
☆{finger paints & crayons}☆ Poster request shop☆CLOSED☆
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Sorry xD I didn't make it ouo♥ Yes about that rain in the poster e_o 

•A u t h o r (s) u s e r n a m e : tweeter

•S t o r y t i t l e : Angels Cry
•S t o r y l i n k : 
•Characters in the poster : Sooyoung (SNSD) Seohyun (SNSD) Kyuhyun (SJ) Sehun (EXO) Kris (EXO)

•Picture links : Please provide
•Theme : Sad 
•quotes : Lightning don't strike the same place twice 
•Anything else? : Well I would like f the poser main color is like a gloomy weather you know... like it's a rainy day.. it would be good too if there's a rain in the poster

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hi^^ i actually have a poster aready in my fic but i really still want to have another :P hope you will accept my request^^

1.Author(s) username : VronISJ

2.Story title : Choding's Secret

3.Story link

4.Characters in the poster ( maximum of 9 ) : Sungyeol and oc

5.Picture links ( please provide high quality pictures or just let me choose them for you~) : Choose the picture for me but for the girl pls find pictre of Kim Shin Yeong :)

6.Theme ( angst,happy,romantic etc ) : Angst and fulff

7.Quotes : Secrets IS Secret

8.Anything else? ( size,color etc )
pls do a background for me too ^^
( for Character chart please give the characters'description/I'm also accepting backrounds )

THks so much :)

Crayons are just colours. :)
because it's wonderful XD
i vote your shop 5 star
Hey, I inow my story already has a couple of chapters but I thought about it and I should get a poster. So I chose to request from you haha. I'm kind of worried if I did something wrong but here goes nothing

1.Author(s) username: into_the_new_world

2.Story title: Tears At Night

3.Story link:

4.Characters in the poster ( maximum of 9 ): Kai (exo) & Krystal (fx)

5.Picture links ( please provide high quality pictures or just let me choose them for you~) because you're the designer I'll let you choose. I'm not fussed about which pic.

6.Theme ( angst,happy,romantic etc ) sad... Yeah

7.Quotes "all I can do is cry" hahaha that's weird if you can think of a better one or make it sound better than yeah you can do that.

8.Anything else? ( size,color etc ): nope not really, your the creative one, so I'll let you do your thing

Thankyou very much I hope I did everything right haha.

Crayons are just colours. :)
I love the coloring and the textures you used. ^^ And nice blending!
27. Oh my gosh, this is definitely one of my favorites! <333
I rated your shop 5 stars! :D