Strong - Part I

When you're looking like that.

  I squinted my eyes open as I felt the rays of sun shining brightly onto my face through the tinted windows of my bedroom. I got up and sat on my bed, grabbing my phone from the side table to check on any incoming messages or missed calls I had. 


  That's weird. Minhyuk would normally leave me a text message in the early morning. However that morning was different. I brushed off the negative thoughts that began flooding my mind. I thought that maybe Minhyuk had forgotten about it. Well it makes no harm forgetting to text someone, does it? 

  I got out of my bed and started to get ready for school.  It was a Friday, oh yes my favourite day of the week. I could finally get some rest during the weekends. 

  After getting myself ready, I went over to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. It instantly reminded me of the time when Minhyuk made for me a scrumptious breakfast feast when I was feeling unwell. At least that made me smile for awhile. 

  At school, I wanted to find Minhyuk immediately but unfortunately due to time constraint, I wasn't able to do so. I had to head to class or else Miss Annabelle would scream into my ears. To my surprise, Seol wasn't even there.

  "She didn't turn up for school?" I thought.

  That made things more weird. Seol too would normally text me if she's unable to attend school. As a result, I couldn't pay full attention during class. Minhyuk and Seol's whereabouts were always on my mind. Whatever Miss Annabelle was blabbering about, I didn't listen. Physically, I was there in her class. However mentally, my mind was somewhere roaming about. 

  I wondered why my morning started off really strange. As soon as class ended for that period, I rushed out of class and straight away head to the nearest toilet to have some privacy. I took out my phone and started fiddling with the buttons. I tried searching for Seol's number in the contact list but apparently, it wasn't inside! My eyebrows ceased, which clearly showed how confused I was during that time. 

  So I attempted to try find Minhyuk's number. However, the same thing occured too! His number wasn't in my contact list. 

  I started to panic. I placed both my hands at the rim of the toilet sink, trying to calm myself down. Sometimes, I hate myself for being so forgetful. If only my memory was that good, I would've been able to memorise Minhyuk and Seol's numbers by now.

  My mind was in a confused state. I could feel the pressure building up at the root of my brain. 

  "Wait I'm not dreaming......right?" I constantly reminded myself. I knew I was not. I can't possibly be in a dream when all the impossible are happening.

  "God damn it! Where the hell are the both of you?!" I shrieked out loud. Good enough, there weren't anybody in the toilet nor the toilet cubicles or else they'd suspect otherwise for the sudden insanity streak I was having.

  I thought hard. 


  Jaehyo was the only one I could depend on for now. What if he too wasn't in school today? I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling more confused than ever. In a dash, I darted out of the toilet and went to find Miss Annabelle. Lucky for me, she was still in class packing her stuff before heading over to the staff room. 

  "Miss Annabelle, do you know what class is Jaehyo in?" I began.

  "Who? Jaehyo? Which Jaehyo?" 

  "'s Ahn Jaehyo."

  ".......Never heard of such person."

  My jaw dropped. NEVER HEARD OF SUCH PERSON? 

  "Huh? No such person? What do you mean? Isn't Jaehyo in our batch of students?" I replied.

  "Why? What's wrong? Is there a problem? I'm pretty sure I've never heard of any Jaehyo in this school before." 

  "Ahhhhh........okay then do you know why Seol isn't in school today?"

  "I thought you're the one who's supposed to update me on her absence? Aren't you her buddy?"

  I kept silent. Miss Annabelle was right. I was supposed to keep her updated about Seol's absence. 

  "Uh well....okay nevermind! Thanks Miss Annabelle, have a great weekend!" I said and waved her off while skipping out of the classroom. 


  I stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at the time on my watch. 

  "3 more hours to go till school ends." I thought. 

  I had to make a decision.

  To skip classes and start my personal hunt for Minhyuk and Seol, or to attend classes as per normal and let my mind run throughout the whole day without getting any information into my head. 

  Still, if I can't concentrate, it would just defeat the purpose of me attending class. So I made up my mind to just skip my classes and started to find those two. I managed to escape from the main gates by running away from the security as fast as I could. I went out of breath and had to stop midway. I was satisfied that I wasn't anymore visible to the security from where I was standing. I slowed down my pace and walked at my normal speed. 

  "Now what do I do....." I thought. 

  Then it pops up - FIND JAEHYO. Yes, to find him and dig out whatever information he's got. I took out my phone and checked the caller ID and inbox to see if there are any notifications. 


  Great, so things are really getting weird. I didn't know where to start finding Jaehyo. Seol didn't really tell me much about him either.

  I placed both my hands on my head, trying to control the massive headache I was having. I didn't really know where to go, so I started off by going to the streets of Seoul. It was really crowded as I tried to make my way through the sea of people, while keeping my eyes on the people around me to see if I could spot Jaehyo anywhere. 

  I know, I must be crazy for searching Jaehyo in such a place right? What was I thinking? But still, some extra work would do no harm. So I moved on and tried searching at the nearby library. Who knows maybe he was hiding himself in such a place. However, it was still to no avail. I was already feeling exhausted by then. I couldn't keep it up any longer. I was all on my own, and hunting for just one person was just making me go insane. I decided to head down to the nearest cafe to get myself a cup of smoothie. I was drenched in my perspiration as soon as I reached the cafe. Lucky for me, the cafe was air-conditioned so it was quite cooling for me to take a short break. 

  I ordered myself a chocolate smoothie and sat on one of the stools. I placed my bag on the opposite seat and stared into space, while sipping on the most-delicious-thing ever. My mind was running on its own. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Minhyuk and Seol's whereabouts. Surprisingly,  Jaehyo too was nowhere in sight.

  "Critical thinking, Yenny.....Critical thinking...." I thought to myself. 

  As I was in my own daze, someone tall entered the cafe. The person was wearing something unusual. I assumed the person to be a guy as he had really short hair, and besides....which girl would be as tall as that? I eyed him from head to toe. He was wearing a thick and long black jacket which covered from the root of his neck until his knee level. 


  His outfit was somewhat familiar, and I've seen it before somewhere...


A/N: Alright so this is Part 1! ;) How do you like the plot? Hmm, i'm not so sure myself. I thought about this randomly lol. Part 2 will be coming up! Please stay tuned readers! THOSE WHO SUBSCRIBED TO OUR AFF OR INDIVIDUAL STORIES, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I couldn't express the love more. love you guys! xx.

- Admin J.

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hello everyone!

we truly truly apologise for the MIA for the past 5 years LOL.
life got busy and the both of us needed to commit to certain stuff.
i know the Sequel to both stories are still left hanging, we apologise for that.

we will try and update the stories for you all, the ones who are still around.

once again, we sincerely apologise for our actions.
hope all of you are doing very well! ❤️

- Admin J
Heyinpiniteu #2
Chapter 20: I thought he was going to propose ~ off to read theeeee sequel
Chapter 20: It's a beautiful story :3. Minhyuk is so cute ><. I'm gonna start reading the sequel :)
Finished reading!! Min Hyuk was so sweet, doing all of that fr her. And Jae Hyo was so funny!!
CarmenL #5
Minhyuk aaa~~>U< <3
I wish you were my boyfriend~~=D
I'm still in chapter 11~ I don't want to read it all at one timexDDDDDD
fallendrops #6
Whoaaaa this is just... Too sweet!
I enjoy reading it. Is t possible to you to make a sequel?
Hehe thanks btw! :)
claribelmiranda #7
there's a possibility of having a sequel? kekekeke :0
fallendrops #8
what?? Why completed??
????? why complete????