Leg 01

After the Race
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“Now that we have watched the final leg, let’s end this season with more bang as we hear about the race from the racers themselves.” Kim Shinyoung, tonight’s MC, gestures to the nine pairs on the set and then points at the camera. “Welcome to After The Race!”


The audience’s cheers are nearly deafening with the addition of wild applause when the camera pans to each pair.


Jaesuk and Sukjin, the middle-aged pair of cousins who brought laughter to their co-racers and also to the viewers with their crazy antics.


Minho and Key, the dancers and same-aged friends that bickered a lot but made the race more interesting as they were always part of the top three to finish each leg.


Taecyeon and Wooyoung, the firefighter heartthrobs who became instant favorites with all their outstanding physical abilities.


Sejeong and Sehun, the athletes who proved that their determination also appears outside the badminton courts.


Sooyoung and Kyungho, the engaged, long-time couple that created new thrilling memories before they tie the knot.


Hyori and Sangsoon, the married couple that challenged the youngsters more than anyone in the race.


Joy and Crush, the quirky couple that has been dating for more than a year now and learned more about each other and their relationship.


Seulgi and Yeri, the chaotic roommates who probably enjoyed the race out of all teams as they loved having fun no matter what, always finding things that excite both of them.


And last but not the least, Wendy and Irene, the best friends that charmed the viewers with their friendship and surprised almost everyone because they exceeded expectations.


“Before we talk about that amazing final leg, no pun intended, let’s start first at the beginning. Of course, we have heard tidbits of your reactions from the interviews on the actual episodes but how did it really go? Especially now that you have seen every leg outside the race,” Shinyoung asks the racers on both of her sides.


Chirps of various answers come out of the racers.


“It was really like that! Maybe more intense since it was cut to fit it into one hour for broadcast.”


“We got lost a lot. Maybe half of the day was spent driving. We were all ‘friends’ at the first leg so convoying was a great help in getting from one location to another.”


“The tasks took more time than we thought of. From a viewer’s perspective, it was fun to watch but for us, it was really tedious.”


“Right! We didn’t expect to get dirty right on our first day!”


Shinyoung cackles at that comment. “That roadblock turned into something else.” She turns to her left side with a mischievous look. “I think that was the highlight of the first leg. What do you say, Wendy?”


Wendy’s reaction is caught by the camera, making everyone in the room laugh. “Shinyoung unnie! You promised me backstage you wouldn’t bring that up! The memes are enough reminder.”


“Sorry, Wendy. We have to keep things interesting.”


Irene giggles beside Wendy, the latter’s reaction becomes more comical. “Unnie! Not you too! We’re on the same team here!”


“Yeah, yeah. Wendy wasn’t the only one that had her moment.” Irene bites her lip to control her laugh. “I mean, Seulgi had a fight during the first task.”


The woman across from Wendy and Irene was taken aback. “What a way to throw me under the bus, Irene unnie!”


“Alright, alright. Let’s stop before you might turn this into a full-blown fight,” Shinyoung humorously breaks the banter. “Let’s just say that the first leg was like a whole new world for everyone, yeah?”


The racers agree, “It was.”


“If I may add…” Irene lets out her thoughts, “We had highs and lows already for our first day and I think that was a wake up call for us that we weren’t part of just an ordinary race.”






Wendy and Irene, wearing blue and pink as their colors, respectively, line up among the other racers, listening to Kang Hodong, the resident MC of The Amazing Race Korea.


“Welcome, everyone.” Hodong eyes each team with a supportive look on his face, “In just a few minutes, you will begin the adventure of your lives.”


Irene holds out her hand for Wendy, the latter latching onto it instinctively.


“You better be ready because this is going to be one of the most challenging races ever. At the end of each leg of the race, there is a pit stop. Seven of these pit stops are elimination points so as always, you need to race as fast as you can because if you're last…” Hodong pauses for effect, “you'll be eliminated.”


This is their adventure.


They would do it until they couldn't anymore.




“Now, your first clue is waiting on top of the backpacks you brought with you. When I give you the word, you can run over to your bags. Read the clue, jump into one of the waiting cars and make your way to the next location. As always, the first team to cross the finish line at the end of nine legs, will win 500 million won.”


“Is everybody ready?”




“The world is waiting for you. Good luck.” Hodong raises his right hand.


Every pair prepares themselves to run, waiting for the go signal.


“Travel safe.” With a snappy lowering of his hand, Hodong calls it, “Go!”


Wendy and Irene let go from their hand-holding to dash to their backpacks. Irene reaches for the yellow envelope and tears the seal of it for the first clue, Wendy reading it loudly.


Route Info: Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Drive to Yangtte Ranch and meet with the shepherd.


“Let’s go, unnie!”


They grab their backpacks, leaving the pension to head to the parking lot. They quickly put their bags inside on the first car they saw unoccupied as the other teams also scramble to get to the next location soon.


Irene sits on the driver’s seat, starting the car right away. “How do we get there?”


Wendy answers from the backseat, “Let’s just drive out of this area first then ask anyone on the road.” She points out to the cars in front of them. “Follow them, unnie.”


They trail behind the cars in front of them since they are heading to the same place.


Irene looks at the side mirror to see the other teams, “I think we’re in fourth right now.”


Wendy turns around to check for herself. “You’re right. Let’s keep it this way and stay on top.”


“Whoa, there. Being competitive already.”


“It’s your influence on me.”


Few minutes into driving, the car ahead of them stops and parks on the side. A tall woman with long black hair exits the car and asks the driver of the nearby delivery minivan. Irene stops as well and waits.


Wendy opens her window as she sees the woman coming back. “Joy! Are we going the right way?”


“Yes, unnie! We have to turn right at the next intersection. The driver said it’s the main road of the neighborhood and then keep going straight where we’ll see the signs to the ranch,” Joy generously gives them the directions without even being asked.


“Thank you, Joy! Is it alright if we keep following you?”


“All good, unnie. We’ll probably drive faster now and get ahead of the first two cars so stick close, okay?”


Wendy sends a thumbs up before closing the window, “Go, unnie. She said drive faster,” she playfully jabs at the older woman’s driving skills.


“Shush, Wendy. I drive, you navigate. That’s the plan.”


Weeks prior to the race, they decided that it would be Irene’s job to be the designated driver even though Wendy is a much faster driver. Irene has the tendency to go in just one direction if she is lost so their solution is to have Wendy do all the navigating if they finally have maps and guides.


They reach the ranch no longer than eight minutes later, the others are lagging behind. After parking their cars, the two pairs follow the route markers that they know will lead them to the shepherd who will give them their task.


A bark makes them halt their walk, Irene hides behind Wendy in fear. Meanwhile, the dating couple gladly pet and talk to the dog with their ‘puppy’ voices.


“Hello. Welcome to Yangtte Ranch,” the shepherd greets the two pairs and they bow respectfully.


“Collect a total of four bells with a ribbon like this.” He shows them a bell with a ribbon with the same colors as the show’s route marker. “All sheep are wearing bells so make sure to pick the correct one and give them to me to receive your next clue.”


The shepherd guides them to the ranch field bordered with wooden fences. “They are friendly. Just don’t let them get out of the fences or you have to chase after them. Good luck.”


Joy and Crush don’t waste any more time as they are in actual race and start doing the task. There are roughly 70 sheep out on the open field and it will be difficult to complete the task if they base it on what is happening right now. The sheep are running away from the couple in herds.


“Hey!” Joy frustratingly screams.


Wendy and Irene stand outside the fence, the older woman is clutching Wendy’s arm.


“Unnie, we have to start now. The remaining teams have arrived already.” Wendy eyes the approaching teams from the parking lot.


“Why does the first task involve animals? Are the writers targeting me?”


The younger woman chuckles but assures her best friend, “You can do this, unnie. They are just fluffier versions of Streaky.”


Irene gasps animatedly. “Streaky doesn’t even pay attention to me!”


“Exactly! Those sheep will do the same and we even have to play catch with them. My cat was a good practice for this task.”


All teams have shown up now and the chase has begun.


Yeri stands beside the shorter duo. “Seulgi unnie! You do it! I will stay here outside the fence with Wendy unnie and Irene unnie.”


“Come on, Yeri! This isn’t a Roadblock. We have to do this together!” Seulgi complains.


Wendy hears the remark from Yeri and casually glances at her best friend, knowing the older woman’s competitive side would soon make its appearance.


Irene doesn’t disappoint her and cooly says, “Who says we aren’t going in? We are taking our time and devising a plan. Let’s go, Wan.” She leads them to the field.


If there were no cameras around, Wendy would have burst into laughter. It might convince the others that she is acting tough but not Wendy. Heck, she called her Wan instead of Wendy. The older woman is terrified of animals.


“Unnie,” Wendy speaks from the side of Irene, “I’ve got it, okay? Help me find all the sheep with the right bells and I will go collect them. Your eyesight is much better than mine.”


Irene warmly gazes at her best friend, shyly muttering, “Thanks, Wan.”


Moments later, Wendy and Irene manage to snatch three bells from very well-behaved sheep.


Unlike the unfortunate Seulgi, who is currently having a fight with the fluffy animal, “Hey! Stop kicking me!”


It resumes the action and even headbutts Seulgi, “Hey!”


The sheep with a bald head, likely coming from all the headbutts it has done, keeps following her.


“Unnie! It has a thing for you!” Yeri laughs at her own partner.


“Shut it, Yeri!”


“Stay away from that sheep, Seulgi unnie! It will not follow you if you get to the other side of the field,” Joy advises the older woman who immediately sprints away.


Irene is busy watching the funny commotion across her that she doesn’t notice an approaching sheep. When she shifts her attention to her left, she almost screams with how the animal is nearly touching her but stops herself when she catches sight of the bell it is wearing.


Wendy was the one who collected the three bells they have. Time is ticking especially in this race. Four teams completed the task easily and departed to the next location. If she could snag this bell, they could be on their way as well.


“Woman up, Joohyun. Untie the ribbon and grab it. Easy peasy,” Irene whispers to herself.


She spots Hyori and Sangsoon outside the fence and are given their next clue. That did it and boosts the fire in her to keep racing and forget her fears even just for a second.


The sheep begins to back away but Irene is quicker.


She has no idea how she actually did it but the bell is now in her hands.


The bell.


Without the ribbon.


Irene then glances at the sheep.


The fluffy animal is staring at her mockingly.


The ribbon is dangling from its mouth.


Irene feels like digging up her own grave out of annoyance and embarrassment.


“Unnie! Did you get it?” Wendy’s loud voice scares the sheep so it scurries to the other direction.


Irene sighs and shows the bell, “Stupid sheep ate the ribbon.”


“Okay. It’s fi–” Wendy lets out a snort, cannot stop herself anymore from cackling.


“You saw it, didn’t you?”


Wendy bobs her head, tears appear in the corner of her eyes from laughing, “Yes! I watched it unfold before my very eyes. You were so serious like you were in an action movie and you were facing the big boss. And then alas, he tricked you.”


Irene’s cheeks reddens and tries hiding her humiliation by pinching Wendy’s . “Stop it!”


Wendy doesn’t even care about it as she finally calms herself but not before teasing her best friend one more time, “A for effort, unnie. Better luck next time because I’ve already got our last bell.”


The older woman gapes. “You got the final bell and you still let me go through that?!”


Wendy dashes away while yelling, “Yes! Let’s go now, unnie!”




Retrieving their clue from the shepherd, Wendy and Irene drive to their next location, the German Village, which is a good 45 minutes away from the ranch.


Upon arriving at the village, they head first for the clue box at the entrance to find out about their next task. They grab one of the six clues from the box.


“Well, it seems like the other teams got lost since we were the 6th team to leave the ranch.”


Wendy reads the words on the clue, “Es ist lecker! Search for the five non-racers the production team hired. Greet them with ‘Guten tag’ and they will give you five pictures of German food and then present it to the owner of the food stall, Deutscher Imbiss, for you to have your next clue. Note: There is an extra non-racer that will give you an advantage.”


“Oooh. Does it say what kind of advantage it would be?”




“I hope it’s an Express Pass or a Fast Forward.”


“What’s the plan, unnie?”


Irene scans the area from where they are standing. She appreciates the beautiful residential buildings with white exteriors and orange roofs that fill the village.


“Why don’t we walk up to the top then trek back here since the stall is right at the corner?”


“Good call. Let’s do it.”


On the hike to the uppermost part of the village, they greet every person on the street with ‘Guten tag’, in hopes of finding non-racers unintentionally. It takes them ten minutes to reach the top from the entrance. Which they really don’t mind because they get a better view of the colorful village blending strikingly well with the blue sea.


“Oh, wow.”


“This is beautiful.”


Despite being currently part of a tough competition, the best friends admire what is in front of them and make the most out of it before going back to racing.


Wendy recognizes two familiar figures with her peripheral vision. They are just two of the numerous producers of the show. Being her bubbly self, she greets them with a wave, “Hi, unnie! Hi, oppa! Guten tag,” she adds with a giggle.


Irene turns to who Wendy is waving at and sees the male producer walking up to them, and then hands them a yellow envelope.


Irene hesitantly grabs the envelope and opens it.


An Express Pass.


“No way.” Wendy gasps.


“This isn’t a prank, right? Do we actually get this?” Irene questions though she already grasps tightly on the piece of card.


“It’s yours now. It will expire by the 6th leg so use it wisely.”


“Thank you so much, oppa!”


They bow repeatedly until the producer dismisses them to finally complete their task.


Wendy and Irene glance at each other then giggle, still cannot believe what happened.


“Unnie. That was pure dumb luck. I was just being friendly.” Wendy breathes out her amazement, “Wow, just wow.”


Irene pats her best friend’s head. “Good job!”


“Do we tell the others? Or keep it a secret?”


“Better to keep it a secret. We don’t want to have targets on our back.”


“Alright. Hold on to it, though. I don’t want that near me. I feel like I will expose that we got it when I have it on me.”


Irene puts the Express Pass back to its envelope and stashes it inside her fanny pack. “She's safe and sound. Let's hope your luck continues and help us find those five non-racers quickly.”


They spend the next seventeen minutes searching the village, in every nook and corner because they figured out all five are roaming around. It's a good thing that Irene is very perceptive as she notices the non-racers have mics and cameras attached on them that make it easier for them to stand out.


With the five pictures finally in their hands, they race back down to the village's entrance to present it to the owner of Deutscher Imbiss. The owner checks through them before giving out their next clue and two packed meals.


“We didn't order anything, Ma'am.” Wendy instantly rejects the food, thinking the owner must have mistaken them for their other customers, at the same time, thinking of how they cannot really splurge because they have a limited budget.


“These are for you. I have seen all of you running around and not even taking a pause for a minute. Please don't forget to eat since you are in a race,” the owner kindly insists.


“Thank you, Ma'am. We really appreciate it. We will share it with our cameraman and sound technician.” Irene gratefully dips her head low.


“Good luck, ladies. And be safe.”


They say their thanks once more before accepting the food. Stepping away from the stall, they rip the clue envelope open in front of the camera.


Route Info: Drive to Daraengi Village and be one with the locals.






Wendy is awoken by her best friend's voice. She rubs the drowsiness of her eyes with her palm. She studies where they at. From the opened backseat door of the car, she can tell that they have arrived at their next location.


“I'm so sorry, unnie. I was so full from the sausages that it made me sleep. We got here fine, yeah?’


Irene playfully huffs and leans at the side of the vehicle, pouting at the younger woman. “Don't you trust your Joohyunnie?”


“I trust you with my life. Your driving on the other hand, not so much.”




Wendy shields herself from Irene's swats. “I am just kidding, unnie.”


“You better get your cute up now and let's resume racing.”


Wendy shifts on her seat so that her body is facing the door, her legs swinging, barely touching the ground. She extends her arms and does the grabby hands gestures. Irene rolls her eyes at the scene but a grin stretches on her face seeing how cute her best friend is acting.


“You baby.” Irene pulls Wendy up from her seat, the latter letting out a satisfied squeal.


The best friends now stand centimeters apart and Wendy naturally gravitates towards Irene's body, leaning her head on the older woman's shoulder.


Wendy is the type of person who tends to others most of the time and dislikes relying on them, afraid that she is becoming a burden. She only shows her vulnerability to her family and to Irene. And when this kind of moment appears, Irene does her best in catering to Wendy's needs, wanting the girl to feel loved as much as how she gives love to others.


Irene enveloped her best friend in an embrace. “What do you need, Wan?”


“Just hold me, Hyun. Stay like this for a bit.”




Wendy nods onto her shoulder. “Kind of. I only slept for four hours, I think. Thank you for letting me rest on the way here.”


Irene responds by hugging her tighter.


They remain in that position for a few more minutes until Wendy pulls away from Irene's arms, questioning her best friend. “Have you eaten?”


See. She is back at it again.


“Yes. I ate the portion you saved for me. I am all good.”


“The guys?”


The cameraman and the sound technician.


“They ate it the moment we got here.” Irene Wendy's soft cheek. “We're fine.”


“Okay. I am ready now.” Wendy sweetly smiles.


The pair lock the car then turns on their own micr

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Chapter 2: Omg why i only find this story now... its so interesting!! Cant wait to know what will happen on the next leg!! Im glad they make it thru for now
Chapter 2: hehehe. i like this so much.
1694 streak #3
Chapter 2: I miss this fic along with Supergirl~
ShinHye24 1340 streak #4
Chapter 1: This is cuteee!
Chapter 2: I miss watching amazing race and i love the way you wrote Irene and Wendy in this story. Kudos!! Marvellous indeed
hangryeats #6
Chapter 2: Wow this was so much fun to read. And all the level up moments is such a bonus
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 2: The way author-nim describes the race and the scenarios that RV really did gave it more like I was watching LUP UwU! YermSeul's team made me cackle
orangebearies #8
Chapter 2: love this leg 1! TAR is one of the shows i really enjoy watching, i’ve caught all seasons, and then i’ve wondered how will wendy and irene be like if they’re racing. this is so well written and descriptive like i can imagine everything that’s happening. looking forward to next chapters!
ps: i don’t usually upvote a story this early, but i feel this totally deserves it, thank you for writing! i’ll be looking forward to see how and when they’ll use that express pass :)
1694 streak #9
Chapter 2: I remember LUP places, also WR dynamic 7 are like this too. Doing task and cooperate so well~
Choi Sooyoung and Park Sooyoung both WR captain ship here (⁀ᗢ⁀)
Chapter 2: I'm excited to see the progress of this WenRene agenda ft. Reality TV show Race... Damn exciting ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙