You are my angel


click click click 

He was holding his precious camera and was continuously snapping photos of her. The people who would pass by him would give him stares with thoughts that he was a stalker but he didn’t care. He was concentrated on taking the right angle in one shot.


She was standing and waiting under the shade for someone, she repeatedly looked at her watch to check the time. He was already late for five minutes. She was starting to get worried thoughts like he might have gotten into an accident crossed her mind. She took out her phone and was about to dial a number when she heard a snap of a camera. She shot her head up and a flash had greeted her which made her cover her eyes with the back of her palm.

“Yah! What took you so long? You got me worried.” she said the last part in a whisper.

“Sorry.” he said as he took her hands away from her face. They were now facing each other she felt her cheeks burning so she immediately looked away.

“And why the heck do you have a camera?” she asked so that he wouldn’t notice her painted cheeks.

“I always bring this and besides we’re outside it’s good to take pictures.” he answered with that cute smile of his that made her heart flutter.

“We’re not going on a trip we’re going to conduct a survey for our project.” she said as she boarded the bus that had stopped in front of them and he just followed suit.


They have been schoolmates ever since they had started to study and they’ve been classmates for a few times already including this year. They don’t really get along, you can say that they are the total opposite of each other. Shin Ha Rin was the loud type of girl and was not afraid to voice out her opinion while Kim Myungsoo was the silent and reserved type of person. There would be times that they would get along but that would only happen once in a blue moon.

“Stop taking pictures of the people on the bus it’s annoying and I don’t think they like what you’re doing.” she said as she looked at the faces of the people on board. Some were annoyed with the endless snapping of the camera while the others just ignored it.

He held the camera close to him as he covered up the lens. He was now bored since he couldn’t take any picture so he decided to just turn his head from side to side to look at the people getting on and leaving the bus and he would gradually look outside and at the buildings and houses they would pass by.


“Waahhhh.” she inhaled the fresh air as she spread her arms like she would start flying. “That was a tiring task.”

He just looked at her with the camera in his hand, he was contemplating on whether he would take a picture of her or not but his hands had already acted before he could think things though.

She got startled at the sudden sound of the shutter. “Yah! Why’d you take a picture of me? I’m sure I looked ugly.” she then approached him and tried to grab his camera but he was quick so he was now holding it up in the air. He was taller than her so she couldn’t reach it but it didn’t make her back down. She jumped and tried to reach it until she was able to grab a hold of it.

Myungsoo started to run after her when she darted away from him as soon as she was able to get the camera. She wasn’t able to look at the pictures as she ran as fast as she could to save herself.

Her pace was getting slower since she’s been running for a few minutes now and that gave Myungsoo the chance to get his camera back.

“C’mon I just want to see what you’ve been taking the whole day.” she pleaded but her aegyo was no use. He wasn’t the type to easily give in with someone’s cuteness.


“Thank you for the food.” she said as she clasped her hands together before starting to eat.

Myungsoo chuckled at what she just did. “Do you always do that?”

“Why? Is there something wrong with it? It’s my way of saying thanks that I get to eat a proper meal.”

“I didn’t say anything against it, I was just asking since I find it cute.” she suddenly blushed at what he said.

They were arguing about some stuff while eating, I guess you can say that it was their normal routine to disagree with each other.

Myungsoo excused himself and went to the bathroom. Ha Rin saw that he had left his camera, she knew she shouldn’t touch it but she was tempted.

“I’ll only look at a few pictures.” she said to herself as she picked up the camera up and browsed the pictures. She saw pictures like cars and people moving, the hills, animals, basically anything you can see under the sun. She was amazed at how beautiful the pictures were taken that she continued to scroll down.

Her eyes widened at the next picture, it was her at school eating lunch she remembered that it was just a few weeks ago she then pushed the next button and was surprised that it was all her in school laughing with friends and doing other things. The pictures were obviously taken without her permission but instead of her admiring at how beautiful it was shot she had thoughts running through her mind.

The picture she was looking at now was the picture taken earlier where she had spread her arms wide. She looked like an angel with her wings being the light emitting from the sun.

*Is he a stalker or something? How come I have a lot of pictures here?*her thought was disrupted when the camera was taken away from her. She looked up only to see Myungsoo’s angry face. *Why is he angry?*

Before she could explain herself he turned around and walked away. She quickly stood up and followed him. She wanted to ask him why he had taken pictures of her.

“Wait!” she shouted but he was too quick for her.


*Aish~ why did she have to see it? Now she’ll think that I’m a creep or worse a stalker.* he thought as he ruffled his hair in frustration. He wasn’t intending on letting her know his feelings. He had actually developed feelings for her when he had gotten to know her better and that was the time they were able to have a conversation without arguing. From then on he was drawn closer to her and it was just recently that he had the feeling of taking pictures of her. *It’s over now Kim Myungsoo, she might hate you now.*

He was sitting on a bench at the park facing the fountain placed in the middle. He saw children playing and he decided to capture their smiling faces. He then looked at it and was satisfied that he was able to capture the little children gleaming in glee. He accidentally pressed the previous button so he was now looking at the picture of Ha Rin where she looked like an angel spreading her wings and ready to fly.

A smile crept up on his face. “You look weird with that face.” he heard a very familiar voice. “So mind explaining now?”

“First of all sorry for taking pictures without your permission and don’t think of me as a stalker since it was really pure accidental that we’re together in the same place.”

“Why me?” she asked as she watched the children happily running and splashing each other with water.

“Because I like you.” he didn’t bother to beat around the bush and he couldn’t think of any excuse so he just told the truth.

Ha Rin was rendered speechless, the guy whom she rarely gets along with had just confessed to her and she didn’t know want to say.

“I’m not expecting any answer right away. I just wanted to tell you since you’re close enough in finding out.”


After Myungsoo’s confession he was expecting that Ha Rin would ignore him but to his surprise she didn’t. She acted like nothing happened, they would still have their debate and he was happy about that. At least he doesn’t have to worry about being awkward with her.

It was the last week of school and after that is summer break. It has been a tradition of their school to have an outing before school ends so that the teachers and students could bond.

“Yah! Shin Ha Rin don’t cheat!” shouted one of their classmates, they were on the beach playing a relay game. Ha Rin was running as fast as she could and she seemed to be enjoying what she’s doing.

Myungsoo was looking at her, he was so mesmerized by her beauty. He was continuously taking pictures of her.

“I suggest you confess to her.” Sungyeol, a classmate of his, said. He stopped clicking on his camera and looked at him. “It’s so obvious and everyone in class can tell you like her. If you want we can help you confess to her.”

“Thanks but I’ll do that on my own.” he answered back as he walked towards his other classmates.


The sun was already setting and everyone was packing up their things it was time for them to head back.

“So what did you want to say to me?” she asked as she had approached Myungsoo who was once again busy taking pictures, of the sunset this time. Seeing that he was too absorbed in what he was doing she cleared and started to speak again. “You really do love taking pictures, don’t you?”

“Would you like to see it?”

Before she could answer back he had already moved closer to her and started to browse the pictures. Ha Rin was surprised at how he was able to take some beautiful pictures and how he had improved in just a few months.

A certain picture then caught her eye, it was places near the beach like stalls and some signs were only particular words had been focused on. There were also some people holding a placard. She continued to look at the pictures and made up the words she would see until the last picture was shown, there was something written on the sand.

She looked at Myungsoo with wide eyes. “I don’t know how to say it so I decided to tell you through pictures.” he then flashed a smile, a smile that could make anyone smile as well.

He had shown the pictures he had taken where he was asking her to be his girlfriend. He made an effort to ask someone to hold a placard for him and he looked for a proper sign where he could form a word.

Ha Rin was once again left speechless, it seems that he was the only one who could do that to her. She had to admit that it was a really sweet thing. She never knew that he would still have feelings for her and somehow she managed to develop feelings for him too but she just realized it at that moment.

Ha Rin flashed a really cute smile and she shyly nodded her head. Myungsoo out of happiness took a picture of her. She giggled at how he reacted, she expected him to hug her or something but he didn’t and so she thought that he was really a very unique guy.

Myungsoo then showed her another picture, it was her earlier when they were playing. She was caught running but then again in the picture the light emitted a wing like effect on her that made her look like she was flying.

“Out of all the pictures I have of you, I like this one the best since you really look like an angel flying.” he said as he looked at her straight in the eyes and she was doing the same until they realized that they were just a few inches apart.

Myungsoo was leaning in and Ha Rin slowly closed her eyes expecting his lips to land on hers. “You two! We’re already leaving!” shouted Sungyeol that made the two flinch.

Ha Rin opened her eyes and she saw that he was glaring at their classmate. When they looked at each other they started to laugh.

“C’mon.” said Myungsoo as he held out his hand which she gladly took and they walked side by side.








~HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM MYUNGSOO!!! okay I'll do a picspam of the birthday boy ^^

cr. to the righful owner of the pics and gifs I just saw it on tumblr

once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ and I do not own any of the pics/gifs credit to the rightful owners

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This is sooo cute!Myungsoo sorta did seem like a stalker though :P But he's SOO cute!!I LOVE HIS WAY OF CONFESSING!!
ShinHyunAe18 #2
Kyaaaahh~~ adjdjdhsshfjfka!!!!! Thank you so much for this wonderful one shot! I love how Myungsoo confess. It's just like him&i pictured everything in my head& its sooo SWEEEET. :"> Again thank you! You've done a great one shot! i love this best!!! Okay, i'm spazzing now! I love him best when he smiles shyly. :">
cuteee <3
Hey!:D This is an awesome one shot ^^ ~