Stalking is Begun

Secret Love [Based on True Story]

One day, you needed to go to consultation room to discuss where college that would be matching with your ability. Having entered the room, suddenly you didn’t know how to take an air. Jun Kyu was there! You almost canceled your presence to the room but, you thought this was your time to know about him more.


“Yes, what’s bundle that I have to collect, Sir?”


“You can see about that in the official site about that college.”


“Thank you, Sir!”


Finally! You know the voice of Jun Kyu. It was heard like a little bit deep voice. Another plus point about Kang Jun Kyu. His swagger and then his voice. You really loved it!


“What’ that he wants to join, Sir?” You asked your consultation teacher with alibi to stalk Jun Kyu.


“Ehm...Institute of Management. Do you want to join that?” Lee Gun Woo, your consultation teacher, answered it with no suspicion. “So, do you need my help?”


“ I just want to...” Suddenly, you forgot about question that had been prepared for Mr. Gun Woo. In your mind, you couldn’t stop thinking about Jun Kyu. “I just...want to know college that other students class want to enter. Can I, Sir?”


“Yes, you can!” Mr. Gun Woo gave you a file case whose many papers was in. It was easy to find Jun Kyu’s paper because his class was in first sequence.


You pointed your finger and then KANG JUN KYU!!! You took that paper and read it clearly.


In that paper, Jun Kyu’s biodata, his raport value, and his direct college, were shown up. Without people knowing, you captured that paper with your handphone. Yes. This stupid thing that I call stalking!






“Hwang Yeol-a! Why do you laugh?”


You showed your capture to Hwang Yeol. You found Hwang Yeol seemed like to be happy after seeing that. “I don’t know. But, next time I will call him as Jun Kyu babo. Hahahahahahaha.”


“HAN HWANG YEOL!!!” You couldn’t do anything although you had to admit about this. Jun Kyu’s raport value. That thing which made Hwang Yeol laughed a little loud. Not meaning to be arrogant person but, Jun Kyu’s raport value was too embarassed. Comparing with your value, it was so far!


It was your first time having a crush with some one who was not really smart. Jun Kyu is stupid at many lessons. What’s going on with me?


“Hey, hey, _____-a! Jun Kyu was born on August! Same like me! I’m on the 2nd and he is on the 9th. Why did he follow me to bear on August?”


You opened your mouth after hearing Hwang Yeol’s question. It was a little absurd because Jun Kyu was born on 1993 and Hwang Yeol on 1994.


“Up to you!” You were lazy to reply Hwang Yeol’s absurdness.



To be continued

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no happy endingg??????