleep. I’m really tired.” I said.


“Okay. We’re going to go home now. Bye!” They said.


After a couple of weeks, I told L.Joe how I really felt about him.


“You like me? You really didn’t need to tell me, I already knew…” He said.


“Oh. Do you like me?” I asked.


“I don’t know. Should I?” He asked.


“What kind of question is that?!” I said


He leaned close to my face.


“I’ll tell you when I’ll start to have feelings for you.” He said and walked away.


What is up with that guy?


The next week after L.Joe’s weird behavior he invited me over to his house.


“Why did you invite me here?” I asked.


“If you don’t want to be here you could leave.” He said.


“No it’s okay. But what are we doing today?” I asked.


“We’ll be looking at stars.” He said.


We went into his balcony and he let me see the stars.


“Wow. They’re really beautiful.” I said joyfully.


“Yeah, they are. Have you heard of the legend, when 2 people stand under a love star they will fall in love?” He asked.


“No, is that what the love star necklace stands for?” I asked.


“Sort of…” He said.


“So does that mean you like me?” I asked.


“I don’t know you tell me.” He said.


“Would you just stop with all the clues already and just tell me how you feel!” I shouted

He laughed. “Alright, come down. I guess I do like you, but I don’t know why. Tell me what did you do to me?” He asked while gazing at me.


“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything to you.” I said.


“I know. I just thought you would answer differently than I expected.” He said.

He stood up from his chair and he hugged me.


“I thought you didn’t like hugging.”


“I guess I do now.” He said while smiling at me.


He kissed me on the forehead.


“Look a shooting star!” I shouted.


“Make a wish.” He whispered.


My wish was that L.Joe and I will be happy forever, I didn’t have anything in mind so I just chose that, I didn’t regret it though.


“What did you wish for?” He asked curiously.


“I’m not telling you, it might not come true” I said.


“Okay, but can you at least give me a hint?” He asked.


“It’s good for both of us.” I said happily.


“I should have known.” He said smiling.


He held me close to him and he whispered to my ear.


“Well what I wished for was for us to be together forever…” He said.


Thanks you for reading! :)
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awww... this was such a cute one-shot saengie! ^^
thank you so much for writing it. c:
this was super duper cute. it's too fluffy, harhar. :3
that's a good thing, btw. love chu! ^___^;
---49days--- #3
Very fluffy. I like it. :) Good luck!
thanks for your entry! :)
this was so fluffy. too cute. ^^
hahaha l.joe is quite mean at the beginning.
glad he softened up towards the end though.
thanks again for entering! <3