Home Sweet Home

25 Days Of Falling In Love


December 10, 2010
It was early morning and Seohyun was gathering her things for the train ride back to Seoul. The night before she had packed all her clothes and items neatly into her luggage and made sure to buy her Mom, Dad, Seowoo, and Jungil souvenirs from the hotel gift shop. She couldn’t go real Busan shopping but it was better than nothing. 
Seohyun zipped up the last bag and surveyed the room to check if she had missed anything. Seohyun was going to miss living in the hotel especially waking up to the Busan view in the morning. She was going to miss the cleanly made sheets everyday and the prepared breakfast at her door. Busan was an experience that would always stay in her heart. 
Clutching her carry on bag and rolling her luggage, Seohyun took the elevator down to the lobby to return the room key. The front desk’s receptionist was up with a smile on his face as he greeted her. “Good morning Miss Seo, I see you’re checking out today.”
She nodded as she slid the room key to him. “I’ll really miss Busan.”
“And Busan will miss you,” replied the receptionist taking the room card. “I hope your stay has been pleasant. Busan will wait for your return.” Suddenly, the receptionist reached down and produced a small bag. “This is for you.”
Puzzled, Seohyun opened the bag. Inside was a small plastic bag that held two foil wrapped items. “What is it?”
“The young man that came said they were gogumas (sweet potatoes). He asked me to keep them warm for you. There should also be a little card.”
Seohyun reached into the bag and sure enough a small white card appeared. She opened the card and it said, “For the trip home. - Yong”. 
Her smile was inevitable as she returned the small card back in the bag. “Thank you for holding it for me.” 
The receptionist returned the smile. “No worries. It made such a huge smile on your face. Would you like for me to call you a taxi to the train station?” 
Seohyun nodded. “I’d appreciate it.”
The receptionist turned away to call a taxi. 
Seohyun couldn’t believe that Yonghwa would wake up early to give her a snack for the train ride home. It was an action that could make any girl’s heart flutter. 
“Excuse me, Miss Seo the taxi will be here in five minutes. I can have a bell boy help with your things.”
Seohyun shook her head. “I’ll be okay. Thank you very much.”
True to the receptionist’s word, the taxi arrived just minutes later. She made her way outside to the front of the hotel and placed her things in the trunk. As she closed the trunk, Seohyun took one last good look at the hotel. It was her home for over a week and it was sad to go. 
Seohyun went around to the back seat of the car and opened the door. She stepped inside and settled in as the taxi driver sped off. Goodbye Busan. 
Seohyun walked out of the train station and was hit by the cold refreshing air of Seoul. The last time she was here was to visit Seowoo for a while and now Seohyun couldn’t wait to go home and just climb into her own bed.
Seohyun looked to where her name was called and found Seowoo and Jungil waving at her to come over. She was surprised to see them there. “Unnie! Oppa! What are you doing here?!” 
Seowoo gave her a hug as Jungil took Seohyun’s bags to put into his car. “I knew your parents are working at this hour and no one would be able to pick you up. I figured I’d save you the taxi fare and pay for your lunch.”
“My lunch?”
“Yeah, lunch!” replied Seowoo as they got into the car. “Jungil and I will treat you!”
Jungil turned around in his seat and gave Seohyun a smile. “It’s nice to see you again Seohyun.”
“You too Jungil,” Seohyun looked back at Seowoo. “Are you sure?”
She nodded. “Look at it this way, it’s a congratulatory lunch for wrapping up the music video! Come on Seohyun, it’s free don’t feel bad!”
Seohyun gave her a small smile as she gave in. “Fine, we need to all catch up on each other’s lives anyways.”
They all nodded in agreement as Jungil drove off. During the car ride, Seohyun couldn’t help but stare out the windows. Seoul had transformed into the spirit of Christmas. Each store they drove by was adorned with wreaths, red ribbons, and little decorated trees. People were already swarming in the stores for sales and early Christmas shopping. The bright smiles on everyone’s faces reminded Seohyun why she liked this particular holiday. Everyone just seemed to be happy and at peace with one another. 
A couple minutes later, Jungil pulled up to an Italian restaurant. The three got out and was immediately seated at a table. They all ordered different pasta dishes and waited for their food to arrive. 
“How was Busan?” asked Jungil as he got settled into his chair. 
“It was great,” replied Seohyun as she got a good look at Jungil. He seemed brighter and much happier. “Let’s not talk about me for a bit. Seowoo never told me the full story about how you two became a couple. I mean Seowoo was mad at me and Jungil you liked me! Then I find out everything is going okay and that you two are dating!”
Seowoo and Jungil smiled at each other as he took her hands in his. 
“After a drunk night alone,” began Seowoo. “I came to his action school early in the morning. I knew he’d be in his office having coffee and reading over the schedule for that day. I decided to just yell all my frustrations out at him.” 
“And she really did,” added in Jungil. 
“Well you got up to start yelling at me too!” 
“Because you kept asking me why I liked Seohyun so much!” Jungil looked at Seohyun. “It was getting really annoying because she just kept repeating and repeating that question to me after I had answered it so many times!”
Seowoo smiled brightly as she finished the story, “And that’s when he kissed me.”
“I realized that after all these years it was Seowoo who I loved. I just had that protective instinct towards you that made me feel like I liked you.” said Jungil.
Seohyun felt her heart flutter for the two of them. Their ending was just so right. “I’m really happy for you two.” 
“That’s why we’ve decided to get married next week.”
Seohyun felt drop open in astonishment. “Marriage?! Next week?!”
“We’re not getting any younger,” explained Seowoo. “And we’ve known each other for so long now that it just seems frivolous to just date for the next two years.”
“But, isn’t this rushing things?” exclaimed Seohyun.
Jungil nodded. “It is but we both came to this decision together. What we really want Seohyun, is a family.”
Seowoo reached over to Seohyun and placed her hand on top of hers. “Don’t start thinking this unnie is crazy. I already am. So Seohyun, I want you to be my maid of honor.”
Seohyun was speechless. Her two closest friends, her teacher, was really going to get married! But if it made the two of them ridiculously happy, then all Seohyun had to do is accept it. “Of course unnie, I’ll be your maid of honor.”
Seowoo squealed in delight as they both stood up to hug each other. 
“Excuse me, but your food is ready.”
They sat down and all began to eat.
“Oh, I want to know if you resolved your issues with Yonghwa?” asked Seowoo. 
She nodded. “I did. We’re okay now.”
“So you talked to him about your feelings towards him then?”
Jungil looked up. “Your feelings? Do you like him Seohyun?”
Seohyun hesitated. “I think…”
Seowoo sighed. “She likes him but doesn’t want to like him because of work. It’s a bit confusing if you’re not a girl Jungil.”
“I see…” Jungil thought for a moment. “Yonghwa likes you too Seohyun.”
She gave Jungil a look. “How would you know that?”
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you,” replied Jungil. “From the day you two were partnered at auditions to when I saw you at Seowoo’s birthday party, he just couldn’t take his eyes off you. He takes care of you well, doesn’t he?”
Seohyun nodded. 
“Those are all the signs!” exclaimed Seowoo.
Seohyun blushed as she took a bite of her pasta. “You guys are just over exaggerating!”
“No, it’s true!” yelled Seowoo excitedly. “Yonghwa likes you!” 
Seohyun shook her head denying it. “We’re just friends Seowoo.”
Seowoo slumped back in her seat with a sad expression on her face. “Don’t let this one go Seohyun without even trying.”
Seohyun didn’t reply as she continued to eat her lunch.
“Stop now Seowoo, it’s not our place to say. How about you tell Seohyun about the new apartment we’ll be moving into when we get married.”
That seemed to perk Seowoo right up as she began explaining to Seohyun about the new apartment. 
As for Seohyun, she couldn’t be over excited because her thoughts were elsewhere. The two of them couldn’t be right about Yonghwa. Could they?
She never saw him express any romantic gestures towards her. It was always…friendly. Seohyun shook her head from her thoughts and returned to paying attention to Seowoo.
For the rest of the lunch, the three talked about whatever Seowoo wanted. 
“Mom! Dad! I’m home!”
Seohyun began taking off her shoes and coat as she heard her moms scurried footsteps come and greet her.
“Seohyun! You’re home!” Her mother engulfed her into a warm hug. 
Seohyun smiled as she hugged her mom back. 
“I’m making all your favorite food for dinner tonight,” Her mom said. “You should go wash up and rest for a bit. Dad should be home in about an hour or so.”
“Alright Mommy,”
Her mom pulled her back and cupped Seohyun’s face. “You’re in need of some homemade cooking.”
Seohyun laughed. “Thanks Mom.”
She began to make her way up to her room with bags in tow. She opened the door and instantly felt at ease once she saw her clean bedroom. Her eyes scanned the room as she put her bags in the middle of the room. Seohyun would have to unpack later for it was due time for her to have a bubble bath. 
She grabbed her bathrobe and cell phone and proceeded to the bathroom. Seohyun started the bath, added the bubbles, and put her cell phone safely in a slip cover so that she could use it while she was in the bath. 
Once the bubbles had foamed and the water was warm, Seohyun slipped in. Her muscles instantly relaxed. She turned to turn on the radio that was beside her on a small table. The soothing sounds of ballad music instantly filled the room. 
Suddenly, Seohyun’s cell phone beeped indicating to her that she had received a new text message. 
“Hope you got home safe. Eat dinner and get some rest. -Yong”
Seohyun immediately responded back. “I will. Thank you for the gogumas. -Seohyun”
“You’re welcome. - Yong”
Seohyun placed her cell phone down. It were times like these where her heart was beating rapidly that she wished she could read his mind.
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MrsDuckbutt #1
Chapter 23: This is vood! New reader here! Hope you can update soon.. thanks!
Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
fatenism #3
Chapter 23: oh maiii, I have been waiting this forever. Thanks for still continuing this story. This is one of the unforgettable fics I have ever read. Update soon, please^^
iLuvgogumaYS #4
Chapter 23: Poor Yong2x.. :) Hyunnie, of course he's jealous. You practically ignored him and talked with your GUY lawyer friend all niiight, right in front of Yong2x. Kekeke.. I'll be waiting for the last chapter next month, Authornim. May it be filled with tons of YongSeo love. :)
snccrockz #5
Chapter 23: Yay an update! I can't wait to see what happens next!

*PS: I am sorry for the caps. I am just so happy!*
Chapter 23: To be honest, I almost forgot about it.. Luckily u update just in time
Chapter 23: Welcome back! \o/ will be waiting for the last chapter. Thank you for updating again!
Chapter 23: When i read again i dont know how could she do that.Talking with one man the whole time and say sweetly to another. Like i was talking to him the whole night but you the only one make me feel special. Pff pleas. That was disgusting of her.
Chapter 23: You know what.. i hate myself most when im reading this fic. Because i cant help myself feeling annoying and many times hating seohyun attitude here. Though she's my ultimate bias forever but being a woman as what she is i would say she is so selfish and heartless. Even aftet she realize she didnt even change. Look at the what happened. Yong made effort to come but she rarely show it but once so call guy friend came in she forgot him. Her biopolar here make me sick. Yeah i know im rude here and im sorry to say it straight. But she doesnt deserve yonghwa here.