What Dafaq is going on???

Be Carefull What You Wish For

     Ugh... where am I? I sat up and looked around the place where I was. It as a dark room and I was sitting on a bed with white covers. In fact, the bed was the only thing in the room besides a window. How did I get here? I tried to find my phone, but it wasn't in my pocket. Whoever kiddnapped me must have took it. I looked over to my right and saw a door. Maybe whoever did this was stupid and didn't look the door! I ran over to the door to door and tried opening it, but it didn't work..

     The last thing I remember doing was walking out of that resturant, and then, and then... Oh! I remeber I got hit in the head. That would explain my headache, but why am I so hot, like seriously is the heat on? I walked (more like stumbled) over to the window to open it and looked out and couldn't believe my eyes. There were apartments tall and brown against the blue-orange light of sunset. However, on top of the building was grass and a big tree, but what was really off was an ocean next to it. You might br wondering what's so wrong with an ocean being next to a set of apartments? Well it's wrong when the ocean is as tall as the apartments! I'm serious, the waves gentle lapped at the grass on the roof top while a small boat with little kids on it were headed out to explore the bright blue ocean. A few feet below the surface I could see a huge in the middle. I stared at it and realized it was a whale!Seriously, a whale? What is this the twilight zone? At lease there aren't any glittery vampires...

     I desided to sit down on the bed and when I looked down on the ground I saw long hairy legs. I looked up and saw something that made me queezy, a spider. Now this wasn't your regular little spider you find crawling around in your house. No, this was a tranterla the size of a bear.

     "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! WHAT THE !" I screamed as I backed onto the bed as the spider approached me.

     "What's going on in here?" I looked over at the door and saw meathead standing there.

     "Tell your spider this to go away!" He looked over at where I was pointng and laughed.

     "That thing's harmless!"

     "Harmless!" I looked at the spider again as what I believe to be venom oozed from it's mouth.

     "How the hell is that thing harmless!" As I said that, the "harmless" spider jumped onto me and started to bit my leg.

     "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" I screamed in agony as the poision slowly took it's toll on me.



Yays! I finished dispite the heat! So, will Henry die or is this some sick sinario his mind is playing on him? We'll find out in the next chapter~! Anyways have you guys heard that SuJu is coming out with a new album? I can't wait!  Bye <3

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Chapter 8: OMG ... Does his hyungs know??? I need them realizing that Henry has disappeared .. He's been gone for like, a day and a night already... Why his he been taken???? Why Henry??? Don't hurt him PLEEEEASEEE ... When is his hyungs gonna come?? Are they gonna hurt him?? O.Othe suspense is killing me ...
Chapter 8: Henry you were out for a while and you get yourself kidnapped?!?!?! How is it even possible for you seriously
sleepylips #3
Chapter 7: update soon plOx ^_^
Chapter 7: please update soon
lol poor Henry got kidnapped
lahdeedah000 #6
Well, I hope you find your inspiration soon!! ^^
lahdeedah000 #7
Holy crap, most definitely didn't see that coming!! O_o I need moooore!!!
poor mochi, I don't like spiders either. :(
HI THERE IM A NEW READER AND I HAVE TO SAY THIS IS SO FUNNY HAHAHAH X) poor mochi but it is his fault for playing in the rain and that huy is very scary and i HOPE nothing happens to him but when i read the foreward all i saw was english class and prompt i hate writing a prompt theyre so IRRITATING and i hope that this is his head playing with him PLEASE and i really cant wait for the next chapter =)
HENRY FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =:3
lahdeedah000 #9
Nooooooooo wae do you tease us like this?? Wanna know what happens next!!!
lahdeedah000 #10
Haha I hope he can find food soon! Update!!! :D