
[OneShot] Phone Names

Written by: heart0524
Edited by: geneclaire


“Babe, I’m sorry for making you wait for so long. I promise right after this we can go have our dinner already. Please?” 

He squeezed her hand to urge some response from her; he hated seeing her so upset but he really can’t do anything about it. Work must be prioritized first. They had a deal about that.

“Aigoo, Seunghyun-ah. Even if I want to be upset but what can I do? I can only go out with you if I wait here patiently. And I miss you so much already. I will wait. Okay?” Bom flashed an expectant smile.

Once hearing her sudden confession of missing him, he immediately had a wide grin on his face.

“I miss you too…” he gave her a peck on the lips and stood up hesitantly to go and finish that damn photoshoot but not without saying sorry again and sweetly whispering an I love you before he left.

Now, Bom was patiently sitting on the couch inside their dressing room, playing a game on her new iPhone. She was bored to death and was waiting for someone to talk to. 

Good thing the photographer has decided to take individual shots at the moment, and Seungri being the first one to be done entered the dressing room to relax for a while and to change for the next set of clothes. 

“Seungri-ah! Come here and end Noona’s boredom!!!” 

Seungri actively went to Bom’s side and smiled his cute-maknae-panda smile.

“What does my beautiful Noona want to do?” He was still acting cute and Bom was just giggling at him.

“Let’s take selcas~! I feel like taking pictures… “ she laughed at her childishness and Seungri’s fake cuteness… “Unfortunately, Noona’s iPhone has no battery anymore Can we use your phone instead?” Bom batted her eyelids, pleading to the maknae.

“Anything for my pretty noona!”

After some blurry, cute, random and wacky pictures… the two childish adults got tired and decided to look for the best pictures to post online and to save.

“Hey! I like this one Seungri, send it to me!” Bom was the one holding his phone therefore she just took the liberty to look for her name in his phone list and send the picture to herself but she can't seem to find her name on his contacts.

“YAH! What’s my name in your phone?” 

“Scroll down to the letter T names, Noona” Seungri was grinning at her which she found weird.

Hmmm this kid knows something… aigoo…

“How the heck did Bom start with the letter T?” She whined.

“Aish, noona! Just look!” 

When Bom scrolled down to look for her name…

What she saw surprised her… 

“TOP hyung’s wifey, TOP hyung’s wifey, TOP hyung’s wifey…”

“WHAT THE HELL!?” Bom blinked in surprise then slightly glared… she didn’t know if she was being teased. She didn’t even know if she should really glare or laugh at the cheesiness.

“Is this really my number?” 

“Well one of those is yours… and the others are TOP hyung’s… uhmm… exes…”


“Noona, I can explain!


“Okay okay. Chill, noona. I still want to live.” Seungri chuckled. “Aiyooo… TOP hyung will really thank me after this. Well Noona, for your information, ever since you started training in our company, Hyung already had a crush on you. He quickly took action on it and proudly told all of us that you are his and no one is supposed to make a move on you but him. Once he got a hold of your number, he saved your number in our phones as “TOP HYUNG’S WIFEY”… we all didn’t bother to change it…” 

Seungri is feeling a little embarrassed while explaining this. Aish. His hyung is extremely cheesy!

“AAAAWWW MY TABI IS SO SWEEEEEEET~” but then the other numbers caught her attention...

“Then why are there three numbers saved under that name? Whose numbers are the other two?”
“Well noona, you can’t expect hyung to not be attracted to others when you weren’t paying attention to him… there were times that he lost hope that you would feel the same for him and he tried dating other women but they didn’t last long…”

“OH… then how’d you get their numbers? DID HE SAVE THEM IN YOUR PHONES TOO!?!?!” 

“AIGOO NOONA! NO, I personally asked for their numbers…” *insert Seungri’s smug look* “You know how I love ‘em noonas” 

Bom ruffled his hair and pinch his cheek “Aigooo such a noona loving maknae! Tsk!”

“How do you know it’s me who’s calling or sending you a message?”

Seungri looked down to his lap and shyly answered “Well, you’re the only noona who calls me… or replies to my messages…"

“AAAAWWW poor maknae… because you’re so cute and you’ve been a good boy because you explained this to me… I’ll give you a gift.” Bom leaned in to him and gave him a slight peck on his cheek which earned some blushing from Seungri.

And earned a glare from Choi Seunghyun who just came back from the photoshoot.


Even though he knows it was just a playful kiss on the cheek, Seunghyun can’t help but feel some jealousy. There he was working his hardest and fastest to take her to dinner and yet here she was playing with the maknae! She should be playing with her boyfriend… 

Bom just grinned up to him and waved off Seungri so he could go without Seunghyun noticing…

“Tabi-ah~” Bom cutely called out to him.

“Hm?” He's still glaring at the maknae...

“I know about the phone name... how you saved my number in the boys’ cellphones…”

“OH” Now it’s Seunghyung’s turn to blush… “AISH, that maknae really can’t keep his mouth shut.”

“Well you must thank him because I find it really cute! And yet very manly.“ she went closer to him and hugged him really tight.

“Say, Did you really like me from the start?”

Seunghyun, who was now in the process of burying his face into her neck while raining small kisses there, just nodded as answer.

“Then why did you not make a move that time? Why did you wait?”

“I was afraid of your rejection. I really wanted to be with you and at that time we were friends. I was scared that if I confessed and you don’t feel the same, things would be awkward between us. I’d rather have you as a friend than feel that way.”

“Did you know that if you just asked me, we could have been together since then?”

Seunghyun broke the hug and held her at arm’s length. 


Bom just nodded and smiled at him, her pretty eyes showing how happy she was to know how long he was in love with her. 

She put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to kiss him.

“I love you Tabi. Even if you’re that possessive. I still find it cute.” 

“Of course I have to be possessive. You don’t know how many men would want to take my place right now.”

“Well they won’t. Not even a chance. I’ll always be yours, Okay?”

“Good to know.” 

“BUT! I also know about your exes! You owe me a lot of stories, Choi Seunghyun!”

“Aish. Don’t ruin the mood, sweetie. Let’s talk about it some other time. For now, let me just hold you tight.”

And he quickly pulled her towards the couch, sat comfortably and pulled her onto his lap and continued their sweet and passionate kisses.

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Lyca_Myx #1
Panda90 #2
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa~ so fluffyyyy....
Baby Panda is so cute!! (*^▽^*)
wahaha so cute`;3
LOL What a gossip panda! It would be great writing a sequel which reveals about Tabi's exes and of course Bommie jealousy kekekeke~ Thank you for writing such a cute story of TOPBOM ^w^
fluffyyy.. awww i'm going to faint
chinaeyes711 #7
kyopta!!!! aigoo Maknae, your being so talkative will surely give you trouble someday soon.
Super cute ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
topbom fluff are always debaek<3
cuteness overloaded ^^ daymmmm i really really want they both in dating for real so bad