The Meeting

Our Happily Ever After

 “You have to check up on him.”


“I…I trust him Suzy”


“You don’t seem a hundred percent sure.”


Eunjung gulped, she was right.


“So what do you want me to do Suzy, spy on him?!”


“You make it sound so bad, just think of it as...watching over him!”




Her hand rested on his arm, slowly .


“I’ve missed you so much, I thought that I could forget you by leaving, but you followed me wherever I went.”


He smiled, a somewhat bittersweet smile, “I missed you too, but if I recall correctly, you left me for another guy and trailed him wherever he went.”


“Well look at you Taecyeon, acting all bitter and jealous, after all this time too. How did I ever give up a guy like you?”


She grabbed his hand, “don’t you think we can make it work again?”


He got up, “A fake voice and eyelash fluttering aren’t going to change the situation Yoona.”


She got up after him, wrapping her arms around his, “I’m sure I’ll find a way.”


He rolled his eyes and laughed, “doubt it.”


Eunjung and Suzy peeked out from behind their shades and floppy hats.


“Well, there’s nothing to worry about! He’s clear!”


But Eunjung, wasn’t so optimistic, “That smile he gave her…he…he still loves her…”




Eunjung came home, not sure of how to face Taecyeon.  


Walking into the room, she found him staring at something.


“Hey,” she whispered.


Taec jumped, quickly stuffing the photo in his pocket before coming over and giving her a kiss on the cheek.


“How was your day with Suzy?”


“It was…fun, what about your day with your friend.”

“Mmm, it was okay, though I much rather have spent it with you,” he said, hugging her tightly.


‘Are you just saying that because I’m here with you right now…?’ Eunjung thought to herself.




The more she fell in love with him, the further he seemed to drift away.


He’d shower her with love as usual when they were together, but he also seemed to be spending as much time as he could away from her.


Friends needing help with the most obscure things and interviews at the oddest times, when was he ever home anymore?




“Stop it, stop calling me out here.”


“Why? You seem to have no problem coming to meet me each time I call.”


“Old habits die hard.”


“Well, if we were together, you wouldn’t even have to try to suppress those habits.”


“I’d rather strangle these habits right now than get back with you.”


“Really now? Then why were you so excited when I first called you, why were you so quick to come and meet me? Face it, you’re still in love with me.”


“I was a ing idiot to have ever loved you, I’m sick of you playing with me, just leave.”


“Well who will you love then?”


“I already have someone.”


“Oh…” Yoona half smiled.




She sat, staring at the picture she found crumpled in the trashcan when the doorbell rang.


She opened the door and there before her was the girl from the picture.


“Hi, you’re Taec’s girlfriend right?”


Eunjung nodded warily, “and you must be his friend..." 




I recently went on a class trip to china, so I didn't really have time to be writing this, and I'm swamped with AP work right now, because it's like crunch time D:

So things will get even slower from now on

mianhae TT________________TT

gyuhhh i apologize 

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greenjade21 #1
Chapter 10: Nice story! Loved how you tell their story. So nice. :)
pioushej #2
Chapter 10: nice job! its simple but funny and i love it! more taecjung!
cute cute cute ! i love ur writing ! u got talent in writing ! plz write more stories with eunjung :***
awwwww this was really fun to read
and heart-warming <333
Thanks for writing something like this and posting it up for other people to read ^^
new readers,
wew, I'm glad they were back together :)
they'r back 2gether
viola721 #7
Poor Eunjung...
I wonder what will Taec do!
please update soon!
kpop_ako_1026 #8
Poor Eunjung!
Yoona is evil... :((
Update soon. ^^