❥ the contract

 ↳ 𝐃𝐆𝐃𝐆 ♥ ♡ ♥ 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵... // ᴀᴘᴘʟʏ ᴏᴘᴇɴ!
the contract.
the contract.
the contract.
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the basics // faceclaims! idols, actors, etc. as long as they got a decent amount of HD pictures and gifs that i can access. if you have a faceclaim in mind that might not fit those requirements, don't hesitate to drop me a pm and i'll be glad to help! please no racebending! if you're having problems finding a specific faceclaim for an ethnicity, don't hesitate to ask for help! there's only two plotlines that are foreign, which means they can be anything as long as they are not korean. the rest of the plotlines can be any nationality as long as they are ethnically korean.
the age range for the story is pretty young and normally i'd be one to go for a more older range, but due to the story plot of youth and growing up, the general age range is 2002 - 2005. the exceptions are for the amour and the cherub plotlines, amour plotline is 2001 while the cherub plotline is 2006.
as for languages, they must have a basic knowledge of korean before coming to korea (as for the foreign members). for max, about six languages and they can only be fluent in two or three.
persona // i have written it in the app itself, but i'll reiterate it here as well. four positive traits and four negative traits at the minimum! neutral traits are optional, but very much loved as they balance your character out more so than just positive and negative traits. i'm not so picky when it comes to length, but try to reach for about 2-3 paragraphs. you may add other things like horoscope, mbti, hogwarts house, and all that stuff, but it's totally optional!
please please please make sure to expand on traits and the like. if it helps, focus one trait at a time, that's how i do it.
as for background, make sure to give me the meat of what things happened to shape your character. how was their childhood like, family life? how did they get into music and wanting to be an idol? stuff like that. two paragraphs at the minimum. please make sure to specify if there are trigger warnings if necessary.
to the relationships! you only need to list those who are important to your character! you don't have to add any of the a.den staff to your relationships, but it's loved to see how they would possibly interact with them. your character can possibly be related to another idol, but make it reasonable and realistic. i might accept one or two idol relations.
the idol // a.den didn't fully open its doors for trainees until march 2021 all the way to october 2021. the shortest trainee time a member can go for is november 2021. the amour plotline is the only plot with the longest training time with a.den and entered around september 2019 alongside soloist moon yong.
dgdg didn't train long together, but they are young and there was an instant click for them, but, of course, they are young. there will be discourse due to mood swings, puberty, and the like.
unless otherwise specified, they may have trained at another company prior to a.den.
love int // i like to put this in it's own section because it's important. due to the fact that the age range is pretty young, i want everyone to really think their love interests through. with older love interests, i cannot stress that enough. can be idols or ocs. lgbtq+ is allowed and welcomed as well.
if you don't have an idea for your character's love interest, but give permission to matchmake him with another member or idol, please list out what are some possible traits or trivia that they would like to see in a possible love interest. all those little nitty gritty details!
other notes // i've posted this on the app, but please make sure to tag your app wiht dgdgcupids! it makes it easier for me to spy check out apps and will further help  with collabing!
PSA!!! there is nothing supernatural happening in this fic. the boys aren't actually cupids, it's just their concept (like exo being aliens). sorry if there were any misunderstanding!
i tried to use a layout that's easy to edit, but if you have any issues, you may use another layout...but please make sure to keep all the same information in it. <3
if any of ya'll want more information on moon yong, i currently just posted a miscellaneous thread for all things dgdg & a.den where an example app for yong is located! the thread is here!
currently, soloist moon yong and my character moon song are open for love interests! <3
taken things // here's a small list of taken faceclaims and talent twins!
faceclaims // kwon jungyeol (10cm), son yejin, kim heechul, jang dahye (heize), exo's kyungsoo, enhypen's heeseung, and atbo's junmin.
talent twins // kang daniel (overall), onlyoneof's yoojung (dance), and mirae's dongpyo (vocal), cha woonggi (variety).
brownie points // while none of these will give you a guaranteed chosen status, it will surely help you by garnering my attention.
 collabing! i love seeing people collab with each other :3c
 may be selfish of me, but adding my bub to your relationships or refering to him at some point. if you need more information on him, don't hesitate to contact me o/
 using less popular faceclaims! like verivery, cravity, e'last, p1harmony, wei, just b, tempest, tnx, 8turn, or xikers!
 fluffy coming-of-age love stories! not everything has to be full of trauma or constantly depressing. give me some boys crushing on pretty girls (or boys!).
 for the amour plotline, feel free to create the reason why he joined the company alongside moon yong. was he also a contestant on produce x 101, but was more of a dark horse? was he a previous yg trainee and old friends with yong? the world is your oyster.
 for the heart plotline, if no actual survival shows tickle your fancy, you are more than welcome to create a fictional survival show that he participated in. just make sure to give me as much information possibly and that it makes sense.
 for the muse plotline, choosing a career that is almost a polar opposite to being an idol (like he was going into the medical or law field), but then how did he get so good at singing?? convince me ;)
 the pw is what would their personal color be!
 i'll add more to this if i think of any~!
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 ❥ Finally_Home's review is now up! sorry for the long wait & thank you again for applying <3


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Hihihi! Is this fic still open?
31 streak #2
Chapter 3: found another one B}

AGSHFDSF I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE HIM and i did clarify that he speaks mandarin, thanks for pointing that out!

tbh icb we both have characters from the dongbei/northeast region because i usually only make beijingers LMAOO twas fate that led me to make this babie >:))


btw when you reach the end of the application cycle, just lmk and i'll nudge nancy a bit (or fill in my own love interest lmao)
Chapter 4: hello tis i the great pumpkin

first of all /inhales/ jahan is NOT just a babie bear idk what you've been seeing but that man is a mENACE???? mind, lost, bias list, destroyed, pain, extreme. you can suffer if i have to /srs. i certainly thought i was funny with his shimba/shimbo nicknames. he kinda a himbo. as the rESIDENT jAHANIST if i didn't give him a bear nickname i would have to revoke my jahanist card.
i think my description does him half-justice. i was particularly head empty when i wrote it but "side profile that could kill god" about sums him up. (also, appearances are always just "rina cries over faceclaim because she's a simp" and bonhwa is no exception. please help). I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE HIM i think he's on the better end of my characters and it was fun to write someone that isn't my usual (thorn/jason/kyunhee). this group will need all the braincells, of course. and he is one until emotions come into play /j
bonhwa is the devil, song, but only if you piss him off so just let him have his hellcoffee and he'll let you drink diabetes. he is short, but he is stronk. fear him. also, pretty sure yongha was the leader bc he was the oldest iirc. listen. not a good choice but it was A choice. bonhwa loves song i swear. he just also thinks song is an idiot.
originally, his dance twin was going to be arthur but i got to thinking and cheese nord fit the vibe Far better so i used him e u e and i am big simp for jahan's voice as we know, could cry facedown for an hour about that man (jk we know i don't cry over men).
listen... i just needed any excuse to make another survival boy, i love 1the9, under nineteen and 1the9 were a perfect timeline, i was that evil grinch gif when i realized i could be the devil. jahan would fit who you. he has the vocal range for it but i don't have the life span for that so let's not invoke him EVER covering one of my favorite songs thanks (i already had to see him dance to shinee) (god help me)
listen, someone has to not be scared of bonhwa. he doesn't actually bite unless provoked. let him have friends (and song)
just two unmoving statues staring at one another across a table. /j
listen idk why my brain said yongha should be the love int if i don't collab with someone but the brain spoke and i shan't argue.
THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING AND LOVING BONHWA i should go get ready and go to work now ily bye
Chapter 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this review was so cute!!! im so glad you like minki as much as i do <3 i havent written for applyfics in a few months so i was worried i'd miss the mark with him but im seriously so relieved that he came across well !! im excited to see where the story goes :D
how many times can we apply? i'm so bad at narrowing down ideas haha
Chapter 4: thank you so much for the nice (and fast) review! ♡ right?! i was gonna go the j-pop route, but then i remembered the beautiful gem that was justin! i wanted something that sounded like an old man that nobody in their life would ever use, hence reginald lol reggie will gladly accept any and every cuddle song throws his way! IM SORRY ABOUT BAEJIN but not really because he's underrated and amazing heh and if i'm gonna do one broduce boy i'm gonna do 'em all! this is indeed a winwin household! cue reggie fully reddened and yangyang slamming the door immediately lol if i'm honest i didn't know whether i should add astro. but yes we love a good myteen song over here. hehe thank you again for your review! this seems like such a wholesome story and truthfully i LOVE boygroup fics!
Chapter 3: this is such a stupid question but im so unfamiliar with new gen male idols >.< who is moon song's fc? :O
Chapter 3: *yeets in, knocks over several vases and accidentally steps on a cat's tail in the process*