The moment I saw you cry


It was late afternoon and Mirae should already be at home relieving the babysitter of her duties of watching Minhyuk. However a friend of her needed help for the upcoming homecoming dance. She decided being slightly later wouldn't hurt. So she used the long way home which is through an old abandoned park that hasn't been used in 15 years. The reason it was abandoned was a mystery for her. Walking and smiling remembering the fond memories of the old swig set. Her smile was replaced with a confused look. A handsome man was using the park.

He was not from this town she was certain. However, what stood out the most is the tears running down his face. She didn't know why but she hated those tears. She wanted to know what his face looked like when he smiled. If he looked this beautiful when crying then imagine the beauty when he smile? She walked over to where he cryed and sat beside him. Not sure of what she should do so she put her arms around him. She felt the person's body stiffen beneath her and relaxed after a while. The tears streaming down his face lessen.

She noticed the sun was setting and she let go of him. He looked at her startled that she was leaving but the look on her face told him she would return. Moreover, Mirae walked away leaving the man alone.

"My name is Bang Yongguk. What's your name?"

"Lee Mirae" She replied as she walked away.

Yongguk watched as she walked away repeating her name repeatedly. Determined not to forget the name of  the girl who had walked up to a stranger trying to stop his tears.

He wanted to see her again.

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ilabya5 #1
baekhyunblah #2
(y) !! <3 !!
update soon
exomania #4
Chapter 1: maito aki pakatasang ka
poweroftwo #5
Chapter 1: really shirt but nice!
short chapter , but i liked how they met ;
update soon ; :D
Whoa. I love how they meet!! DD: its so good :DD
I dont really like B.A.P that much (yet!) but because you wrote it, im gonna read it