I'M NOT ON DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be Carefull What You Wish For

     Uhh... what happened... I said to my self as I slowly started to wake up. Then I remembered, I was kidnapped and a giant spider tried to eat me... I looked down at my leg and saw that it was perfectly fine. I was still sweating like crazy though...

     "Umm," I heard a voice say to the right side of me. I was a guy who looked better than meaathead, but defiantly dumber. "Are you Ok... like are you on drugs or something?"

     "What NO! I'm not on drugs!! Why would you think that????"

     "You were hallucinating real bad awhile ago. First you thought that a little spider was gonna eat you, then you started saying gargoyles were flying around the ceiling... What ever you took must have been some good-"

     "I'M NOT ON DRUGS!!!!!!"

     "Well how do you explain-'

     "Stupid," said another guy in the corner. He was darker than twiddledumb and meathead and had jet black hair almost styled like Zhou Mi's hair (back in the Super Girl era)

     "He has a fever." Hmm, that would explain why I fell like I'm in an oven right now...

     "He's at 103 degrees last time I checked, and that was only 10 minuets ago."

     "Oh, I see... well what do we do with him?"

     "Just what the boss said to do, watch him and makes sure he doesn't leave... or die."



Yeah... sorry I've been so late T.T I just haven't had any insparation lately. sorry it's so short too... Anyways if ant of you don't know high fevers can cause hallucination which is why Henry thought a spider was gonna eat him. I actually based this off of a dream I had once. I went to go heat up something in the microwave and after I had put it in a spider was on top of it (the microwave). It wasn't as big as the spider in the story but it was pretty big. I was trying back away, but then it jumped on me and bit my leg. After that I woke up... The creepy thing about it was that after I woke up my leg was hurting where it had bit me in my dream 0.0 So yeah... please comment~ <3

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Chapter 8: OMG ... Does his hyungs know??? I need them realizing that Henry has disappeared .. He's been gone for like, a day and a night already... Why his he been taken???? Why Henry??? Don't hurt him PLEEEEASEEE ... When is his hyungs gonna come?? Are they gonna hurt him?? O.Othe suspense is killing me ...
Chapter 8: Henry you were out for a while and you get yourself kidnapped?!?!?! How is it even possible for you seriously
sleepylips #3
Chapter 7: update soon plOx ^_^
Chapter 7: please update soon
lol poor Henry got kidnapped
lahdeedah000 #6
Well, I hope you find your inspiration soon!! ^^
lahdeedah000 #7
Holy crap, most definitely didn't see that coming!! O_o I need moooore!!!
poor mochi, I don't like spiders either. :(
HI THERE IM A NEW READER AND I HAVE TO SAY THIS IS SO FUNNY HAHAHAH X) poor mochi but it is his fault for playing in the rain and that huy is very scary and i HOPE nothing happens to him but when i read the foreward all i saw was english class and prompt i hate writing a prompt theyre so IRRITATING and i hope that this is his head playing with him PLEASE and i really cant wait for the next chapter =)
HENRY FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =:3
lahdeedah000 #9
Nooooooooo wae do you tease us like this?? Wanna know what happens next!!!
lahdeedah000 #10
Haha I hope he can find food soon! Update!!! :D