The First Day

Welcome to College!


Minho’s POV

I walk down the hall from the Dean’s office. I can still remember the feeling I had when I was in there. It felt so… … … … Wait, I’m still thinking. It felt so… strange? That doesn’t seem right. But whatever it was, I didn’t feel like I was on Earth. And it gives me the creeps.


“You seemed like you went inside a catacomb! You’re so pale.” My manager jokingly told me as he wrapped around his arm around my shoulder. “What did he say to make like this? Were you that scared? He didn’t look that scary to me.”


“Good for you. I felt like I was an alien when I was in there. He didn’t say anything, I was just really nervous.”


“You are an alien.” He rubs my shoulder. “Let’s get you to your class. You’re holding your schedule paper so tightly.”


We walk down a hall, then we take on some stairs, then the hall to our right, then the left, then some more left, and another, I was already in front of the room of my class scheduled at 10 o’clock. It lasts for about an hour and a half. #_____#;;; Isn’t that too long? Can I last sitting in a room, trying to listen to the instructor for an hour and a half?


I don’t think I can do this. Can I quit now?


This is just gonna be like Nicole’s show or Inyoung sunbae’s. Awkward at first… But, hey! Looking at the bright side, this will develop into something better. But it also means that this will have a really sad ending like theirs? Omona, I hope not.


“In you go, kiddo.” My manager lightly pushes me into the room. “Sit beside a pretty girl.”


“Fine, fine,” I walk in confidently and just sat beside the only seat I could find available from my view.


Walking inside the room of people, CHECK! I was able to take on the first thing I had to do. And finding a seat is another check. But, *realization* heck… I didn’t choose to sit beside a girl!!! There’s another sit available over there! >..< Damn it.


Just as I suspected, an awkward start.


Jinjeo’s POV

I’m sited here at the middle row of the room, alone, and no one to talk to… It’s the first day of classes and I’m quite giddy about it, can’t lie that I’m pretty nervous too.


Honestly, I feel really bad for myself because when I reluctantly look around, everybody seemed to have seat buddies to chat with, and since each of the tables are shared by two people, I wasn’t joking about being alone. >..


Okay. If someone sits on the chair beside me I wouldn’t leave this spot. It’s this or I will have to move. O___O ~le blink* But I don’t want to move from this seat! I’m not blessed with good eyesight, you see. Good thing, I have contact lenses.


Just when I was about to move, somebody took the seat beside me. Good thing too. I really didn’t want to move. ^w^ ~le phew.


I turn to him and smile to introduce myself. “Hi there~” I try to sound as gleeful as I can. He only nodded. How rude, but that can’t stop me. “I’m Jang Jinjeo,” I lean my face a few centimeters only away from the table but he scoots away.


Doesn’t he want a friend? Seriously! I’m doing all my best here to hide my nervousness for the good of the both of us and he just. SCOOTS. AWAY. FROM. ME? HOW DARE HIM! *`n´


He turns to look at me, I realize why he didn’t seem like he wanted to face me. I mistook SHINee’s Flaming Charisma Choi Minho for an ordinary, common person… I mistook him for someone like me! *freeze* O~O… le gulp.

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