[ONE-SHOT] Words that lingered on my tongue

It was already dark as Sunggyu and Hana reached the train station.

''I hope that we didn't miss the last train!'' Hana whined as she looked at the dark tunnel from which the trains came out.

Sunggyu sighed and walked beside her. ''It's all because of your shopping addiction.''

Hana turned around and shot him a glare. ''You wouldn't understand.''

''I know 'cause I'm not a woman.'' He said in a high pitched voice and waved his arms around.

That earned him a punch on his arm from an angry Hana.


Both of them were walking towards a board where the train's schedule as displayed on.

''11:30 pm.'' Sunggyu read and Hana looked at her cellphone.

''Hah! It's 11:27 pm!'' She flashed a triumphant grin at her best friend. 

But Sunggyu just yawned and sat down on a bench.


Sunggyu and Hana had been in Seoul for shopping.

Hana had done a lot of convincing in order to take Sunggyu with her. - Her aegyo-parade had convinced him in the end.

The two of them were close friends. Knowing each other since elementary school.


''Why did I even agree on accompanying you to this stupid shopping tour.'' Sunggyu grunted. 

Hana sat down next to him and patted his head. ''You bought yourself some great things.'' She flashed a smile.

Indeed. Sunggyu had bought a lot of stuff - Useful and unnecessary things.

Sunggyu didn't even turn around to look at her face. He just smiled in return thinking about the stuff that he bought.


But secretly he had enjoyed the time he had spent with Hana today.

He was happy every time when he was able to see her, to talk to her, to spent some time with her.

In fact - he wanted to be with her and that only with her.

What Hana didn't know was that Sunggyu had been in love with her for a long time now.

He just couldn't get over himself and confess. The friendship that he had with her was to precious and he didn't want to risk it.

So he decided to shut his mouth and don't say anything.

He enjoyed the time with her.


''Sunggyu!'' He was deep in his thoughts as Hana's hand pulled on his arm. ''The train!''

''Oh, yes.'' He looked up and saw an old looking train that came to an halt right in front of them.

The doors opened with an terrible screeching sound.

''Is this...really a good idea?'' Sunggyu looked at Hana who took a step inside.

She had ignored him and was now walking to an empty seat.

Sunggyu sighed and followed her.


To Sunggyu's surprise there were a lot of people inside. Chatting, laughing and some were even sleeping.

He found Hana who was sitting at an empty place in the far back. She waved her hand for Sunggyu to come over.

As he was just a few steps away an older looking man took the empty seat next to Hana.

Sunggyu narrowed his eyes and shot a deathly glare at the man who just took his seat.

He walked up to Hana who was clearly uncomfortable looking.

Sunggyu threw his backpack up to the luggage rack and moved to stand in front of Hana.

She looked up at him - almost screaming the words help me as the man shifted closer to her.


Sunggyu was boiling inside. Does that old man want to hit on her? erted geezer!

''Excuse me, young beauty.'' He slurred. That man was definitely drunk. ''Can you help me. I think I'm at the wrong train.''

His heavy body leaned closer to Hana and he placed his hand on her thigh while his eyes were staring at her chest.

Sunggyu couldn't watch anymore and pulled Hana up. He placed his hand around her waist while the other held onto the pole.

''I'm looking forward to dinner.'' He faked a smile and kissed her cheek. ''And dessert.''


Sunggyu's voice sent shivers down Hana's spine and goosebums were all over her body.

What Sunggyu didn't know - Hana had been madly in love with him, too.

She just didn't want to confess. Scared of being rejected by her best friend.


Hana looked into Sunggyu's eyes - shocked about what he did but then she realized that it had been his plan for saving her from that old man.

''Thanks.'' She whispered and placed her hands on his chest.

She was blushing lightly still feeling the soft kiss on her cheek. - His soft lips.

The old man grunted and stood up walking to another free seat.

Both Sunggyu and Hana sighed and sat down.

''What a ert.'' Sunggyu looked at the man with a disgusted look.

Hana chuckled and leaned back resting her head on the cold wall.


The ride back home form Seoul was a long one.

About two or three hours were normal.


Hana felt her eyes growing heavier and soon she felt herself drifting off to sleep.

After a few minutes even Sunggyu had fallen asleep as he felt Hana's head on his shoulder.

His head fell onto hers and like that they enjoyed each others warmth.




A loud noise woke both of them up.

The noise was followed by a harsh bang and then the train begun to jolt.


Sunggyu's eyes shot open and he held onto Hana in order to prevent her from falling to the ground.

''What's happening?'' Hana shouted in shock as she heard the other passengers screaming.

Sunggyu had trouble to hold both of them and soon their bodies met the cold ground as they fell down from their seats.

The lights were flickering, the breaks were jarring and soon the whole train went pitch black.

It came to an halt.


Sunggyu had pulled Hana underneath his body protecting her from any falling luggage.

Both of their bodies were shaking in fear and horror.

Suddenly they heard the voice of a man talking to them over the speakers.

''I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience. The train will be in move shortly. Please remain calmly at your seats. Thank you.''


''Are you okay?'' Sunggyu asked as he got up pulling Hana onto her feet.

She held onto a pole and then fell back to her seat. ''Just a little dizzy.''

Sunggyu kneeled in front of her and held her hands. ''Probably a simple defect.''

''I hope so.'' Hana said with a worried look on her face.

The outside surroundings were dark. The only thing that she was able to see was her own reflection.

''I have a bad feeling, Gyu.'' She tightened her grip on his hand. ''We shouldn't be here.''

''Ah, pssh! You sound like a scaredy-cat.'' He and pinched her cheek with his free hand.

But Hana couldn't dismiss that bad feeling that was growing by each second.


After a few minutes the train's lights went on.

The passengers expressions lightened up and soon the train begun to move.

''Told you, it wasn't a big deal.'' Sunggyu who was now sitting next to her smiled brightly. ''Ah~sweet home I'm coming.''

But Hana was still deep inside her thoughts trying to figure out what that weird feeling was.


A few more minutes passed and somehow Hana had the feeling that something was wrong.

She was trying to look outside but all she saw was darkness.

Sunggyu's warm hand took her cold one making her look to his direction.

''Why are you so worried?'' He asked with a chuckle.

''I don't know.'' Her head hung low and her eyes were stuck on the train's ground.

She heard him sigh. ''Any plans for tomorrow?'' He asked her suddenly.

Hana's eyes looked up into his and a smile formed on his delicious looking lips.

''Nope.'' She returned his smile.

Sunggyu laughed a bit nervously. ''Want to come over and have some super delicious cream cake?''

''You're baking one?''

Sunggyu nodded and laughed at Hana's childish expression.

''Of course!''


Sunggyu planned to confess to her tomorrow.

He wanted to do it! To be together with her!

To -




A loud bang - a hard impact - loud screams - eardrum killing sounds - blood.


What happened? Sunggyu felt dizzy and he felt pain all over his body.

He opened his eyes and to his horror everything was shredded.


He couldn't believe his eyes.

The train that had been moving seconds before was now torn into pieces.

There were burning parts a few steps away from him.

He saw arms and legs and feet and hair - not moving an inch.


Just then he realized that something wet was running down his face.

His hand wanted to reach up to his forehead but he never felt his fingers.

What's happening... He moved his head to the side only to realize that he was lying on the ground with something heavy being on top of him.

All movement didn't help. The heavy object stayed at its place.

Suddenly a thought hit him and he started to panic. ''HANA!'' He screamed but he didn't get an answer.




But then he heard coughing, painful groans and crying people.

''Hana.'' His voice was a whisper and he could feel his energy being drained out.

He turned his head to the other side and then it hit him like lighting.

There was a bundle of hair a few centimeters away from his body. - Orangey hair.

No! NO! NO!! He tried his best to free his arm and somehow he managed it.

His hand reached out for the hair and he lightly tug on it. - It was still attached to her head.

''Hana.'' His voice cracked as he saw no movement.


The hair was visible but it disappeared underneath a seatbank.

Sunggyu tried his best to move around. His desire was unstoppable.

And just then the object moved and fell down to the side.

He somehow dragged himself to the bundle of hair.

What he didn't know was that his body had been in a terrible condition.

He didn't even care about the fact that he couldn't feel his legs or his right arm.

All he wanted to do is to help her, to get her out of this mess.


He was lying in front of the bundle of hair. ''Hana. Are you awake?'' He whispered.

No answer.

With his remaining energy he grabbed the seatbank and moved it away with all his strength.

And there she was.


She was lying on her stomach with her face flat on the ground.

A pool of blood was around her head and her hair was now orangey-red.

Sunggyu lightly her head and found her hand. He held tightly onto her tiny hand. ''Hana, please.''

But she didn't move.


He stayed in this position as his tears started to fall out of his eyes.

All the pain he felt right now came from his heart.

''Hana, please. I love you! Please...'' But all his sobbing didn't work. ''Don't joke around. Come on! A cream cake is waiting for us.''




After six more hours - he died.





''A terrible accident happened on the night from the 4th March to the 5th. A train with its direction to the southern side of South Korea

has crashed into another one on its way back.


6 out of 154 passengers survived.''



Hana was one of them.










Omg! I cried while re-reading it! :'(

Hope that you liked it.


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One of the best one-shot's I've read today. I really loved it and it moved me to tears. <3 Why didn't I read it earlier^^
littlelamb86 #2
how ironic that the one unconsious is the one to live...but its so cruel that they had to part like this
missuslee #3
I don't think I'll be able to sleep properly after reading this... Huhuhu. Gyu. It seemed so real.
This was really well written, I was almost crying. D: <33 Oh Sunggyu, how it must've hurt, thinking the one you love died, but then she's really alive. Ugggh, this was sad. D: <33