Game time

Try me

DaeHyun: So, Youngjae, what kind of game you are talking about, how you play it?

Youngjae: In a little while you will see, because I'm about to demonstrate it right now.

JongUp: I can't wait, because I have feeling that we all going to love or hate this game that he's talking about.

Bang: can you start demonstrating the game already.

Youngjae: OK, OK, I will start the game right now, but first I need to demonstrate somethings about the game. So, your can understand the rules and everything. First: we need two color buckets white and black. Second: everyone need to write they name on the peace of paper and put them on the white bucket, and as for black bucket that's for the questions. We will only need six questions, because its only six of us, so each member will have a chance to answer at last one question. The questions are:

#1. "If you were born as a girl who would you like to go out with or marry"?

#2. "Which member do you think is so attractive"?

#3. " Which member would you like to spend one night with"?

#4. "Have you ever had "?

#5. "Who's in this room right now that you dislike a little"?

#6. "Tell us something about yourself that no one knows about".

Bang thought the game was little to much for the kids, but they all seem to like the idea of the game. They all write their name on a peace of paper and put them on the white bucket and put all the six questions in the black bucket, and now it was time to play the game.

Youngjae: oh, I almost forget if anyone try not to answer the question they were ask to, than that person will have to do all the choice around the house for week.

Himchan: OK, but can we start the game already cause I'm getting tired.

When Himchan says that all the boys were shock because he has not say a work since they get back from practice.

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BaeYeonRin #1
Chapter 12: WAAAAAAEEEEE!!!!!!!?????? TT.TT poor poor poooooooooor Himchan! Why Zelo why? TT.TT
Is this kinda of an angst? Cause poor Himchan is getting hurt nooo ;A; but im glad you finally exposed BangxZelo <3 yey! Please update ;3
nikast1 #3
update sooon
Farahinawesome, thank you very much for your honestly. When I first read your comment I was hurt but than I gt over it because I know you are right. And I really do need to work on those area. So for your honestly is it OK if I add you and I'm sorry for the confusing story line I promise to take my time and write a better story next time, again thanks :)
Yaaaa. Don't be stealing Himi's man Zelo. Oh wait I guess it's Himi stealing Zelo's man huh? Grrr now I'll feel bad if Himi gets Bang because Zelo wanted him first. Dang it. Well I always vote for BangHim so o well. But Himchan come on man you shouldve showed Bang just how much you love him. (ㅍuㅍ) hehe oh yeah. Eff that gentleman crap.
@yunjaeisreal yes i do.
@deathnote290595 riiiiight?!!! Thank you darling
sugaswife #6
Ciinsere, you mUst really like this story?