I Like...

Notes Of Love

Jihyeon fiddled with her pen, and after a while, she started doodling on her notebook. She looked up, the teacher was still holding her teacher's math guide, chanting away at the class.

There was a knock on the door suddenly, and Jihyeon turned to look, curious. Her teacher opened the door, peered outside, and she seemed to see someone, walking out.

The door shut. And all Jihyeon could hear were some soft mumblings behind the door. When the door reopened, she diverted her attention to the door immediately.

Her teacher walked in, and behind her, was a guy. He was sort of short, his shoulders were hunched inward, and his fringe flopped up and down as he walked. His face was covered with a hoodie, and he was looking at the ground.

But what caught Jihyeon's attention was his hoodie, it was white with black dots and...it was like hers, hers were white with black ribbons. One of her friends, Rin, always teased that she looked like a cow, and a mad cow at that.

Suddenly, someone poked her from behind, "Jihyeon ah!"

It was Rin, and Jihyeon gave her an annoyed face before she could say anything.

Looking at Jihyeon face, Rin started laughing, and patted her shoulder, "Your cow couple, right over there."

Jihyeon gave Rin a unbothered face and turned back. Couple huh...She looked at the new guy again, blushing a little.

"Class, we have a new transfer student, some of you may know him."

Know him?? Jihyeon curious piqued, and she stared hard at the guy.

The teacher continued, "This is Kim Junsu."

And as she said that, Junsu looked up, smiled cheekily, and did a peace sigh, "Yo!"

At once, there were squeals around the class, and even Jihyeon couldnt stop herself. OMG!!!! It's Kim Junsu from 2PM. I think I'm gonna die!

Rin saw Jihyeon's reaction and tapped her again. "Who's he?"

"How can you not know him Rin??? He's Kim Junsu! From 2PM!"

"2PM?" Rin gave her a confused look.

"YESS!! Its a band! They just won at the recent Star Auditions, they had gotten the first place! And apparently, Junsu is my favorite!"  Jihyeon said excitedly, her heart beating fast. What was he doing here??

"Junsu, you will sit behind Rin." The teacher pointed to his seat.

Behind Rin?? Wasn't that a seat away from her, Jihyeon smiled happily, inside, she was practically screamingg.

As Junsu walked past Jihyeon,he knocked into her table by accident, and Jihyeon's pencil rolled off. Junsu immediately, bent down and picked it up.

"Ah Mianhae! Here's your pencil." Junsu smiled apologetically, and handed the pencil to Jihyeon. As she took it, her hand brushed against his and she blushed, looking down quickly, "It's okay!"

Before Junsu walked to his seat, he leaned down, hands in his pocket and whispered to Jihyeon, "Love your hoodie."

Jihyeon face became totally red, and she tried to breathe slowly, her heart was pounding fast.

Throughout the lessons, Jihyeon couldn't concentrate, knowing that Junsu was in the same room as her, and that he was so near.

It was finally the last lesson, music, and the teacher, knowing that Junsu was a singer, asked him to sing for the class.

Junsu had nodded shyly, going up to the front. Then clutching the mike in one hand, he smiled and started singing.

"Baby I need you...I wanna rock with you......."

Jihyeon listened in bliss, his smooth voice and elegant articulation touched her heart. She closed her eyes, enjoying it. This was why Junsu was her favorite among 2PM, his voice, it was beautiful.

After he finished singing, everyone thundered into claps.

 Junsu bowed and noticed the girl with the similar hoodie smiling and her cheeks were red. She was cute, and they were almost like wearing couple hoodies. He needed to know her name.

When he went back to his seat, he tore a piece of paper from his notebook, and he wrote:

 What is your name? -Junsu ^^

He then tapped Rin, who spun around.

Junsu smiled and whispered, "Could you pass this note to your friend infront of you?"

Rin's face showed confusion at first, but soon it dawned on her what was going on and she grinned. "Sure!"

Skillfully, Rin took the note and in a flash, threw it over Jihyeon's shoulder, and it landed on her desk.

Jihyeon jumped a little when a ball of paper dropped on her desk. Rin's note?

She quickly opened it and her eyes widened when she saw that it was from Junsu. Was Rin making this up? Wait, no it couldn't be, she hated those "^^" things.

AHH! Junsu asked for her name! Was he interested in her? No way! She cleared her head of such ridiculous thoughts and scribbled down:


I'm Park Jihyeon ^_^

Then, she passed it to Rin, who managed to give her a ertic smile before passing it back to Junsu.

Oh, she replied! He opened it up. So she's Jihyeon, what an adorable name! Hmm, I hope she'll call me oppa. He wrote again:


Jihyeon ah, how old are you? -Junsu ^^

As Jihyeon read the note, she blushed again, he wanted to know about her. She hurriedly answered back:

I'm 18, so I guess I have to call you oppa? is that okay? -Jihyeon ^_^

Passing it back to Rin, who passed it to Junsu. Rin gave Jihyeon a death glare.

"I see it."

"See what Rin?"

"You know, the thing I hate the most. That pointy pointy smiley. Ugh, it's so irritating." Rin gave a pig face, and hit Jihyeon's head softly. "Bleh! I'll let you use it this once!"

Junsu chuckled when he read the message and wrote back:

Yah! Jihyeon knows my age? You are a stalker? >xC  -Junsu oppa

Almost snatching the note from Rin, Jihyeon read the message, and quickly answered:


No oppa! >< I'm just a big fan of you! I really like your songs! -Jihyeon :\

Junsu laughed to himself. She was so cute, seriously, he was just joking. She even put a sad face, aw! He scribbled back:

kekeke! Im joking Jihyeon ah! You are too cute! Don't make me laugh like that! -Junsu oppa ^.^ keke

She was going to need a new notebook. Jihyeon tore out another piece, and wrote:

Aw Junsu oppa! Don't tease me! I am embarrassed >_<  -Jihyeon ^_^

Junsu was starting to like Jihyeon. She wasnt like everybody else, who would be the one asking the questions. Instead, she respected him as someone older, and let him do the asking. He smiled to himself.

keke but Jihyeon is cute when she is embarrassed x) -Junsu oppa ^^

As Jihyeon read the note, her cheeks turned even redder, and heart started thudding faster and faster. He had called her cute so many times! and...he was teasing her! OMG! Jihyeon couldn't believe what was happening.

Not wanting Junsu to wait for long, she quickly write back:

Wah don't make me blush :,X -Jihyeon ^_^

He made her blush? Junsu smiled even wider and his heart beat was faster.

You blushing Jihyeon? I wish I could see it -Junsu oppa <3

Jihyeon almost fell off the chair when she read the message. She had to read it twice before she was sure. Junsu, is flirting with me...omg, I really can't believe this!

Yes, I'm blushing >< I don't want you to see it. Or I'll blush harder -Jihyeon :3

Since you don't want me to see it, I won't. But I'll imagine it. -Junsu <3

Oppa...that's so sweet of you. I'm really blushing now -Jihyeon <3

Jihyeon held her breathe as she wrote the heart symbol. It was her first time writing it to a guy, and not any guy, it was Junsu.

Junsu could feel a warm feeling in his heart, was this...love? He liked Jihyeon, and he knew it. He understood that it was too fast, but this may be the only chance, he had to try it.

Jihyeon...can I tell you something? -Junsu <3

Jihyeon wondered about what he was going to tell her. Her heart was now thudding furiously, and her cheeks were very red.

Of course you can -Jihyeon <3

Junsu took a deep breathe and wrote what he wanted to say down. But before he could get to the third word, someone had taken the note. When he looked up, he saw that it was the music teacher.

"Read it! Read it!" Most of they boys from the class chanted.

"It's says, I like. That's all. Junsu, would you mind sharing with the class?" the teacher said strictly.

But Junsu didn't hesitate at all, instead, he walked to Jihyeon's table, looked at her, smiled and said loudly:

"I like you, would you go out with me, Jihyeon?"

-The End-

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HAHAHA. <----my reaction
yuiko_rj96 #2
:) kewl......
Eeeeeeeeeee. I'm practically squealing alone in my room because of this story!! :D <br />
Sooo schweeeet <3 <3 <3
kyeoptamest #5
ok i read this story again and i loved it LOL~ ;)
awww, that was so sweet and cute XDDD
beastified #7
i don't think i can tell whether i'm screaming or squealing. LOL.<br />
Anyways. The ending's so sweet. Great story(:
Gosh! I am into my fangirl mode cause of u! :P So sweet ! Junsu oppa so brave liao! :DD
kyeoptamest #9
OMG i love it! hahaha so sweeet at the last part~