Chapter 1

lover : annyeongz ver
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It was a getting-to-know session for one of my after-school curricular activities. I was in the drama club, the cheerleading squad, and student council. Today, however, I was at drama club, sitting in with a bunch of other strangers and trying to get to know each other.


I'm usually very awkward with these kinds of exchanges, not very good with talking about myself in big groups (ironic considering that I'm in so many of these after-school activities), so imagine my relief when one of the club leaders talked about having a "buddy system", where we get paired up with one person from the club who would show us around, help us get settled in, and in a way, I guess be a friend.


"Jang Wonyoung with Ahn Yujin please", one of the club leaders said as she pointed at me.

looked around to find who this "Ahn Yujin" was, eventually realizing that one person from the other side of the room stood up from her seat to walk over to my side. Suddenly, you could hear people whispering amongst themselves, with me hearing one of the girls say something about this being "unfair" as she moved her line of vision between me and the girl who was now walking in my direction.


What exactly is unfair?


Before I could dive deeper into the thought, a girl with long brown hair, dark brown eyes, and heart-shaped lips stood in front of me. She had long fingers, porcelain skin, and a swan neck that was emphasized by the simple necklace she had on.


What the hell is she so pretty for?


Before I could even open my mouth to speak, the person standing in front of me let out a chuckle that sounded so angelic, making me whip my head up to meet her eye, as if to make sure that this was the same person. My mind had a difficult time trying to comprehend how it was possible that the person standing before me was already so beautiful, and now she has the voice of an angel too.


And, oh right, she's standing right in front of me.


How the hell did that happen?


"Do you usually openly gawk at people like this?", she said, immediately breaking me away from my thoughts.


My mouth went open, before it went close again.

Seeing my reaction and how I was basically stammering for words, 'Ahn Yujin' let out another fit of giggles before she put her hand out.


"Ahn Yujin. People usually call me Yujin, or Jinnie, but you can call me yours", before sending a flirtatious wink my way.


I looked at her waiting hand, and then back up at her face, suddenly forgetting how human interactions work. A pretty girl is talking to me and flirting with me, and I probably look like a dumb just looking at her. What the hell is wrong with me?


"Ah, you're the shy type", Yujin said as she withdrew her hand, already making me regret it because now I'm going to be left wondering how her hand feels. Her hands must be soft.


Wait. What?


I shook my head before I raised it back again to meet Yujin’s curious gaze, smiling at her as I thankfully gained some of my confidence back.


"Jang Wonyoung, but you can call me Wonyoung. And no, you can't call me yours."


Yujin snickered before grinning at me, letting out a small laugh before she said ". I hope to change that.”


And I only remember feeling my cheeks heat up as I felt my heart drum against my chest.


Something is wrong with me indeed.


That is how Yujin and I met.


We met at drama club where she shamelessly flirted with me. She would compliment the smallest things like me wearing cute socks to go with my white sneakers that day, or the new bracelet I had on my wrist, and even the new trinket I had hanging on my bag. I always pretended to be annoyed, but I know it was a futile attempt given the fact that I always blush whenever she notices and Yujin lets me know by smirking.


As much as I want to hit Yujin in the head every time she lets me know she's right, I can't deny that I liked the attention. I'm not going to deny that getting this kind of attention from a really pretty girl was, in a superficial way, extremely gratifying. It makes it even more satisfying when I see other girls all over her but she barely gives them the time of day.


Now I sound like a bimbo. God.


She and I grew incredibly close, hanging out outside of drama club hours and even having lunch in school together during our breaks. We would hang out after school, on the weekends, and some nights, she'd have dinner at my place where we would proceed to have an impromptu sleepover after she spends the entire night talking to my Dad about expensive wine and award-winning vineyards in France. It was during one of those conversations that I realized who exactly Ahn Yujin was.


Ahn Yujin was the only daughter of the Kim family, owners of a chain of major shopping malls both locally and abroad.


Maybe this is what those girls meant by this being "unfair". Because how could she be so beautiful, so angelic-sounding, and so exorbitantly rich?


And just at that moment, Yujin decided to turn her head in my direction to give me a small smile before she turned her attention back to my Dad who was going on about another vineyard in France.


My heart felt like it was going to explode.


Something is definitely wrong with me.


It took some time before I finally figured out what was "wrong" with me every time Yujin looked at me, smiled at me, or even just simply glanced my way.


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