Need to know better

Bitter but sweet defeat
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As Dahyun settled into dinner in Sana's cozy apartment, the aroma of bibimbap wafted through the air, filling her senses with comfort. Dahyun looked around the apartment, which was in milky white colour. 

“This looks amazing" Dahyun exclaimed softly, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she surveyed the spread before her.
Sana beamed with pride, a twinkle of satisfaction in her eyes as she watched Dahyun's reaction. "I'm glad you think so," she replied, her voice warm with genuine appreciation.


“I’ve never thought that you are person who express themselves” Sana said as she sit down 
“Well… we met each other in strange circumstances” Sana nodded to Dahyun’s words with thoughtful expression crossing her features.



“I don’t care in what circumstances we met, I admit it was strange but I don’t regret about my actions” Sana truthfully admits. 


Dahyun's eyes widened slightly at Sana's admission, her heart skipping a beat at the raw honesty in her words. She felt a flush creeping up her cheeks as she recalled their initial encounter—Sana's unexpected kisses that had left her both bewildered. 


"I... I don't know what to say, you are really something" Dahyun stammered, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to process Sana's confession.
“You don't have to say anything, Dahyun,” she said softly, her gaze unwavering as she met Dahyun's eyes with a look of tender affection. "I just wanted you to know."


Dahyun felt a swirl of emotions coursing through her—surprise, confusion, but above all, a flicker of something that she couldn't quite name. Despite the strangeness of their meeting, there was an undeniable pull, which Dahyun pushes. 

"I... I appreciate your honesty, Sana," Dahyun replied, and focused on her food. 

“I am saying it because I want to know you Dahyun. I am interested in you” Sana stated forgetting her food. Dahyun couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle at Sana's bold declaration, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. "Well, you certainly don't beat around the bush, do you, Sana?" she quipped lightheartedly, trying to diffuse the tension that hung in the air.


Sana grinned, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "What can I say? I'm a woman of action," she replied with a playful wink, her usual charm and confidence shining through despite the vulnerability of the moment.




“I see” Dahyun admits 



“I heard you like golf” Sana said which made Dahyun to look at her with surprise. 

“You play?” Dahyun's eyes widened with interest as she turned to Sana. 

Sana hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by Dahyun's question. She had never played golf before, but seeing the way Dahyun's face lit up at the mention of the sport, she couldn't help but take an opportunity "Uh, yeah, I recently started," she replied hesitantly, offering Dahyun a sheepish smile.


Dahyun's eyes lit up however Sana mentally lectured herself and tried to keep up the facade. "Well, you know, it's all about just... pushing the ball, right?" she said with, hoping Dahyun wouldn't catch onto her lack of experience. "I mean, how hard could it be, right?"

Dahyun grinned at Sana’s silly comment but she still nodded attempting to hold on the conversation. 



“How long have you been in Seoul with your restaurant I mean?” Dahyun initiated the question since she was interested how this young woman could keep up with such place. 



"Well, actually, it's a family business," she explained. "My dad owns a restaurant back in Japan, and I've been helping out there since I was a kid. But after graduation, I decided to try my hand at running my own place here in Seoul but still my dad helped out in first steps here"
Dahyun's eyes filled with admiration. "Wow, that's impressive! It must be so exciting to start your own venture," she remarked, genuinely impressed by Sana's entrepreneurial spirit.


"But it still requires some work, you know? There's always room for improvement." Sana replied, feeling a sense of pride swell within her. "But I'm loving every moment of it. It's challenging, for sure, but incredibly rewarding" looking at Dahyun. 


Dahyun nodded a supportive smile on her face. 






Evening filled where Dahyun unconsciously engaged in whate

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Thank you guys for your comments. At least I know that you are liking the story. I will update the story at the end of this week.


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12 streak #1
Hi! I'm curious to know if this story is still ongoing or if it has already reached its conclusion. I enjoyed your previous story, which seemed to have an open ending.
12 streak #2
Chapter 11: ........... 🤐🤭
Chapter 10: this chapter did put a smile on my face
Chapter 10: just found this out!! done reading all the chapters and I'm loving the story <3 can't wait for the next update
12 streak #5
Chapter 10: What a lovey dovey neighbours.
ggwp77 #6
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! Theyre so cute!😭
12 streak #7
Chapter 9: Cuddle buddy. 🤭
ggwp77 #8
Chapter 8: SANA’s persistence >>>>>😂😂😂
bonak321 #9
Chapter 8: living together 🤩🤩
dubutofuu #10
Chapter 8: Cute!!! Hehe