
Not What I expected

Kun closed his eyes and passed out once more, Johnny laid him down on the bed.


“Stay with him.” Yixing said and then turned to Minseok and Sehun. ‘We need to talk.” Yixing addressed Sehun who nodded.


“Keep him company, he may wake up and over react.” Junmyeon said and Johnny nodded; Junmyeon left the room with Minseok.


Johnny sighed and was about to go to the bathroom when Kun held his hand tightly. It made him smile, his mate has accepted him. “I’ll just go to the bathroom.” Johnny whispered to Kun’s ears and kissed his forehead, instinctively, Kun let him go.


It took a few minutes for him to freshen up and borrow Kun’s largest pair of sweatpants before he joined Kun on the bed. He inhaled Kun’s scent, something that he came to love the past few days, now more freely once he knew the real reason behind it. It felt so good to find your mate and even more to know how deep the connection that they have. It was fast, it did give him a whiplash, but having Kun as his mate just felt perfect. It was like a dream come true, Johnny really felt that he had won the jackpot.


The morning wasn’t romantic because Kun had shrieked seeing a torso next to him, more specifically, he was resting his head on the torso and his arms wrapped around the waist. He panicked but then the smell of sunflowers and dew drop filled his nose making him gasp and look at the owner of the torso. Johnny was smiling at him and Kun blushed like crazy.


“Good morning.” Johnny greeted and Kun smiled a little then nodded. “You hungry?” Johnny asked and Kun nodded. “Let’s go down for breakfast then.” Johnny invited him, removing the blanket then picking up Kun like he weighed nothing.


“Put me down!” Kun insisted but Johnny just ignored him.



Kun thanked the heavens because the guest house was empty but his luck run out when he saw his baba cooking in the kitchen. Johnny placed Kun down and Kun was embarrassed because he was not only carried down like a bride, Johnny was not wearing any shirt.


“Can you at least be decent?” Minseok groaned and threw a shirt towards his son. “Hello Kun, come and join us.” Minseok pulled Kun towards the kitchen and he sat next to someone who looked familiar.


“We haven’t been introduced.” Junmyeon smiled at him. “I am your father Kun.” Junmyeon informed Kun who furrowed his brows in contemplation  but Johnny burst out laughing.


“I’m sorry, but you sound like Darth Vader.” Johnny blurted out and Sehun hit his son on the head.


“Show some respect to your in-laws.” Sehun hissed and Johnny coughed and apologized. “I’ll make some coffee” Johnny excused himself.


“Baba?” Kun called out and Yixing placed a plate in front of him then stood next to Junmyeon.


“Yes Kun, I know that you are confused, and I know this maybe difficult to understand but Junmyeon is your father, he had sacrificed a lot for you to live as peacefully as possible.” Yixing informed him and they decided to tell Kun the story as they eat breakfast.


“That is a lot to take in, I don’t know how to feel.” Kun confessed and they understood. “I am a mage and a vampire? What kind of monstrosity am I?” Kun blurted out and Johnny took Kun’s hand to place a chaste kiss on the back.


“You are not a monster Kun, you are conceived from love and you are full of love.” Johnny answered him.


“Who would love me?” Kun asked, voice soft but Johnny heard him clearly.


“I do, I will love you.” Johnny answered and Kun looked at him and blushed.


“Then I’ll stay with you.” Kun replied. “here.” Kun added and Junmyeon shook his head.


“No Kun, you have to go back to Weishen.” Junmyeon protested.


‘I am Johnny’s mate, I should stay here.” Kun protested back.


“You are unstable, you don’t have a grasp on your ability.” Yixing calmly explained.


“I don’t need to know.” Kun was adamant.


“Kun, calm down.” Johnny tried to soothe him.


‘They don’t want us to be together.” Kun whined at him.


‘Kun, it’s not that. You have to learn what your ability is, you are unstable.” Johnny explained as calmly as he could.


‘You said…” Kun’s tears fell from his eyes. “you said you would love me.” Kun sobbed. “But you don’t want me here.” Kun blurted out and Johnny wiped the tears with his thumb.



“I love you Kun, but you need to control your ability or else you might hurt everyone around you.” Johnny tried to get into Kun’s head space.


“I am your mate Johnny, I need to stay here.” Kun replied.



 “remembered what I told you?” Johnny asked and Kun was confused and shook his head. “What I want is an equal.” Johnny reminded him. “I am not leaving you, I will support you as you learn and discover who you are and your true potential.” Johnny replied with a smile.


“but you’re an alpha.” Kun argued.


“I am, but I am not the pack alpha, I can leave if I want to. And I want to.” Johnny informed him. “I won’t be a rogue, I am still part of the pack just as much as Ten is still part of the pack even if he lives in Weishen now. And you are part of that pack too.” Johnny said. “Kun, I won’t leave you. Listen to your parents, this is for your own good.” Johnny said then kissed his mate’s forehead. “Your father would really want to spend some time with you.” Johnny added and Kun cried even more and embraced Johnny to feel the comfort of his mate.


“You raised your son well.” Yixing remarked and Minseok grinned at him.


“We tried our best.” Minseok replied then laughed.




“You two are soulmates?” Ten asked and Johnny nodded. ‘We’ll be related?” Ten looked grossed out.


“Yes.” Johnny answered.


“if you are uncomfortable I can…” Kun went into panic but Ten stopped him.


“If anyone, anyone, that would get my approval for your mate, it is Johnny hyung.” Ten smiled at Kun as he held both his hands. “I know how competent he is and how loving he is. You are in safe and good hands Kun.” Ten said and the two embraced as they both shed tears of joy and relief.


“I trust Ten hyung’s judgement, welcome to the family I guess.” Sicheng extended a hand to which Johnny shook while grinning.


“I’ll be staying in Weishen.” Johnny announced and Taeyong raised a brow.


“You’re leaving?” Taeyong asked then eyed Kun who was bowed his head. “Kun don’t bow your head.” Taeyong instructed. “I am not mad about it. Johnny is an asset to the pack but I know he has his reasons.” Taeyong assured him. “And you are part of the pack too!” Taeyong approached him and patted his shoulder. “We are allies now, you’ll have my pack’s protection.” Taeyong assured him.


“I don’t have anything to offer.” Kun replied.


“You don’t know what you are capable of Kun, I am sure when you’ve mastered everything, you will be more than an asset to our pack.” Taeyong assured him.


“You kick Kun, and not even breaking a sweat.” Yuta added and Kun laughed at him. “That wasn’t so bad right? smile more Kun.” Yuta uttered and then gave him a hug.


“Thank you so much!” Kun said and then bowed at them in gratitude.


Kun had said his goodbyes to Taeyong and the rest of the pack, feeling like he belonged now than when he first arrived. Johnny had held his hand and walked out of the property to board Kun’s car.


Sicheng could teleport but he decided to join the road trip with his mate and they both sat at the back seat while Johnny sat on the passenger seat. It was a pleasant drive back to Weishen and Johnny was amazed with the change in scenery.


While Kun had to learn from both his fathers how to control his newly acquired abilities while Johnny learned to adapt to the Weishen cultures and traditions, even learning their language to which Yixing was amazed with his progress. Johnny had to go into isolation for his rut though and it made Kun irritable and depressed as he wasn’t able to help his alpha but Johnny had assured him that he would want to hurt Kun because he doesn’t trust himself at such state. Kun by no means a weak person as he had been training both his mage powers and vampiric skills, which Johnny understood why others are scared of him; Kun hold so much power that he could defeat several clans, packs and covens should he wish.


“I’m ready.” Kun told his fathers who were both confused because what was he ready for? “To mate with Johnny!” Kun revealed and Johnny choked on his dinner.


“what?” Johnny asked as he coughed for his life while both Yixing and Junmyeon laughed at the ways things were unfolding.


Kun is an achiever and he learned the basics and advanced skills in such a short time, and he feels that it is the right time to mate.


“You don’t want to mate with me?” Kun asked and Johnny sighed.


“I do Kun, but at least give me a chance to court you.” Johnny pouted and Kun pouted back.


“why do you need to court me? We’re already together.” Kun replied.


“It’s not only for you, I get to show how capable I am to your parents.” Johnny argued and Kun turned to his parents.


“What Johnny is trying to say is that you give him a chance to show you how they do it in their tradition.” Yixing explained and Johnny nodded.


“Your mating or wedding whatever you want to call it would be a combination of so much traditions, so allow Johnny to incorporate his with yours as he had been very patient and accommodating with ours.” Junmyeon added.


“Oh, I’m sorry that I didn’t think about your feelings Johnny.” Kun apologized.


“No harm done, so Kun can I court you?” Johnny asked and Kun nodded with a smile.


“Yes, I’d love you to.” Kun replied and Johnny smiled wide.



Johnny was registered as a werewolf in Weishen along with Ten so the two were allowed to transform during full moons and ran around their forests. The people were assured of their safety given that Yixing, the most powerful mage, had given his reassurance and should the two be found guilty of harming anyone, he will be the one to punish them personally. Ten and Johnny of course kept to their words and had befriended the people of Weishen and even a couple of the ladies swoon at Johnny.


“Sorry ladies, I am taken.: Johnny would politely decline everytime and should they insist, Ten would always interject saying that Johnny is dating Kun, Yixing’s son.


No one wants to cross the most powerful mage so they all backed down making Johnny smile at them apologetically for what Ten did.


Courting in Neo City meant proving how worthy and capable an alpha is such us bringing in the largest hunt or gifting an omega the finest jewelry. Johnny can do both but what set Johnny apart is that he is quite the extra.


Hunting was never a problem to Johnny so when he returned with the largest wild boar Kun had seen on his back after a midnight run, Kun was wide eye at his mate who was just grinning at him.


“He’s showing off.” Ten snorted and Sicheng took the deer from Johnny to have it cleaned and be prepared for a feast.


“You don’t like it?” Johnny asked but Kun shook his head.


“I do, but that deer looked so big and how did you even do that? Are you hurt? The tusks were massive, could’ve stabbed you!” Kun looked at his mate for injuries.


“No darling, I am perfectly fine.” Johnny assured him.


“You really do this in Neo City?” Kun asked as he wrapped his arms around Johnny’s torso.


“yeah, the bigger the better. Taeyong caught a deer for Yuta.” Johnny explained. “figured you’d appreciate a boar more than a deer.” Johnny added and it made Kun smile, his mate is thoughtful.


Minseok and Sehun arrived for the feast and Kun was surprised when they hauled in chest, a large chest that looked as ancient as his father’s grimoire. Minseok laughed at Kun’s reaction and when they sat down, Sehun laughed too as Johnny opened it and Kun gaped at the amount of jewels it contained.


“It is customary to give heirlooms to the omega and we had made a necklace for Johnny to be given to his mate when he presented but the rest of those, Johnny had been collecting since he was child.” Sehun explained.


“you collected all of these?” Kun asked and Johnny nodded, getting the circlet and placing it on Kun’s head.


“Yes. I had dreamed of finding my mate since I was young. Everytime I see my parents so in love, and my alpha father gifting my omega father all these things, as simple as a hair clip, I just felt like that I too should be like that, to shower my mate not just my love and loyalty, but with things they can show off and make them feel loved even if I am not always beside them.” Johnny explained. “I made some of them.” He giggled and Kun started to sob.


“Oh Johnny.” He cried out, reaching for his mate to embrace him.


“Don’t cry love.” Johnny comforted his mate but he too was tearing up.

“So I even deserve you?” Kun choked out.


“of course Kun. Just as much as I deserve you.” Johnny answered him truthfully.




The mating was scheduled on a super Blue Moon that was just as auspicious for Weishen as it was for Neo City. As the day drew near, the preparation was stressful especially for Kun because he wanted it to be perfect not only for his Weishen roots, but for Johnny’s pack. Few weeks before the mating, Kun was introduced to his uncle, Jongdae, Junmyeon’s brother,  and the vampire was very happy to meet him. Kun was confused about the presence of an uncle but Junmyeon explained that Jongdae was one of the few vampires who had supported his relationship with Yixing.

But Kun wasn’t feeling well as the days passed and he can’t point a finger on what he was feeling. Johnny had noticed the discomfort on Kun and had asked him several times yet Kun has no answer for him.


“I don’t know what was happening Johnny, I feel hot but painful, like my bones are breaking.” Kun had said and Johnny stiffened and his eyes narrowed, he knows that feeling.


“Lay down for me Kun, I’ll get some ice pack.” Johnny said and laid Kun down on their bed.


Johnny quickly left the room and sought Yixing or Junmyeon. The two were conveniently in the office and Johnny breathe out as he entered the room.


“Are you okay Johnny?” Yixing asked and Johnny nodded.


“Can you shift?” Johnny asked and the two furrowed their brows.


“Shift?” Junmyeon clarified.


“Yes shift, I shift as a werewolf.” Johnny answered.


“We do, we shift to bats.” Junmyeon said.


“We can shift, but it is a skill that we need to learn and specialize in.” Yixing added.


“Does it hurt?” Johnny asked again.


“No, it shouldn’t even as a childe, and I had taught Kun to shift, he did successfully a couple of times.” Junmyeon answered.


“Kun had mastered transfiguration but he would still need to do a ritual to be an animagus.” Yixing explained.


“Kun is shifting, I can’t explain it but he is shifting.” Johnny said and before any of them could reply, they heard a scream and in a flash, Yixing grabbed Johnny’s wrist and they teleported into the room where Kun was screaming and writhing in bed.


Johnny ran to Kun and held his wrist, noticing the hairs growing on his fair skin. Yixing and Junmyeon were both surprised, their son is a mix of magic and vampiric blood but what is happening to Kun isn’t something they had expected nor have any knowledge of being possible.


“Kun, baobei.” Johnny whispered, but Kun’s eyes were shut close and his teeth gritted in pain. ‘He’s shifting, this will be painful.” Johnny explained.


“How?” Junmyeon asked but nobody knows the answer.


The screams went louder, and it alerted Minseok and Sehun who were staying in Weishen as the mating drew near. They both gasped as they saw what was happening, confused and bewildered to why Kun was shifting.


“Leave.” Johnny’s voice was low. “Leave.” Johnny almost growled and Sehun acknowledged the alpha, this is something private and they don’t want an audience for this. Sehun led everyone out and made sure that the door was locked behind him.


“Kun is shifting, this is painful the first time and usually parents are there to ease the pups into it. However, we do not know why this is happening.” Minseok explained.


“We are both purebloods.” Yixing stated and the four sighed.


“Trust Johnny, he is Kun’s alpha.” Sehun assured them, that’s all they could hold on to at this moment.




The shift was excruciating, Kun’s eyes turned  blue and his limbs shifted. Johnny pinned him down as best as he could while trying to talk to Kun, to allow the pull to take over to make it easier for him to shift. Kun’s mind was foggy but Johnny’s voice seemed to ring clear. He listened and tried to let go, let himself be pulled and to shift, something he did not understand but he trust Johnny.


It felt like hours but in mere seconds as he let go, Kun shifted completely into the wolf form, fur white as snow with highlights of amber orange in his ears and tails. The wolf howled as he completed the transformation and Johnny knelt in front of him, tears falling from his eyes.


“Kun?” Johnny called out and the wolf looked at the human, blue eyes met caramel eyes. The wolf bowed its head then walked towards him.


Kun in his wolf form is as beautiful as he is in his human form and Johnny could not fathom how this could have happened. The wolf nuzzled his snout on Johnny’s neck and Johnny smiled as he smelt the familiar sunset, Tangerine and sea breeze.


“You never cease to surprise me.” Johnny said, petted the wolf’s head and placed a kiss on his snout. He then shifted on his wolf form, large as he is in his human form, sporting a mix of black and midnight blue fur and orange eyes.


Johnny’s dark fur contrasted Kun’s white fur but it struck a balance like Yin and Yang. Johnny Kun’s snout and Kun lowered his head, surrendering to his alpha. Johnny howled, a signal that everything was fine.


Do I look okay?” Kun spoke through his bond, even he himself was surprised that he could.


of course love, the most  beautiful wolf I’ve seen.” Johnny assured him.



A/n: I’ll still write their mating.

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