"One more night"

One Night

       Saying that it was raining cats and dogs was simply an understatement. It was pouring leopards and wolves out there.  You sigh. You couldn't believe you had stayed at Kai's dorm the whole day.  It was strange, but for some reason you didn't even think of Kai when you were there. You genuienly enjoyed D.O and Sehun's company, even if Sehun only muttered a few words to you. It had been a while since you were with people your own age.

"Sehun, really I'm okay. There's no need for you to drive me home. I can drive home by myself. I don't want to burden you" you pleaded when he led you to his car.

Sehun looked at you, "No, hyung told me to drive you. Besides its really okay for me to drive you home. It's no burden. And it's really not safe for you to drive. It's raining really hard."

"Are you sure? I guess its okay." you said as you hopped in the car. "I live in the Samsung-dong district"

"Gangnam?" he smiles, "Ah. Psy sunbaenim made that area even more popular." Sehun remarked and you simply smiled. You remembered the quirky gangnam style song that was popular back in 2012 that had the whole world doing the horse dance.

You couldn't help but to sing the popular song, "Oppan gang-namseutayil"  while doing the horse dance. Sehun began laughing. "I didn't know you were this fun spirited." he says.
"Well there's a lot of things many people don't know about me." you say. "They just know me as The Kim's only heir. They don't even bother to get to know me."
He smiles at you. "I'm sure you keep your heart guarded and your not an easy person to get to know."
"Bingo." you say. "I need to be able to trust people first."
He smiles at you and muttered, "I guess that makes the two of us."

You looked out the window. It was silent now in the car. It was over with Kai. It was really over now. He's the one that left this time. You thought about how crazy your life became after you came back from Paris. You never expected for all this to happen. You were a strong girl, you've always been a strong girl. You never needed anyone to fullfil your happiness. You've always been independent. Though you'll admit that you were disappointed. You thought things would work out with Kai, but you knew things like this just happen in life. It just wasn't meant to be. It wasn't meant to be 4 years ago and it wasn't meant to be now.

Kai would always have your heart. He was your first love, your first everything. It would be too hard to forget him. There was still that heavy feeling that lingered in your heart. You knew it would take time for you to be really okay. But now you needed to let him go. You needed  to get your life back together. Now that you were back in Seoul, it was time for a new beginning.

You looked at Sehun who was driving. He looked more mature. There was something different about him, but you couldn't put your finger to it. You realized you didn't really know Sehun that much. You knew, you and him were the same age. But that was really it. He had always been a taciturn guy. 

"Sehun, I hope we can become good friends." you say suddenly, "I hope it's not awkward between us just because I had history with Kai. But I understand if you don't want to become my friend. Your friendship with Kai is much more important." you say.

Sehun was silent for a moment.

"What happened between you and Kai hyung is your business, it has nothing to do with us. I don't see why we can't be friends." he says. 

You smile at him.



"Sehun, your getting wet! Why didn't you bring the umbrella?!"

"I thought you had a garage! I didn't think we needed it"

"I forgot the ahjussi leaves early on sundays! Sorry you couldn't park the car in there. Hurry inside the building!"

You stepped in the lobby. You were soaking wet from the rain and so was Sehun. You looked at how drenched you were and you started laughing. 
He looks at you, bewildered with your reaction.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked.

You pointed to the puddle near him "It looks like you pee'd!" 

"What?" he looks down at the puddle he created. "I didn't do that! That was from my soaking clothes!"
"Sure Mr. Pee peehun!"

You couldn't help but laugh louder. 

"That's very mature of you Ms. Kim. What are you 5? " he remarks. "Besides you should be quiet. You might disturb the people here." he says.

"I could careless, what they think. Anyway, I have some towels in my penthouse.  You're welcome to dry yourself there."

"It's okay. I think I should get going. It's getting late." he says.

"You're gonna get sick if you stay in those wet clothes." you say, "But I guess it's your choice. I wouldn't want to be driving in this weather. The thunder is pretty scary." you say, "well anyways thank you for driving me new friend."

Suddenly a loud thunder echoed from outside sending Sehun to leap a little. 

"Hm, maybe letting the storm passed won't be so bad," Sehun says as he follows you to your penthouse.




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I'm literally in love with this story<3
Thank you authornim
Chapter 77: I love the fact that she ended up with Sehun, its really realistic
Chapter 77: ❤️❤️❤️❤️Ship!! Sehun and Haera !!
Chapter 77: So beautiful. I love your story so much author nim... I regret not finding this before.
Elizabethguppy #6
Chapter 72: when i was thirteen i met my first loved and now i was eighteen but i never got over him cause in my mind i really hope that we would cross each other path someday cause he was from another country Authornim it was a great story but i just wish she would end up with kai.Oh god i was a crying river this story remined me so much of him good job.
wow ... I subscribed to this great story when I was 13 ( 2012) and now its 2016 ... how time flies...