Chapter 14

Fated To Love You
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Suzy's vision was blurred, her head throbbing from the impact. She blinked trying to clear her vision, and that's when she felt the warm stickiness on her forehead. Her surroundings were a disorienting  jumble of broken glass, twisted metal, and flashing warning lights. A hand trembling with adrenaline reached up to touch the source of sensation. Her fingers came away stained with blood. Chasing away the  remnants of exhaustion. She could feel her heart pounding in chest, the urgency of the situation jolting her awake.

Gasping for breath, Suzy attempted to move, but a sharp pain shot through her leg and shoulder, forcing her to stop. She realized she was trapped in the wreckage. She fought against the encroaching unconsciousness as darkness closed in on the edges of her vision. Her eyelids grew heavy and her grip on consciousness slipped away.

'' Suzy.''

Lisa lightly tapped against Suzy's cheek, not wanting to hurt her even more but wanting her awake as much. The trauma surgeon and the patient took the brunt of the accident. The patient unfortunately died at the scene as the car hit her side. Lisa was lucky she managed to get away with a concussion and probably a broken wrist.

Suzy's shut eyes and unresponsive state didn't do anything to help matters. Lisa noticed the cut that was bleeding from the doctor's head and was worried about a head trauma.

'' Suzy...Please wake up.''

'' Stop yelling. My head hurts.''

Lisa felt relief flood through her body at the sight of Suzy regaining her consciousness.

'' You need to stay awake until help comes. Can you do this for me ? ''

Suzy nodded. She couldn't lose consciousness now. She had to hold on until help arrived. She could feel the dampness of blood soaking into her clothes. She couldn't move. She was stuck. 

'' Are you in pain ?  Can you tell me what's hurting you other than your head ? ''

'' My left leg hurts but i can feel it, so that's good news. My pulse is fast. I think i'm bleeding internally. '' Suzy spoke, there was a cough at the end.

Lisa noticed that Suzy's leg was pinned beneath a twisted piece of metal. It was clear that multiple bones were broken. She also feared the possibility of internal bleeding. Blood loss and shock were imminent threats. 

'' I need you to keep talking to me. I think they're trying to open the back door of the ambulance. Help will come soon.'' Lisa tried to reassure the doctor.

Suddenly, Suzy's phone rang. Lisa looked at the device. Rosé was calling. She didn't know how the phone managed to survive the accident but it did.

'' Chaeyoung is calling. She has probably heard about the accident. I - ''

'' C-Can you answer the phone ? ''

Lisa did as told '' Chaeyoung, Hi it's Lisa .. ''  Lisa was starting to feel dizzy herself.

'' Lisa, i saw the news and rushed to the site. Are you okay ? Is Suzy okay ? Please tell me you're both okay! ''

'' I'm fine, I have a few injuries but nothing extreme. Um .. '' She paused '' I don't know the extent of Suzy's injuries but she's conscious right now. I - ''

'' I want to speak with her please! '' Lisa could hear the desperation in her voice.

Lisa put the phone on speaker.

'' Suzy ? '' Rosé called her name. Her heart was beating fast in her chest and pounding in her ears, there was adrenaline coursing through her veins and the waiting allowed fear to suffocate her.

'' Hi, Chaeyoung ? '' Rosé wanted to cry all over again, but this time with relief. She never thought two words would give her so much relief in the midst of so much chaos.

'' What happened ? Are you okay? Are you hurt ?  Tell me! '' The words came out quickly and all attempts to hold back the tears were in vain because the second the first word left . The tears started flowing again.

'' I don't remember perfectly. A car collided with our ambulance '' Suzy spoke. Now that a whole sentence had left her lips, Rosé could notice how weak her voice sounded '' Talking about my medical condition won't help you at all.''

 '' I want to know! '' Rosé was so quick to speak.

''  My head is throbbing and i'm stuck underneath the wreckage but hearing your voice helps! talk to me!''

Rosé thought she knew pain. She had been through so many painful moments in the past. But nothing could compare to what she was feeling right now. The uncertainty and the lack of information about what was really happening left her completely overwhelmed.

Suzy had come into her life like a breath of life she didn't know she so desperately needed. She was warmth and affection when all she had ever known was distance. Suzy changed her and to think that something so terrible was happening to the woman she was in love with at that

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Cooor_n #1
Chapter 18: pls update 🥺
lovesickstranger #2
Chapter 18: Author-nim, when will you update? TT
lovesickstranger #3
Chapter 19: Yayyyy new story!! I'm very glad you are not letting go of this ship because I can't let go either LOL
lovesickstranger #4
Chapter 18: Come on, Rosé! Life gave you and Suzy another chance! Being a bit jealous could be cute, but not now that they are finally together. Discovering that Suzy and Jieun had dated may have been a shock, but she should be past that already. At this point it doesn't even matter if Jieun still has feelings for Suzy, what's important -and Rosé should know it- is that Suzy truly loves her. And jealousy can ruin a relationship. Can't they be cute and lovey dovey together once and for all? To be honest, if the only way for this story to be longer is for them to continuously mess up and then make up, I would rather have this story finish sooner nicely and start a new one with the same pair.
Rose_124 #5
Chapter 18: Loving this
blackpinkforever #6
Chapter 18: love to see them have heart to heart sweet moments
blackpinkforever #7
Chapter 18: EEEEE i cant wait till they go on more dates heheh
blackpinkforever #8
Chapter 18: gosh rosie and suzy are so sweet together ishxidhdidbxjd
blackpinkforever #9
Chapter 18: is ji eun lying…
blackpinkforever #10
Chapter 18: jealouse rosie is cute lol