Fall in love with miyawaki family (In Revision)

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A love story that started from hate to become love. The Kang Family and the Miyawaki Family hate each other. It all started from their parents' past. Both have well-known and successful companies, focused on the same things, namely games and animation. They were initially friends, but for some reason their friendship was destroyed. Hatred began to grow deep in their hearts. Their children don't completely hate each other, but because of their parents' selfishness. They have to pretend to hate each other. There are other people who try to destroy them, and there are also people who try to mend their relationship. What will happen to them? Will things get better or even worse?


Before that, I apologize if there are any grammatical errors or typos. It's been a while since I wrote this story, so I'll try to rewrite it. The plot will also change slightly. If there is anything, please comment and give me feedback.

When the last time I updated this?? I literally forgot about this story. I will rewritted the story and the plot might changed.


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1803 streak #1
Chapter 5: can't wait to see how each characters come into play! we already got a glimpse in the previous chapter!
1803 streak #2
Chapter 5: aww the bae family is small but sweet!!!
1803 streak #3
Chapter 5: aww the younger jung family sound nice!!!
1803 streak #4
Chapter 5: the first jung family seems really cool!!! it's getting more info and insight on each of the characters!!!
1803 streak #5
Chapter 5: oh yay! an introduction of the other families!!!! park family sounds really interesting!!!
1803 streak #6
Chapter 4: I’m interested in how this will play out in the next chapter!!!
1803 streak #7
Chapter 4: the children are already ahead of you guys parents!!!
1803 streak #8
Chapter 4: hmm winter sure is smart! for her to figure it out!
1803 streak #9
Chapter 4: dang these guys work faster than the police!!
1803 streak #10
Chapter 4: oh my gosh a headquarter!!