Chapter four

Pulling Red Ribbons
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October, 1999


On a classic wednesday afternoon sat three girls alone in their classroom as the rest of the students had already left for recess. The strong beautiful hue of sunset-orange was shining brightly through the windows and therefore creating a warm heartfelt setting in the room. The birds and the students could be heard laughing and chirping from a couple of levels down below as the sun could be reflected on Jimin's long silky black hair, which was tightly held together by the iconic red ribbon. 

''It that you still have to attend those awful dates with these disgusting men,'' commented Ning with a concerned frown. ''But at least you're not going on your own?'' 

Aeri could be seen rolling her eyes by the latter's statement, ''Honestly I don't know which one's worse. Attending those dates overall, or by the simple fact that you have to go with Minjeong.'' Silence filled the room as the girls observed the unreadable facial expression on Jimin's face. Her bubbly self hasn't made any appearances as per lately, as a frown has always seemingly made a spot on her face. Aeri was worried if Jimin continued this way, she would have grown some wrinkles by the end of the school-year.

Ning looked at her, knowing that these charity events have always stressed her out, but never to this extent before. Therefore she wondered if it could possibly be something else, perhaps something that could be related to the new student? Jimin has never quite spoken much of her, but whenever she was around or whenever her name would be mentioned, Jimin would get awfully quiet. As if there was much to think and contemplate about. 

''Speaking of which,'' said Aeri, breaking the silence. ''I didn't know she was that rich? Is she really the daughter of the newest investor?'' 

''It's true,'' said Ning without hesitation. ''Our fathers have been in contact as well regarding the hospital, but they're awfully humble people. You wouldn't think people like her had that sort of money.'' 

Aeri sighed and turned her face away to stare at the school field outside of the window. ''Ugh, does this mean I have to be nice to her? I guess it's good for business.'' 

Ning scoffed with a chuckle, ''Oh really? So I can expect you two to go on shopping tour by the next weekend then?'' 

Aeri laughed and pushed the latter's shoulder lightly, ''Shut up. You'll see us with our arms linked actually.'' 

''And the next thing I know is you gifting her a brand new red ribbon, huh?'' 

Jimin turned her gaze towards her friends by that comment as it for some reason alerted her, ''What? No way. You can't do that. Those ribbons are gifted to the most promising students only. We've earned it. Only students who have made remarkable impact on this school throughout our years can be gifted the ribbons. Could they possibly afford to invest on more than three of us after graduation?'' 

''You don't think they are going to gift hers very soon?'' Questioned Ning.

''Absolutely not, no one has for several years, and they're not going to start now.''

''Well it's spreading like wildfire whos daughter she belongs to and she's been doing better than most newer students we've had in the past.''

''Oh so just because she's someone rich she's better than the other students that have joined? Don't act so highly now, that's absurd.' 

''I think someone who has beat someone who has been Top 1 Student for years within her first month, says a lot actually.'' 

''Beat me?! Stop flattering her, she's not worth it.'' 

''The first one to ever have accomplish that, not going to lie, it's impressive.''

''I SAID SHE'S NOT WORTH IT!'' Screamed Jimin from the bottom of her lungs, her hands slamming the desks in front of her, as her actions echoed the entire room. Silence quickly filled the air as the girls were caught completely off guard by her sudden outburst. Their eyes widened as they looked at the girl in front of them, who seemed to have held this inside for quite some time. 

''Oh, Jimin-ah, I didn't mean it like that.'' said Ning, ''I wasn't implying she was any better than you.''

''Yeah but you were definitely NOT not saying that either you idiot.'' Aeri's brow furrowed upwards in questioning, clearly judging the latter. 

Jimin shut her eyes in frustration as she threw herself back against her chair, a long sigh of exhaustion exhaled out of her as she slowly ran her lithe fingers through her long silky hair. Ning who looked at her so daringly had now an apologetic look on her face and it was almost laughable to Jimin. 

She scoffed, ''Ever since she came here she's been trying to up me the whole time. First thing, out of nowhere, completely interrupting something that had nothing to do with her. Second off, always receiving compliments about how pretty she is? Like she's totally just copying everything I do and what I wear. Third, now she's super rich everyone's suddenly not bullying her anymore?! What kind of crap is that. Everyone's just her just because they're afraid she might abuse her power or something, not that she has much of it though, and lastly.. Studying her off to up me on one test? Are you kidding me? How can you guys NOT see this?! She's desperately trying to be me so bad that it's tragic. I feel for her, I feel BAD for how tragic and pathetic she is.'' 

Aeri and Ning looked at each other dumbfoundly as they were completely speechless by Jimin's unexpected rant. 

''So what are you going to do then? You still have to go on that double date with her either way.'' 

Jimin sighed and rolled her eyes, ''I don't know, she didn't seem that low for going on those dates. She's probably used to them, like a little she is.''

The girls all laughed at that statement. 








The weekend came by a little quicker than expected and Jimin was already, once again, standing in front of a mirror wearing a dress for another occasion she would rather die than attending. But there she was, as well as her mother, prettying her up for the double date. Jimin couldn't remember the last time her family have allowed her to do as she wished. Despite serving the family as the perfect daughter, she did not feel like it, and yet she was doing all of this for a little bit of validation. Her future was basically already set and she could exactly pinpoint what she would be doing month by month for the rest of her life. Some people would have loved to have that sort of comfort and guarantee, to be able to know what would happen but for Jimin it felt inhumane and robotic. 

If she kept her position as the perfect student, several companies would be investing into her future as a student under the Red Ribbon Cult, she would also be attending Seoul National University, get a degree, continue on her parents' legacy and then it will be a matter of time before she will be married off to someone's son. Then after that she would carry the role as a promising housewife and to take care of their future children for the rest of her life. It all seemed perfect, too perfect and yet it was nothing what she ever dreamed of in life. In fact, she had no idea what she wanted. She just knew that everything she's ever known have never fulfilled her completely. Was it ungratefulness? She wouldn't like to think so. She knew she was privileged and gifted, she knew that very well, but why was she still staring at her own reflection with nothing but hatred and regret? She was supposed to love it, but she does though, doesn't she? It was all very confusing. She must've loved it, very much indeed, because there was no way she was still going to allow some bob-cut steal her perfect little life afterall. So she must be loving herself, right? Like she was completely drowned in her narcissism.

Perhaps it was good for someone like Kim Minjeong to come into her life, it made Jimin appreciate her own life a little bit more, and it boosted her self-confidence as well. That someone like that was desperately doing everything in their might to have everything Jimin touched. Because how wasn't that obvious? 

''You look so beautiful darling,'' said Jimin's mother with admiration in her eyes to which a proud grin suddenly appeared on Jimin's lips.

''I know.'' 








''I've spoken to Mrs. Yu and you have to be very kind to her daughter, it seems like she isn't a very big fan of these sort of events.'' The sound of her mother's voice was heard across the room. The dressing room was filled with music and chatters, her father speaking brightly to one of their maids as they were all seated together with a couple of tea and dessert in a heartwarming athmosphere. This kind of setting would be too unfamiliar in Family Yu's mansion. 

''Who would be, mom?'' Minjeong replied as she combed through her bangs, ''Going on a date with older men will never feel comfortable for any girl at my age.'' 

Despite the size of their mansion, their house has always felt like a home. It was never quiet, people were talking freely, and all of their employees were considered family. Music would be played loudly in the ballroom as her parents and their friends or work-related connections would be enjoying their time dancing and consume way too much food. Minjeong on the other hand, who was an introvert and enjoyed her comfort in silence, always felt a bit too awkward in those sort of situations. However, her mother's constant pestering on trying to make her daughter a little bit more outgoing has never succeeded. 

''I'm just saying, maybe you two can try to get a little bit closer from now on?'' Her mother pestered, her request making Minjeong feel slightly uncomfortable. ''She's such a sweetheart, I've met her a couple of times since the charity and she's always so beautiful, smart, and wise. Looking at her makes me wonder how not all daughters could turn out to be just like her.'' The words kept reminding her of the incident in the bathroom where that allegedly nice and beautiful angel was forcing her down against the dirty bathroom tiles to rip her hair out. She couldn't help but to let the words sting her. 

''Mom, you know I've got number one spot for the

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fhaust #1
Chapter 6: We are a few inches (or centimeters who cares) closer!!!
Wenrinaa #2
Chapter 6: This is so good 🥺. Can't wait to see their relationship development
ryujannie #3
Chapter 6: i need jimin to apologize to minjeong rn 😞
hOLyJiSOoChIrsT #4
hOLyJiSOoChIrsT #5
Chapter 2: chapter 2 got me bawling my eyes out already, this story is something
SSERAITZ 15 streak #6
Chapter 6: Yay, they became friends again
Keiko_ney #7
Chapter 5: Is jimin will go to minjeong room?
168 streak #8
Chapter 5: I hope after this whole situation Jimin can start her character’s development journey. I love her as a mean girl but in order for them to work out something I believe she has to improve herself. Im so glad she finally got to remember Minjeong, I knew it would be all thanks to the handkerchief. You’re doing an excellent job with this story author-nim. I really love it
WenRene_77 18 streak #9
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the morning for them to talk it out🤭
Chapter 5: Jimin now that you know its her, put your pants on and get your girl 🫢