
Our Happily Ever After


She walked outside to pick up the mail, searching for one in particular.


Today I got a job, but I’m a lot less happy than I thought I would be. With this job, I’ll be making more than enough for myself to live on; I could get us that pair of couple rings you once pointed out, but you’re not here. 100 days without you, I still love you and I still miss you. I’m sorry.


She placed the letter in the little box by her desk along with the other 99 letters. She wanted to go back, to come back and tell him that she believed him, and that she still loved him.


He had explained it all to her, and really, she did believe him. Yoona was treacherous enough to pull this horrible trick on her, so what would stop her from fooling Taec as well.


But one line had stuck with her,


“Yes, at one point, I did love her…”


She was already so hurt, so broken; she didn’t need to crumble even further.

It was cruel, it was selfish, but Eunjung had to know, had to know if Taecyeon truly loved her, or if he was still in love with Yoona. So she’d test him just a bit longer, and if his heart remained true the way hers did, maybe she’d take the risk of getting hurt again.




I don’t know how you can stand drinking tea in the morning. I’ve been trying to get used to it, but honestly, I’m only drinking this it’s so strange to see that these tea packets never run out. I wish you’d come back and drink this tea. 245 days without you, I still love you and I still miss you. I’m sorry.


You should see my wardrobe now, I don’t think I trust myself to go shopping without you. I don’t think I look that bad, but apparently everyone else does…are mesh shirts that bad? I wish you’d come back and steer me straight. 300 days without you, I still love you and I still miss you. I’m sorry.


I watched Green Lantern today. You’re right, I’m no Ryan Reynolds, even if I’m wearing spandex. Remember the day we first met? I wish I could turn back time and fix all the mistakes I’ve made in this relationship. 336 days without you, I still love you and I still miss you. I’m sorry.


I wonder if you ever even receive my letters or if Suzy finds them and trashes them all. I wouldn’t blame her, if I were her, I’d do just the same. I don’t deserve to be forgiven, but I wish you would forgive me. 364 days without you, I still love you and I still miss you. I’m sorry.




Eunjung took a few deep breaths, calming her nerves.

She was about to open the door when it opened on its own.

And they stared and stared.


She noted the letter in his hand, “you won’t be needing that anymore,” she breathed.


“Eunjung..I,” Taec started.


“I don’t want to hear it. Just answer my question,” she broke eye contact from him for a moment, anxiety building, “do you love me?”


“A letter each day everyday telling you how I still love you and how I still miss you and how I’m sorry for what I’ve done, all of that and you still don’t know the answer?”


“I just needed to make sure…”


Taec pulled Eunjung close for a chaste kiss on the lips.


“Are you sure now?”


Eunjung smiled, “you might have to show me again.”


“I love you,” he whispered in between kisses, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” 



A/N: I know this is short and sort of a super quick wrap up of the conflict, but sad moments are no fun x________x 

Plus, I wouldn't know what to write about with all this dreary separation period between the two characters.

So anyways, one more chapter after this seeing as how I don't know where I'd be going with this if I dragged this fic out. 

Ok byeee, thank you for reading. 

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greenjade21 #1
Chapter 10: Nice story! Loved how you tell their story. So nice. :)
pioushej #2
Chapter 10: nice job! its simple but funny and i love it! more taecjung!
cute cute cute ! i love ur writing ! u got talent in writing ! plz write more stories with eunjung :***
awwwww this was really fun to read
and heart-warming <333
Thanks for writing something like this and posting it up for other people to read ^^
new readers,
wew, I'm glad they were back together :)
they'r back 2gether
viola721 #7
Poor Eunjung...
I wonder what will Taec do!
please update soon!
kpop_ako_1026 #8
Poor Eunjung!
Yoona is evil... :((
Update soon. ^^