First Real Day of... Class? (Part 1)

Impossible Love

We finished the tour and went back to our dorms. On the tour, Suzy and Jiyoon explained to me we all had single rooms-a question I had asked-because it was a small company and didn't accept a lot of people-only a few talented people. I was really proud of myself for coming in-I mean, only a selected few? Boy, that's pretty good!

Jiyoon and I said good night to Suzy and went to our floor. There, I said good night to Jiyoon and went into my room. Even though it was night and I was really tired (long drive to Seoul, walking on the tour), I unpacked all my stuff.

After that, for some reason, I couldn't sleep, so I went outside for some fresh night air. (the dorms all had small balconies outside in the hall's ends.)

As I reached there (the curfew is 12, in case someone wants to practice in the practice rooms), I heard someone call my name.

"Hey, Jieun-ah!" I turned around and saw G.Na running towards me. "So, how did the tour go?" she asked, panting a bit but smiling.

"Oh, my guides were wonderful. It was really fun."

"Really? That's good, then. Do you have any further questions?"

"Yes," I answered, thinking of asking her if Mr. Yoseob really was dating Hyoyeon.

"What is it?" I almost said it aloud, but caught myself in time. I didn't think it was smart of me to do so, so I searched for another answer.

"Um, where are the showers?" I asked lamely.

"Oh, they didn't tell you?"

"No," I lied.

"It's at the end of the hallway." She looked at her watch. "Well, it's 11:45-you better go to sleep. You have to wake up at 6:00 sharp tomorrow. Breakfast is at 6:45."

"I see, well goodnight, then G.Na!" I said, hurrying to my room.

"Goodnight, Jieun-ah!" I heard her call back to me. I finally tucked myself in, and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, at 6:00 sharp, as G.Na had said, a bell rang loudly and noisily, and groaning, I woke up. When I finally made it to the hall, G.Na was busying about (?), helping out here and there, ordering orders, etc., etc., etc.

"Hello, Jieun! Did you have a good night's sleep? I hope you did, because you're not going out of class this time. Remember, breakfast is in" she checked her watch "25 minutes! Better dress up!"

I nodded sleeply as she flashed me a smile and went by again. Jiyoon appeared right next to me, with a knowing smile.

"Tough, eh? When I was first here, I was as surprised as you were."

"This was the biggest surprise I ever got in my life," I replied dryly. "And I have to say it's not a good one, either." Jiyoon laughed, patted me on my back and headed towards the restroom.

"Hurry! The line's going to be so long soon!" she called at me.

I went back into my room to change-they didn't have uniforms here, only policies. Last night, as I was unpacking, I had chosen an outfit that was comfortable and laid-back, nothing fancy. I had a simple yellow t-shirt on with gray shorts-no glasses, because I thought glasses would get in the way of practice.

I did nothing special with my hair-just let it rest, I guess.

I looked like this:

After changing, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then, I found Jiyoon by the door leading out of the girl's dorm and together waited for Suzy to come out.

"Suzy takes so long," Jiyoon complained, smiling. She kept the complaints up about how Suzy is a slowpoke and all that, but from the way she said it and with the look on her face, I knew she wasn't really angry at her.

When Suzy came down, I smiled and waved hello while Jiyoon grumbled, "Finally. About time you came to join us."

We chattered and laughed as we made our way to the HUGE cafeteria. The food there was awesome-omelet with kimchi (of course).

After eating, we checked our schedules-we had finished early, so we had about 10 minutes free time-which we had wanted to do but couldn't because of the Enemy (AKA Hyoyeon, AKA the Rival, AKA Queenka, AKA Dancing Queen, it seems. -_-). Here are our schedules:


                          Mine (Jieun's)                                                   Jiyoon's                                                                 Suzy's

Class 1:            Excercise                                                          Vocals                                                                  Emotion

Class 2:            Vocals Excel                                                     Dance Excel                                                        Vocals Excel

Class 3:            Dance                                                               Excercise                                                             Excercise

Class 4:            Properness                                                       Properness                                                          Properness

Class 5:            Emotion                                                            Emotion                                                                Dance

Class 6:            Unknown                                                          Unknown                                                              Unknown


All in all, we had Properness class by Ms. Im together, Jiyoon and I had Emotion (Mr. Kim) together, Suzy and I had Vocals Excel (Mr. Yoseob) at the same time (it seems all Excel classes are in Class 2), and Jiyoon and Suzy had Excercise (Ms. Krystal) together. The other teachers were Mr. Park and G.Na, who taught Dance alternatively or together, and Ms. Kwon, who taught the regular Vocals class, and all the teachers taught Unknown.

Unknown was when every student was divided into groups and learn different skills each-jokes & lines (for variety), going outside to see CF's being recorded, variety show sets, acting, and stuff we need.

After that, the bell rang, so we went to our first classes. We only had 2 minutes to get there, and boy, was the campus huge. I was glad it was Tuesay-class #4 was first

The schedule was this: Monday-Classes 1, 2, 3, 6. Tuesday-Classes 3, 2, 1, 6. Wednesday-Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (short classes). Thursay: 4, 5, 6. Friday: 6, 5, 4. Saturday: 1, 6, free time. (No classes on Sundays).

Because it was Tuesday, I had Dance class-which was where G.Na and a Mr. Park taught. I felt lucky that I knew who G.Na was, but not who Mr. Park is.

I went into the room quickly, not hesitating like yesterday. G.Na was already in front of the class, practicing. I noticed another guy beside her, at the desk in the corner where G.Na did her paperwork and graded yesterday. I assumed it was Mr. Park, but he looked so young! This Mr. Park looked no younger than me, even.

When class started, G.Na clapped her hands twice, getting everyone's attentions.

"Okay, class! We're going to warm-up with #2!" She shouted. I must have looked openly confused, because G.Na looked my way and said, "Oh, yes, there's the new girl in class! Please welcome her, she's Jieun."

"Hi, Jieun!" Everyone said, just like yesterday.

"And this is Mr. Taeyang Park," G.Na introduced me. I quickly bowed, mumbling an 'anyounghaseyo.'

"Hello, newt!" Mr. Park said. "Call me Mr. Taeyang." I nodded, staying silent.

We started what they called Warm-Up #2-apparently, it was just dancing to PoIn's Yah!. I knew all the dance moves, even though I wasn't good at dancing, because PoIn-shi was my favorite singer.

I danced clumsily with everyone else, occasionally bumping into someone. After Warm-Up, we practiced dancing to 1Minute's new song, Volume Up (A/N: I know it's not 1Minute, but 4Minute, but since 4Minute's real members are here, we will pretend that they are 1Minute. And: YAY!!!! GO 4MINUTE!!! ... *cough* *cough* I said nothing...), which was hard. I needed a lot of practice doing the fast dance steps.

When the class ended, I was thoroughly exhausted, and while I was drinking water while sitting on the ground, Mr. Taeyang came up to me and sat down next to me.

"Hard, eh?" he asked. I nodded wearily. "Yeah, G.Na's pretty harsh, but she's a good teacher." I nodded again. "When I teach, the students say it's like getting a good rest in class." Not knowing what to say, I nodded again. "Nice outfit." I once again nodded my thanks.

"Is that all you can do? Nod?" he teased me. I laughed, and just to make him annoyed, nodded. He laughed, too, and I got up to get my binder and go to the next class.

"Bye, Mr. Taeyang, bye G.Na," I called. He seemed really fun. And he taught pretty well, too. I could still hear Mr. Taeyang laughing while I was going out.


A/N: As you can see, I finally updated. I spent a lot of time on this chapter and I did not have time, either-and I must admit, I was feeling a bit lazy these days. Sorry! Anyways, PoIn, imaginary once again, so's the song. Thanks for reading, and I'll try to include other girls' POV's, too. It's just that in the beginning, I need only one point of view to introduce everything, and IU/Jieun's the main narrator (or whatever they call it), so yeah...

Well, thanks for reading!




I hurried to Vocals Excel class, because after talking to Mr. Taeyang, I had wasted a bit of my time getting there-and boy, was the way long. I was afraid I was going to be late, but thankfully, I got in just before the bell rang.

"Just in time, Ms. Jieun, I see!" I heard a cheerful, yet familiar voice ring out into the classroom. I slowly turned, and broke into a big smile.

"Hi, Mr. Yoseob!" I had forgotten he was the teacher of this class. Too bad Suzy wasn't in here.

"Okay, class, our last member of the family" he winked at me as I hurried to my seat "is here. Let's start!"

Just like Dance, we started with a simple warm-up-going up and down scales. I thought it was easy, but apparently it was hard for some.

I started, secretly, to do my own warm-up, which was going up and down the scale while doing this thing with my lips.

Mr. Yoseob, though, caught me doing it, and said, "Young lady!" It was half in that voice he had spoken to me first in the first day-the scary one.

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moonlightangel77 #2
Ya know, hyoyeon and hoya would b a cute couple, jus sayin
Chapter 24: Omg hope Jieunnie did well
If anything she'll probably be second to last place lol
You can't blame her though since dancing really isn't her specialty
it's okay though cause we all love her<3 IU FIGHTING!!~
xiaohope #4
Chapter 22: Update pls
Lyny99 #5
Chapter 21: Please. IUSEOB moment !
Haeysoo #6
Chapter 20: Update please!
Haeysoo #7
Chapter 20: I love iuseob.. More iuseob moment please..! !
Chapter 20: lol Yoseob and Jieun are too cute! Thinking alike like that~
And the Yongseo story was wow! It really was like a fairy-tale!!
Can't wait for the next chapter! Preview's getting me excited~ <3
Haeysoo #9
Chapter 19: Wow!!! Great.. But i want more iuseob!!!
Haeysoo #10
Chapter 18: Update please!! Author-nim