
Impossible Love

We gathered after Ms. Krystal finished her list, and we went on different buses to different CF sites. 

We were going to GyoTakU site, where the famous actor, JiHyo, was filming for a company. I was excited-I had never seen a real celebrity before, believe it or not-but weary, because Hyoyeon would be there and probably would make fun of me.

I noticed Hyoyeon right away, but I ignored her and we sat together in the back. We were minding our own business, talking, laughing, basically having fun, when Hyoyeon saw us and decided to talk to us. Wait-let me correct that. Talk about us.

"Oh look, there's the no-talent ," she called. Mr. Yoseob was way in the front, so he probably couldn't hear us over all that bus noises that buses make. "The newt's in there-you know, that klutz? You'd think someone who came to COEJ would have at least some talent in something as simple as walking."

The whole end of the bus was laughing at us now, and I could feel my face burning, but we still pretended we didn't hear her.

"I see that you're trying to ignore me, Ms. Klutzy. Hmmm... I wonder why? Is she that embarrassed about her walking skills? That's the proof-she's not denying it." Hyoyeon smirked, looking at her friends, who were going crazy with laughter.

They kept teasing us and teasing us until we reached the CF place. When we did reach the place, my face was burning and I was practically boiling with anger. I could now know why my friends were so cold and unforgiving towards her and her friends. I think Jiyoon kind of growled a little, but it might have been me.

I felt like throwing myself on her and pulling her hair and punching and kicking her, but I knew that if I did, I'd get in trouble, so I didn't-but I hardly kept myself from doing just that.

I managed (somehow) to calm down a bit, and we walked down the bus with heavy, angry silence. Hyoyeon and her friends were still snickering at us, and our enemy just smirked at us triumphantly.

I didn't know why she didn't like us so much. Me, sure, I can understand. After all, I did bump into her and stuff. Jiyoon, too-they'd told me that Jiyoon was Hyoyeon's ultimate dance rival. Yes, that made sense. But that left Suzy. Why did she not like Suzy? I didn't get that one. Suzy did nothing wrong, as far as I know.

I vowed to myself to ask the two later, and followed Mr. Yoseob. Suzy was, of course, looking at him with dreamy eyes, apparently over the anger already. I smiled-she was definitely in deep love.

I'd only been that deep in love only once-my biggest crush ever. It was on, unfortunately, the most popular guy in the whole high school, and he was about two years, 10 months and four days older than me. Yes, I knew his birthday. Not that I was a stalker or anything. I just... knew. Oh, never mind.

Anyways, I relived the experience for a moment, then looked at Suzy again. I knew how she felt. I smiled affectionately again-she was a sweet, caring girl. I glanced at Jiyoon, on my right, who seemed to be arguing jokingly with another girl-her name was TaeJu, I think-about some kind of dance move. Jiyoon was also sweet, nice, etc.

I realized then how lucky I was-I mean, the second day of training, and I already have great friends! They were both really special-Suzy was always quiet and respectful, and Jiyoon knew her place in life really well. I still didn't see her full aegyo yet-I once again promised to ask her.

Then, I heard Suzy whisper to Jiyoon behind me. "Hey, there's your boyfriend!" I looked back, and Jiyoon was blushing. I never saw her blush before-but then again, I only met her yesterday. Just at that moment, I tripped over my shoelaces (which I now noticed were untied all along). I stumbled, and unluckily, Hyoyeon saw that.

"Oh look, the Queen of Klutzes (is that how you spell it?) has struck again! There she is, in action!" The entire group laughed at us, but Mr. Yoseob still didn't notice. Amazing how teachers can be so oblivious.

"Anyone who teases again will have to clean the bathroom for a week when we get back!" Mr. Yoseob sang towards us. I guess I was wrong.

After that, the group quieted down and start talking with their friends, not caring about us. Thank goodness!

Even though a lot happened after that whisper, I was still curious. I turned to Jiyoon.

"You have a boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yup." Blushing again, this time with a soft smile. Wow, I never saw that face on her before.



"Sunggyu-oppa!" Suzy interrupted us. "He said he fell in love with her the moment he saw her aegyo. He's that guy over there- see?" She pointed towards a guy. Come to think of it, he was one of the only ones that didn't laugh when Hyoyeon made fun of us. I looked back and saw that her eyes were sparkling while Jiyoon's face got redder.

"Oh my gosh, that's so romantic!" I said, smiling at my friends. I stumbled again, but this time, Hyoyeon didn't see.

"I know, right? So do you know how Sunggyu-oppa asked her out? Okay, so h-"

"My group! We're here. From now, we have to be quiet, because they're filming and we do NOT want to bother them! We have a good reputation, and we don't want to ruin that. Got it?" Mr. Yoseob turned back to us.

"YES!" We answered.

As we went in, Suzy whispered, "I'll tell you later, okay?" I nodded, while Jiyoon's face only got brighter red. Personally, I didn't think that was possible.

Lucky for Jiyoon, the place was a bit dark, so her face was hidden. We watched this celebrity, WonHa from Tygers (FAKE!!! OBVIOUSLY), a boy band, take pictures posing with these shoes. It was pretty cool-the celebrity was nice to us, the staff, too, and I had a bunch of fun.

It looked hard, though-all that standing/posing still and not moving from an uncomfortable-looking position would be practically impossible for the "Queen of Klutzes," my new nickname, it seems, to do. I'd better start learning to balance, I guess.



A/N: Bad ending. I know. I can't help it-as I've said before, I'm a bad writer.

I'm going to thank some people who have continuosly commented, helped, and/or supported along the way. Thanks, guys! :)












among others...

but most importantly... you! That's because you're reading this! Thanks, once again, because you kept reading even though there were super boring par! Thank you soooo much, everyone who's reading this! ^^



We came back to campus with thankfully no more incidents that contained the words klutz, clumsy, and queen.

Actually, all through the bus ride, I was quiet while Jiyoon and Suzy talked. I was thinking about the CF place and all that stuff. More generally, the future that was waiting for me. I was hoping I'd get into a girl group with Suzy and Jiyoon-but that was still an unpredictable subject in this company.

COEJ (by the way, it's supposed to be pronounced like co-edge) didn't have a lot of celebrities in there-only a few minors ones here and there. There was a huge announcement, though, this year, that the company would be spending a lot of money on the selected few. And, compared to other companies, this was a little, I guess.

During the one hour of free time before bed check and stuff like that (curfew, I guess-Mondays have none, apparently), we hung out together after showers and getting ready for bedtime. I remembered randomly about Jiyoon's boyfriend, so I asked Suzy to finish the story for me.

"Oh, yeah! I was forgetting about that..." Suzy smiled gratefully at me. From the look on Jiyoon's face, she had remembered but had not reminded Suzy in hopes of the story not being told.

"Okay, so this oppa's name is Sunggyu-oppa. He's one of those lucky guys who's future group was already chosen at his first trainee year-which is, I might add, is this year. His group is Infinite." I nodded eagerly-I loved real-life love stories!

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moonlightangel77 #2
Ya know, hyoyeon and hoya would b a cute couple, jus sayin
Chapter 24: Omg hope Jieunnie did well
If anything she'll probably be second to last place lol
You can't blame her though since dancing really isn't her specialty
it's okay though cause we all love her<3 IU FIGHTING!!~
xiaohope #4
Chapter 22: Update pls
Lyny99 #5
Chapter 21: Please. IUSEOB moment !
Haeysoo #6
Chapter 20: Update please!
Haeysoo #7
Chapter 20: I love iuseob.. More iuseob moment please..! !
Chapter 20: lol Yoseob and Jieun are too cute! Thinking alike like that~
And the Yongseo story was wow! It really was like a fairy-tale!!
Can't wait for the next chapter! Preview's getting me excited~ <3
Haeysoo #9
Chapter 19: Wow!!! Great.. But i want more iuseob!!!
Haeysoo #10
Chapter 18: Update please!! Author-nim