The Notice

The Warmest Glow
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The blaring alarm clock shattered the silence of the empty house, jolting Wooyoung from his sleep. He looked like he hadn't slept at all, with his dishevelled hair and dark circles under his eyes. His shirt was half ed, and he was soaked in sweat, as if he'd been through a marathon in his dreams.

With a sharp intake of breath, he snapped awake, his heart racing. He glanced at the alarm clock with a mix of frustration and despair, silencing it with a heavy hand. Rubbing his face vigorously, he tried to shake off the exhaustion clinging to him like a heavy cloak. All he wanted was some rest, but how could he even think of sleeping when Y/N and their daughter had been missing for two agonizing weeks?

"Broken" didn't even begin to describe the shattered pieces of his soul. With a determined sigh, he pushed himself out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom.

If you asked Wooyoung how he was feeling two weeks back, he'd probably have said he was feeling a mix of love and contentment. He had this big plan in mind - taking Y/N and Grace back to his home in Seoul, proposing to Y/N with this stunning ring he picked out himself. That ring? It was always close to his heart, quite literally, hanging around his neck like a pendant. Finally finding happiness after five long years since he reunited with Y/N, those memories painted his dreams with bright colors. But every time he woke up, reality hit hard - they weren't there with him.

Just a month, that's all the time he got with Y/N and Grace before they vanished. Or to be precise, they were taken away. It's this messed-up rumour about some government order to incapacitate the immigrants who weren't just tourists.

Government Order

To Whom It May Concern,

Subject: Implementation of Measures Regarding Illegal Settlements in Jeju, Joseon, and Busan

In light of recent events, and in response to the concerning incidents occurring in our regions, the Government of South Korea has taken a decisive stance on the matter of illegal immigrant settlements. Effective immediately, we hereby issue the following order:

1. Illegal immigrants settled in the regions of Jeju, Joseon, and Busan, excluding tourists with valid visas, are to be apprehended and detained by law enforcement authorities.

2. This measure is undertaken to prevent further instances of recklessness and misconduct witnessed on September 20th, wherein a girl fell victim to exploitation by certain individuals residing illegally in our territory. Additionally, substantial damage to property was incurred as a result of their actions.

3. The government emphasizes the importance of upholding the rule of law and safeguarding the welfare and security of all residents and visitors within our borders. Any individuals found to be in violation of immigration laws will be subject to appropriate legal action.

4. We urge all citizens and residents to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying and reporting instances of illegal settlement and related criminal activities.

5. These measures shall remain in effect until further notice.

The Government of South Korea remains committed to ensuring the safety and prosperity of our nation and its people. By enforcing these regulations, we aim to uphold the integrity of our borders and maintain social order.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Wooyoung still vividly recalled the day he received the letter from the government. It was a chilly afternoon in Seoul, the remnants of his recent vacation to Jeju still lingering in his mind. During his time there, he cherished every moment with Grace and Y/N, relishing the opportunity to make up for the lost years. However, he knew all too well that one month couldn't possibly compensate for the five years that had slipped away.

With plans to bring Y/N and Grace back to Seoul, Wooyoung had returned ahead of them to ensure everything was perfect upon their arrival. He wanted to create a warm and welcoming environment, a place they could finally call home. Little did he know that this decision would mark the last time he laid eyes on them before they vanished without a trace.

The memory of their faces haunted him—Y/N's gentle smile and Grace's hopeful gaze etched in his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling of regret that gnawed at him, wishing he had stayed by their side or even whisked them away with him to Seoul. But alas, the future remained elusive, and hindsight offered no solace. If only he could have predicted what lay ahead.

"Would you like us to come with you? I'm well aware of the state of your room, and Grace... well, she's as messy as you, after all, she's your daughter," Y/N suggested as Wooyoung busied himself with packing his bag for the trip back to Seoul. He needed to attend to a few arrangements to properly welcome Y/N and Grace. Wooyoung had been staying at Y/N's spacious home since he found them. His vacation was coming to an end, and September was almost over, with just two days remaining.

He expressed his desire to celebrate Grace's birthday in Seoul and to introduce Y/N and Grace to his department. He wanted everything to be perfect.

"No, I want to welcome my ladies perfectly," Wooyoung asserted as he dropped his bag on the couch and approached Y/N, who cradled Grace in her arms. With tenderness, he cupped Y/N’s cheeks, his eyes reflecting determination laced with love, commitment, and an unspoken promise. "I’ll be back in two days, and then I’ll take you both," he murmured softly, his thumb grazing Y/N’s cheeks. Though tears threatened to spill from both their eyes, they refused to let them fall. Y/N nodded gently, surrendering to the warmth of his touch.

A soft smile curved Wooyoung’s lips; the realization that he would soon be with Y/N, and now with his daughter too, filled him with joy. He glanced at Grace, tears shimmering in her eyes as she pouted, her innocence tugging at his heartstrings. She looked so adorable that he yearned to squeeze her cheeks endlessly. "I’ll be back in no time, princess," he assured her, gently bopping her nose.

"I'll miss you," Grace whispered, her voice trembling with tears, as she reached out her arms toward Wooyoung, silently pleading to be lifted by him. Wooyoung, with a gentle smile, gladly scooped her up, holding her close and pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "I'll miss you more," he whispered softly.

"Okay, Grace, let daddy go so he can come back soon," Y/N chimed in, her voice attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere that lingered, especially challenging after five years of separation. Wooyoung gently set Grace down, and she clung to Y/N's finger, ready to bid farewell to Wooyoung. Reluctantly, Wooyoung grabbed his bag, preparing to depart, when Y/N caught hold of his hand, her gaze downcast, almost as if she feared meeting his eyes. A rush of warmth flooded Wooyoung, his heart quickening its pace. Y/N had held his hand before, but each time, it stirred butterflies within him whenever they were close.

"Come back soon," Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible. Wooyoung turned to face her, gripping her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Please," she added, her expression tugging at his heartstrings. The last time Wooyoung had seen such vulnerability on her face was when he had ended their relationship. Without hesitation, he pulled her into a tender kiss, their lips fitting together perfectly like a completed puzzle, before enveloping her in a tight embrace, tears welling in his eyes.

"I promise to come back to you," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity and longing.

Pushing aside both beautiful and painful memories, Wooyoung embarked on his venture to locate Y/N and Grace. Currently, he found himself seated in the office of the Commissioner General, seeking insights into the recent implementation of the controversially localized immigrant capture rule. It was on the 28th of September when he first received the official notification about this matter. While the directive seemed straightforward—capturing illegally residing immigrants within South Korea—a perplexing question lingered: why were individuals with permanent residence status, like Y/N and Grace, being apprehended, notably from a place like Jeju?

"Superintendent General Wooyoung, I understand your concern," the Commissioner General began, his tone composed despite the weight of the situation, "but rest assured, all illegally residing immigrants have been detained for either deportation or incarceration. I can confirm that neither Y/N nor Grace is among them."

Listening intently, Wooyoung's jaw clenched as he absorbed the Commissioner's words. Despite his efforts and the official reassurance, he remained clueless about the whereabouts of Y/N and Grace. His tension palpable, the Commissioner, observing Wooyoung's demeanor, offered a sympathetic insight.

"Wooyoung, I understand your frustration," the Commissioner said, his voice softening slightly. "However, it's essential to recognize that as law enforcement officers, even with our esteemed positions, there are limitations to our authority, especially when it comes to governmen

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It's definitely not over yet 🤭
Although I haven't started the next volume yet.....but I believe it'd be even better than this one😄
Wait for some more surprises 💖💖
49 streak #2
Chapter 10: There is lot to uncover.

First, it is someone who knows Christopher and Mingi. Then having thr same jackets is more than a coincidance. Mingi is either set up or setting things up. I am unsure where he fits in the story. Maybe the real culprit made the blame fall on Mingi. Maybe Han is involved. He directed them to Hyunjin.

The end is nowhere near and I am buckled up, reasy for more twists and turns for this story.
Hehe....Yeah you're in for a surprise 🤭
49 streak #4
Chapter 9: I don't think that Yubin and Grace are dead, that may be another trap or maybe they just closed the case for good since they don't have any evidence or the case is too dangerous to follow.

I will be on a lookout for anyone in the team or in close relationship with the guys who is injured. Though you won't reveal it so easily, I will Channel my inner detective and look for clues.
49 streak #5
Chapter 8: Maybe the missing son case and Yubin's and Grace's dissapearances are connected. The whole thing is bigger than any of them can imagine.

Wooyoung not responding is more serious, mayne if they pressed more, a possible bad turn of events could be avoided
Mingi is a little bit selfish but hey, that is what being in love does to you. He kept the promise but a the same time maybe Yubin would have preferred for him to break it. Maybe the whole disappearance could be avoided but Mingi didn't do it on purpose. He is a good guy with uncontrollable heart.
49 streak #6
Chapter 7: Hyeri has no business talking things like that. She knows nothing. Wooyoung has enough suffering kn his back already.

That passerby might be just a random person or someone connected to the case. His words of having places to be sound suspicious. As if he knows that Wooyoung has no place to go to, no place he can call home anymore. Not without Yubin and Grace.

At least they got a lead. It is better than nothing. It might turn useful when they least expect.
hehe.... I am glad you are intrigued @PinkDramClouds
Ohh... interesting guess...I like it.
let's see who turns out to be the mole.... hehe...
49 streak #8
Chapter 6: Mingi might have fallen for Yubin but he valued the friendship with Wooyoung to cross the line and act on his feelings. It must be horrible, being stuck in the middle of a friendship and love. He is strong and might find someone who feels the same as him.

The both cases are mysterious. The poor woman, she had suffered so much, hopefully the men who did that get their punishment.

Same goes for Just Kyung. An innocent boy who just wanted to work and earn some money for himself and his last remaining family. Only to be caught up in some evil scheme which cost him his life.

Or maybe he wasn't that innocent and maybe is roaming the streets being perfectly fine and alive, or he is hiding but then he would had to fake his death which is hard task.

Maybe the grandpa has something hidden. Some secrets.

The coin, one small little coin holds so many secrets and maybe a possibility to solving the cases.

Maybe Yunho is the mole? It would be a good tactic to appear frustrated and involved while actually sabotaging the case and evidence.

I hope it is not San, that would be a big stab in the back for Wooyoung and everyone else involved .

The story is getting more and more interesting within each chapter! Good job!
49 streak #9
Chapter 5: The ending is heartbreaking. Wooyoung is feeling the pain no one should go through, losing everything he loved and cared about when he had just got them in his life.

San is a good friend who was able to lift the burden away from his shoulders, even if by just a little.

Wooyoung's journey on getting his family back won't be an easy one but he can do it. When stakes are so high, impossible becomes possible.
Oh, yes, please keep those creative juices flowing! Maybe it's Mingi, or perhaps I'll throw in a surprise twist at the end. Hehe... Stay tuned to discover where Y/N has disappeared to or who might have taken her. Your curiosity fuels my writing, and I appreciate it so much!