
Miracle on Christmas Eve.
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Taeyeon took a bite of the scone on her plate. She was sitting alone at a table in the school hall waiting for her friends to return. They had gone off looking for their partners as soon as they got off the stage and had made her promise to wait for them to return.


Her production team had just received an award for the Best Film hosted by the School of Film, TV and Multimedia. Although the ceremony was meant for the film students, there were quite a number of students and professors from other faculties. Some even went up to her table to congratulate her and her team members. 


Where are you guys?


Taeyeon internally groaned. A group of drama students had just come up to the table, congratulating her on the award. She thought they would leave right away but they decided to sit at her table which Taeyeon couldn’t possibly refuse. 


It’s not that Taeyeon doesn't like the company but she was not feeling it tonight. She was exhausted. She had gotten home late last night from retrieving her car at home. Although it was a short car ride, she left home late to spend more time with her parents, forgetting that there was an event the next day. 


After a few minutes of small talk, Taeyeon excused herself from the table to go to the ladies. Fixing her yellow blazer, Taeyeon headed to the corridor hoping that she could make it out safely before any of her friends spotted her. 


Yeah, that’s right? I can just apologise to them tomorrow for sneaking out. 


As she was walking along the hall corridor, she heard someone calling her name. 




She thought it would be one of her friends but when she turned around. She saw Tiffany? Taeyeon’s brows furrowed. It’s been a few days since she saw her. She was not expecting Tiffany to be here. 


She observed as the brown-haired lady in a black long-sleeved dress walked up to her. “Tiffany ssi? Is everything okay?”


The latter nodded. “Yeah, all’s good! I just want to thank you for your help the other night and this.”


Tiffany held out her hand. It was the scarf she lent Minjoo the other night when the young girl was cold.


“Uhh, I’ve forgotten about this.”


Taeyeon was about to thank her but the corridor they were in began to get crowded and rowdy. So, she gestured for Tiffany to walk with her. 


It was an awkward silence as they walked side by side towards the hall’s exit. Both of them had never held a proper conversation before since it would usually end up with one rushing off to somewhere.


“So..,” Tiffany started, trying to clear the awkward air. “Congratulations on winning the Best Film Award!” 


Tiffany was impressed with the filmmaking and cinematography of Taeyeon’s production team film. She had heard about Taeyeon from her friends but did not have the chance to meet her during the exchange program. She did not expect the filmmaker Taeyeon to be the same Taeyeon she met on Christmas Eve. What are the odds, huh?


Taeyeon let out a shy smile. “Umm, thank you, I guess? All thanks to my team members who worked hard on the film.”


A smile swept across Tiffany’s face when she saw Taeyeon’s shyness. She did not expect her to be shy after all the successful films she did. 


“Um, I also watched your musical online, The Chicago.” Taeyeon attempted to divert the topic about Tiffany. “It was amazing. I love how catchy it was and how—”


Tiffany stared at Taeyeon with an amused smile as the blonde-haired woman went on to talk about the musical she was featured in. She knew of the positive reviews she received but hearing it from Taeyeon sounds rewarding to her.


When she heard Tiffany go silent, Taeyeon glanced to her left. 


Feeling a little self-conscious, Taeyeon scratched her not-so-itchy forehead. “I-I I’m sorry, am I boring you?” 


Startled by the sudden change of tone, Tiffany shifted her attention to Taeyeon. “O-oh no. I just didn’t expect you to enjoy it so much.”


Taeyeon softly heaved a sigh of relief after knowing that the woman was not weirded out by her excitement for the musical. 


Tiffany beamed at the reaction. “Anyways, I’m sure there are other actresses who would do well too.”


Taeyeon nodded in acknowledgement. “That’s true but you shouldn’t discredit yourself too much. Gotta take pride in your work!” Taeyeon jokingly said. 


Tiffany chuckled when Taeyeon straightened her shoulder and patted her chest in an attempt to show her how she should be proud of her achievements. 


She laughed even harder when Taeyeon tried to quote Roxie Hart’s line. Passers by were staring at them as they were trying to control their laughter. But Taeyeon’s laughter was too contagious for Tiffany and they ended up in a fit of laughter again. 


Taeyeon felt relief when she heard Tiffany’s laughter and was glad that the awkward air began to clear out. They even spoke comfortably with each other after knowing that they were the same age. 


“S-stop,” Taeyeon said in the midst of her laughter, holding her stomach. 


Tiffany wiped her tears away from all the laughter. “You stop it. Your laughter, oh my god.”


Without realising, they had reached the school’s main foyer. They stood there for a few minutes enjoying the chilly winter breeze. 


Taeyeon then shifted her attention to the lady beside her. Tiffany was rubbing her arm trying to stay warm. Despite wearing a long sleeve dress, tonight’s breeze was a bit nippy for Tiffany. 


Without much thought, Taeyeon

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KimYeon0922 0 points #1
Chapter 9: Where are you author nim? When will you update this beautiful story of yours? 😭
aerolcaroline #2
aerolcaroline #3
Please continue :(
aerolcaroline #4
Author 🤧
aerolcaroline #5
Waiting for the updaaate 💗
1118 streak #6
Chapter 10: Lol I just love Taeny moment with Minjoo especially when they are having their lunch 🤣🤣🤣... poor Minjoo being treated like that... so my guess is right it was her b****** ex and now he is once again entering their lives... why only that short? He should atleast be sentenced with a longer jail time...
Uchie_0903 #7
Chapter 10: OMG.. So sad minjoo 😭
Chapter 10: Minjoo... 😢
I'm glad she recovered from it, and seeing how comfortable and safe she feels when Taeyeon's around...
Good job on that baby step Fany! ❤️

Good luck on your school and job! 😉
aerolcaroline #9
Chapter 10: OMG! finally!!!! Looking forward with the taking it slow phase lol
Bellove #10
Chapter 10: 🦖🦖🦖🦖