Rules and How to Join

The Kpop Roleplay! {Closed}


1) No homophobics.

I mean seriously, if you are homophobic and you want to join a roleplay then there must be something wrong with you.


2) Subscribe to this story with both your personal and roleplay accounts.

This is so that you'll receive updates.


3) Your username must be in this format: "the-idolname". For example, the-changjo.

This is so that you'll know who to add and who not to add.


4) The password's rainbows.


5) Add everyone on this roleplay as a friend, including the main account.

It just makes things easier. Plus, it lets us know that you exist.


6) is allowed.

Public or private we don't really care.


7) We lied, the password is actually infinite.


8) Be active.

We're not asking you to be online 24/7, we know you have lives, we do too! But at least be online two or three times a week, it's not fair to other people who want to roleplay that idol if you're intending to hog him.


9) In your about me, add this: "Roleplaying as idolname @ the kpop roleplay"

Same reason as the username, so you know who to add and who not to add. 


10) One account per person.

No hogging people. Plus, isn't it awkward talking to yourself?


11) Don't piss the admins off.

If you piss us off, we will kick you out. It's as simple as that.



How to Join

Step 1: Subscribe to this story.

Step 2: Comment in this format: "Hey, can I roleplay as idolname from idolgroup?"

Step 3: Wait for us to accept your request.

Step 4: After we have accepted your request, create your account.

Step 5: Add everyone and subscribe to this story with your roleplay account.

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Thank you!
;~; thats the end i guess. bye everyone


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Seeing a lot of people here want this RP to continue, I'm offering to take over as admin. I currently admin No Vacancy Role-play as well so I know what I'm doing and I'm online everyday at least a few hours on mulitple account so I have more then enough time. I have no problem with taking over if you're willing to accept?
Feel free to PM me about all of this as like everyone else has ssaid already, we've made ties we don't want to end this soon.
Whaaa? It can't end like this, this rp is my favorite and I'm having so much fun on it T^T I agree with the others, lets just give it a little revision .-.
I totally agree with Zelo, Onew, and everybody else here... this is one of my favorite roleplays ever, and I'd hate to leave everyone here ;o; And also, like, Kyuhyun, I could help with being an admin too, since I'm on a lot >.> But in the end, I guess it's admin C and L's decision...
i agree with junhong.. T_T
omo please dont end it ;A; I luv it too muchhhhhh
I agree!
I wanna continue with this RP!! It would be really sad to give up everything at this moment.....please give it to another admin~!!
The-Kyuhyun #7
Yeah, I agree with Zelo and Onew here. Please don't take us away from the people who we really have become friends with :/ But also, you guys, they can't take away our accounts. We could still just talk to the people we are friends with, and remove our KPop rp tag. If the admins agree of course.

Also, I'd be willing to become an admin. I'm on often enough anyways :P
Dear Admin;
seriously, i don't know how you guys feel, but some people actually meet new people here. they gain trust and feelings for each other in this rp.
we get that you guys are busy, but you can't just shut it down and let us die like this. please hand it over to someone responsible whose willing to make this roleplay lively again. it's not fair for us......
I HIGHLY agree with Zelo. why delete when you can just give it to another, new, admin? that way everyone stays happy 8]
noooo x( its the only rp I enjoy in the last time:'(:'(