Chapter 1



March 14, 2012
Every year, I reminisce this particular day. Not because its White Day, but it was the day HE broke up with me. We went out for 4 years, but I guess I was blind and didn’t see this coming. 
 I walked around the neighborhood, trying to forget the pain, but it came back, lingering on her. She reached the nearby beach, and sat down. Its been 3 years, since that incident, why could I forget about him. I went out with other guys, but it was never the same. There was never a spark. And while he thought I was okay, it hurt me seeing him happy with another girl, my best friend. As I tried to cope with this, I ended hurting myself even more. 
I jumped on him and said “Do you know what day it is today” As I smiled. “What?” He replied coldly. I pouted. “You really don’t know what today is?” “No Yuri, I don’t.” My smile dropped “I see, okay then will you take me for ice cream?” He sighed “Look Yuri, we should break up. I just don’t feel anything anymore, and I don’t want to hurt you anymore.” My heart shattered “Wh-hat?” “I love Yoona, I said I don’t wanna make this anymore painful. Move on. We just weren’t’t meant each other.” He started to walk away. “WHY.” I yelled. “What does she have that I don’t? Tell me Minho. Wasen’t I enough?” As tears started to fall down my cheeks. “Yuri, I told you, I don’t feel anything, and I love Yoona. Find someone better than me, I’m not good enough for you.” and with that, he left. I felt my knees go weak, and I fell, and sat there, crying. 
End of Flashback
Unconsciously, tears started to fall.”Why Minho. Why. Why do I still love you so much, even though you were a huge jerk?” I was overcome with frustration. “Why was it Yoona, why wasn’t it me?” I stood up, and wiped my tears away. I started to walk back. As I was walking, I saw people playing with the sand. When I realized who they were, I immediately turned away. 
“Yuri-ah!” One called. I wiped my face, and tried to look okay. “Yuri are you okay?” Jonghyun asked me. I put on a fake smile “Yea I am” “Your eyes are red and puffy.” “I got sand in my eye”I lied. “Oh. Well come play in the sand with us.” “I’m okay, I need to go home and study.” I lied again. I didn’t want to go, because Yoona and Minho were there. It was too much pain just looking at them. Jonghyun looked to where I was looking at. “Oh. I’m sorry Yul.” “Anniyo. I’m fine.” As I tried to smile “I need to go home Bye” and I walked back home. 
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Also, check out my other fic
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MY1259 #1
Chapter 2: I loved it! XD
I always love HAPPY ENDING of minyul story :]
BlackPearl_Goddess #3
Although this story is short and depressing in the beginning, at least it had a happy & satisfactory ending... Hope to read another new MinYul story by you soon...! ^^
shimpo #4
even though its a short story i still like it......really true minhoo is really jerk in the story but maybe its true that they are not really meant for each other...^_^