The Prince

Cinderella's Sister

Ten minutes before midnight...



Jongwoon arrived at the Cho mansion exactly ten minutes before midnight. Luckily, the party hadn't ended yet but looked like the adults had moved to another place. There were only teenagers and young adults partying in the hall. Most guests were the students from their school but he also saw many unfamiliar faces, probably Kyuhyun's friends in the high society. Everyone who saw him arrive looked at him either curiously or mockingly. Getting dressed while the car was speeding through the traffic was no easy job so he looked like a mess. The crisp suit was now wrinkled and he didn't have time to check his hair or wear makeup. Pretty sure that the choker he blindly put on was crooked too. Yet... Despite his uncool appearance...


"Senior Jongwoon!"


... Kyuhyun still spotted him immediately in the sea of gorgeous people. The School Prince ran to him with genuine joy sparkling in his brown eyes and embraced him without care for the onlookers.


"Senior... I was so scared thinking that you wouldn't come..."

"Well, a certain fairy godmother offered to help me and I didn't want to turn down his good will."

"A fairy godmother?"

"Hi, hi! That'd be me!" Donghae popped up from behind him. "Now that I successfully helped reunite the prince and princess, I'll take my leave and enjoy some free food!"


Donghae briefly bade farewell and skipped to the banquet table where Hyukjae was looking in their direction with his mouth agape. Jongwoon snorted. Ha, the princess? If only his dear fairy godmother knew that he actually helped the evil step-sister, not Cinderella... His stray thought halted when a warm hand cradled his face and made him look up. His eyes met Kyuhyun's tender gaze and his heart started beating faster.


"Senior, there's something that I must absolutely tell you tonight no matter what. But first thing first..."


Kyuhyun adjusted the crooked choker for him and left his fingers brushing the warm skin.


"You're the brightest star in my eyes tonight, Kim Jongwoon."

"...Hm, shouldn't you be telling that to your fiance? I'm just an evil step-sister of Cinderella."

"Speaking of my fiance, Senior, my engagement with Hyukjae is already can—"


Jongwoon spaced out and glanced at the giant wall clock behind his crush. It's going to be midnight soon, only a few breathing away from the twelveth number. He is going to leave this city anyway so why not leave with a bang? Jongwoon yanked the taller boy by his collar and smacked their lips together amidst the crowd's gasp. He couldn't care less what scandalous rumors will be spread tomorrow, knowing that he won't be here by then. So, he released the wrinkled collar and put his arms around the younger teen whose height already exceeded him by a few inches. He teased the School Prince with many nibbles and the full lips with his tongue but not really pushing forward. It was Kyuhyun who recovered from the shock and stole the rein back, prying his mouth open and deepening the kiss until his head was foggy. Jongwoon moaned and let himself fall harder for the Prince Charming who was out of his reach. Ah, he really loves Kyuhyun...



Bong... Bong... Bong... 



When the clock struck at midnight thrice, Jongwoon bit the Prince Charming's lip and shoved him away, before running away without dropping anything behind.



After all, he is the evil step-sister, not Cinderella.




Kyuhyun caught up with him just as he was about to get into his car. The junior held the door firmly and gave him a dangerous smile that made him shiver.


"Senior... Do you really think I'll let you run away after what you did to me?"

"So what? Are you going to stop me?"

"No, I'll run away with you~"

"What? Kyuhyun!? Get out!"


Kyuhyun also got into the car so he had to move to the passenger seat instead. The dashing School Prince who looked happier than usual drove out into the quiet night. On the empty road under the starry sky, only the sound of their breathing could be heard in the car. The closed space and the rising temperature due to the heater gradually made the rebellious kitten in his heart purr louder. It will be his last day with Cho Kyuhyun. How far can he get away with being reckless?


"Senior Jongwoon, is there any place that you want to go in particular?"

"I want you."


The car suddenly halted and his body almost lunged forward but a strong arm came to block him first. Kyuhyun stared at him fixedly. Prince Charming's large hand gripped the steering wheel so tight that his knuckle almost turned white. His gaze was still as unbothered lake surface but Jongwoon could sense disturbance beneath it. After that, Kyuhyun started the engine again and drove him to one of the hotels under the Cho Group. Kyuhyun carried him from the car to the highest floor of the building, ignoring employees who bowed at him on the way. As soon as they stepped into the grand suite, Kyuhyun pounced on him and ravaged his mouth while hurrying to take off his clothes. Jongwoon also cooperated and almost tore off his crush's suit. No words were exchanged once they fell on the bed and Kyuhyun rolled over to press him under his body. Having nothing to lose, Jongwoon gladly revealed all of himself and let Prince Charming explore the most intimate depth that no one had been to before. When Kyuhyun groaned in his ear and deposited his warm essence inside him, Jongwoon bit the wide shoulder flushed in arousal and left his teeth mark on his crush's body in return.



A parting gift befitting an evil step-sister like him.




When morning came, Jongwoon detached Kyuhyun's sticky arms from his body and got up with difficulty after being overworked for almost the entire night. He kissed the boy's parting lips and left quietly to go home. Then, he packed his bags and left the city.




Two days later...



"Finally! I'm done putting stuff in places!"


Jongwoon exclaimed and flopped down on the couch. He had already moved out of his house and moved into an apartment located near the college. He planned to start anew here, far away from all the annoying rumors, bratty younger brother, and a prince who was out of his reach... Jongwoon pursed and his lips, a memory of that passionate night still lingering vividly in his head. He was the happiest version of himself when he was loved and fulfilled in the embrace of a man he loved, even though that man was his brother's fiance... 


"Huh? What did Kyuhyun try to say about the engagement that night...?"


Maybe Kyuhyun actually loved him too and already canceled the engagement with Hyukjae...? A happy grin slowly formed on his face at the possibility. However, it soon disappeared when he recalled his brother telling him that it was a business deal between the two families. He wasn't Uncle Lee's son so it was impossible between him and Kyuhyun... No. He came here to start a new life so he should stop thinking about the past! But the more he forced himself to forget, the more he realized that he couldn't forget his crush's obsessive touches and burning gaze directed at him... Jongwoon blushed after the memory began to awake something in him. Aish! Maybe it was a bad idea to have with your crush before leaving...




A sudden ringtone snapped him out of questionable thoughts. Jongwoon checked the caller and silently thanked the other party from distracting him from thinking of Kyuhyun.


"Hyukjae, are you trying to trick me again? I told you—"

"Hyung, I'm in front of your room now. Hurry up and let me in!" 

"What? Why are you—"



Knock knock 



The brat ended the call before he got to ask. Sighing, Jongwoon went to the door and opened it to let his step-brother—


"Kim Jongwoon, I caught you."


It was Kyuhyun who was behind the door, not Hyukjae. When Jongwoon was temporarily stunned, the younger boy seized the chance to step inside and lock the door while smiling suspiciously.


"Kyuhyun? How did you find out where I—? Wait, Lee Hyukjae! That brat tricked me again!!"

"Obviously, I'm here to find the naughty Cinderella who left a lewd gift for me~"


Jongwoon blushed bright red and he was so startled that his jaw almost dropped to the floor, seeing the School Prince suddenly taking off his black t-shirt. Kyuhyun threw the garment away and strode toward him, showing a purple bruise of a teeth mark on his shoulder. He kept stepping back until his foot hit the couch and he fell down on it. The smirking junior didn't waste the opportunity and came to straddle him right away.


"Senior~ Aren't you going to take responsibility for what you did? This bruise really hurts but not as much as when I woke up and you were gone~"

"Hm! Do you have any proof that I did it? I don't remember doing— Cough!"

"Then, let me help you recall it by repeating what we did that night~"


Still smirking, Kyuhyun inserted his middle and ring fingers into his mouth and started to in and out. At the same time, the warm hand slid under his top and fondled his waist until his bones melted. Before he got swept away, Jongwoon bit the erted prince's fingers and managed to shove the other boy away. While he was coughing, Kyuhyun the wet digits while maintaining an eye contact with him. The brown-haired teen then compared the teeth mark on his fingers with the one on his shoulder and purred.


"Here, a proof that this wonderful gift was given by you, Senior~"

"... Please stop chasing me, Kyuhyun. I'm just an evil step-brother whom everyone hates."

"But I choose you, Kim Jongwoon, because I love you."


Shocked to hear a confession from his crush, Jongwoon didn't respond when Kyuhyun hugged him and kissed his cheek. Pulling back slightly, the School Prince sighed and caressed his face with an exasperated fondness shining in his eyes.


"Sigh, Senior, if only you'd let me finish what I had to say, you'd have known already that my engagement with Hyukjae is canceled. Now, you're my one and only fiance."


"Well, it wasn't until only recently. Took me a while to persuade my father to change the engagement target to the step-son instead of the real heir. Luckily, Uncle Lee helped reassure my father that the cooperation between our groups will stay the same no matter who marries me. In the end, he finally agreed and I also got a blessing from your parents. I planned to announce our engagement during my birthday party but then..."


Kyuhyun glared at him with a cute pout. Knowing that it was his fault for running away, Jongwoon hurriedly pecked the protruding lips and wrapped his arms around the School Prince, pulling the taller boy to press on him.


"Sorry for making it harder for you... But it's not my fault that I thought I'm a scum who falls in love with my step-brother's fiance!"

"I know. I'm sorry too for breaking the promise and not making it to your show. The traffic was hellish that day. When I arrived at the school, the show had already ended and I couldn't find you... I wanted to see you again but didn't have any chance, not until I found out that you became my best friend's family. Senior, do you have any idea how happy I was to meet you again? How my heart was in turmoil when I saw the gorgeous you so close but couldn't touch you?"

"Really? Why did you say that you hated my style that day then?"

"Ah... Forgive my stupid mouth. Hyung, I said that because I didn't want anyone to see you..."

"Pfft, I'm a bad guy who abuses his step-brother. Who else would be interested in me? Plus, you also heard those rumors."

"I'm by your side and witness your beautiful soul with my own eyes. How could I believe those stupid rumors? Plus, sometimes Hyukjae does deserve it in my opinion."


Jongwoon laughed and hugged his (now) fiance with both arms and legs while beaming. Although he is an evil step-sister in other people's eyes, to Kyuhyun, he is actually the Cinderella whom Prince Charming falls in love with.


"I love you too, Kyuhyun. Thank you for chasing me here and for not giving up."

"Well, I did say that I want you to take responsibility, right?"


The younger boy smirked as his hand wandered lower to caress his hip. Jongwoon mewled and didn't resist the touch. If anything, he happily twisted his lower body and let his fiance take off his pants while rubbing Kyuhyun's with the sole of his heel.


"Go ahead, Kyuhyun. I'm all yours~"




And forever yours, my own Prince Charming. 💙







A few days after the new semester started, Jongwoon, now a college student, dropped by his old school to visit his fiance and his step-brother. He noticed that people still looked at him the same, even though Kyuhyun had already made it clear that they were in love and got engaged officially and legally. People still chose to believe what they wanted to believe rather than the truth, not that it bothered him. In fact, after finding out from Hyukjae that Kyuhyun's fanatic fanclub was the one who spread rumors about him out of jealousy, he began to purposefully flirting with Kyuhyun to annoy them.



"Yes, baby?"


Jongwoon tapped his cheek and smirked triumphantly when the School Prince obediently pecked it. He almost laughed out loud seeing a group of boys and girls seething in envy while glaring at him from afar. Not only his fiance fanclub's reaction that made him happy, his step-brother's funny looks was also very entertaining. Hyukjae who sat beside them looked at them in disgust.


"Eew! Get out of my sight you shameless lovebirds!"

"Shut up brat. You're just jealous of us because you can't do this with Donghae."


Jongwoon eventually laughed out loud when he saw his step-brother immediately wither like a plant without water. After he and Kyuhyun got together, they visited the boutique again to thank the fairy godmother and found out that Donghae actually went to the same college and same faculty as him, just one year his senior. He also learned that his bratty brother fell in love at first sight hard for the handsome fairy godmother at Kyuhyun's birthday party. Now, Hyukjae didn't dare to anymore, knowing that he had become Donghae's buddy. Hyukjae clenched his fists and glared at them.


"Just you wait and see! One day, I'll be lovey-dovey with Donghae hyung too! Even more sickeningly sweet than you two!"

"Aww, Kyu, did you hear that? What should we do?"

"Easy~ We mustn't lose out to them."


Kyuhyun played along with him and smooched his cheek while hugging him close, causing Hyukjae to gag and try to pull his hair out due to frustration. Jongwoon saw other people whisper something and knew that soon a new rumor will be spread, though it won't be a rumor this time.



After all, he did bully Hyukjae purposefully!




Author's note:

Our evil step-sister and prince charming finally ended up together! Hooray!! ><  Also, turns out that Donghae is actually the Cinderella, a rag going to a party and meeting Prince Charming xD

There's a lot of misunderstanding and miscommunication here so you might be frustrated. Normally, I don't like this trope too but it's crucial for the story this time so hope you don't mind it!  xD


Take care and love you   <3


PS. Spoiler for next week here!! Do you believe in destiny and ready to cry?  :P

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Read again and Falling in love again! I love your story ~
_MyName_ #2
Chapter 3: Aahh, these two, so frustrating!! I was expecting Jongwoon to disappear for a longer time, but then again I don't think Kyuhyun would allow it xD or atleast poor Eunhyuk would suffer greatly trying to hold Jongwoon's location a secret :D
And as for your question, no I'm not ready cry but I will read the story anyway :')
Jongwoon finally get his happily ever after <3
Nice plot twist, and nothing beats slightly steamy encounter in the end
Elf_cloud24 #4
Chapter 3: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 3: so instead of a glass slipper he left a bite mark? JONGWOON YOU FOX!!! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡

but let us also thank fairy godmother Hae for his determination and Hyuk's wittiness to trick Yeye (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
405 streak #6
Chapter 3: Hae with 'hi hi! That'd be me!' >>> CUTE!!! I really like kyusung's fairy godmother!!!

Eniwei, thank you for this fluffy and fantastic story! I can't wait to cry(?) for your next story hihihi...
Honeymoon89 #7
Chapter 3: Yeah for this beautiful ending....i want more🤭🤭 good job authornim👏👏👍👍💙💙
Rinirin07 #8
Chapter 3: 🥰🥰🥰
Fouffy story is the best 💙💙💙
Chapter 2: Cute fluffy ☺️ awesome story as always
Thanks 😌
Elf_cloud24 #10
Chapter 2: Cinderella yesung 🥰