- WinRina -

You Don't Know (How Much I Cherish You)

Couple fight. It's not a secret for everybody. They fight for serious matters, for ridiculous reasons, it can happen as playful quarrel only to tease, sometime to know the truth and the list goes on.

Karina and Winter are no exception to this.

During the ride from their workplace to their shared apartment, Karina sensed Winter is giving her the cold shoulder. Karina tried to remember her day to understand what she could have possibly done wrong, but nothing came to her mind. To not worsen thing, she gives space to the girl next to her and keep quiet.

When they enter their flat, Winter goes straight to the bathroom to take a shower. She is still not sharing any words with Karina. The latter is clueless. Once Winter is done, Karina is looking at her from the couch ; waiting for at least an eye contact to see if she had cooled down. When Winter passed by her to go to the kitchen, Karina is getting irritated by each minute because she doesn't like being kept in the dark.

Karina is more into explaining the problem to found a solution, but Winter is the total opposite. She doesn't talk and keep everything inside her until she has too many things and just explode out of nowhere. Karina doesn't really like this part of her partner, but since she respects the small girl, she still gives her the space she wants.

At this point, Winter is blatantly ignoring her. This doesn't sit right with Karina. She has enough. She gets up from the couch, and go to the same space as the unknown mad girl.

'Winter, care to explain what is wrong?' She asks a bit coldly.

Still not looking at her, she answered: 'Nothing.'

Mad for unknown reasons and short answers are the perfect combo Karina was looking for.

'We will not go very far if you don't share what is bothering you.' She lets a frustrated sigh escape her lips; and sees the other girl just shrugging. 

Right at this time, Winter is starting to make her angry. Karina tries to understand as much as possible, but her lack of communication during their arguments is something she still has a hard time to fully accept. 

Winter finally looks into Karina's direction with a stoic expression, looking almost empty. Karina felt a pang of sadness, seeing her lover like that… she is not used to it. 

'Do I need to beg for you to talk with me?'

'I don't feel like talking. That's all.'

'You always say that. Most of the time, I respect that, but nowadays, it seems like you put back walls around you. I can't even reach you. Why is that?'

Winter answers with silence. Karina can't take it anymore. She has many emotions at once ; She is frustrated of the situation. She is scared she will lose her eventually. But the emotion that she feels the most is anger.  Angry at Winter for never making an effort for her nor their relationship. She is afraid, one day, she will be the one to let go of what they have.

'I'm tired Winter. It's like our fifth arguments, maybe even more this month. I still have not a single clue of what is wrong.'

'Well... I'm sorry for being like this.' She sarcastically says while crossing her arms. 

'You know what? I'll let myself cool down at my friend's house. You don't want to talk? Fine, I'll let you have all the space you want. Call me if you ever want to solve whatever problem you have with me.' She bitterly says. She didn't want hurting her, but she also got hurt with Winter's actions tonight. 

After Karina left their apartment, Winter looked around and regretted everything. She feels lonelier than ever. She goes to their bedroom and lay down on the mattress. Karina's words are playing on her mind. She knows her partner doesn't like her lack of communication ; she does too. She also hates whenever she is the one to start a quarrel between them. But she, of course, hates even more when she is the reason Karina is hurting. Because of her, Karina is not happy. She never forgives herself when it happens.

She takes her phone in case she wants to call the missing girl. She stares at her gallery full of pictures of them together and memories start flooding her mind. 


Winter was new in the company. It was her first day on a new job, and she felt nervous before entering the building. She saw her new boss far away, looking busy with his mails he got. After a polite presentation, her boss did a quick building tour and show her now desk work. Before he left to his office, he pointed to a girl busy while talking on the phone and said: 'If you have any questions, you can ask them to miss Yu. She is great help in this company. She nodded before starting her new tasks.

First day means knowing nobody and eating probably alone in the cafeteria. Winter didn't mind, though. She was more surprised when someone sat in front of her. 

'Hello, I'm Karina.' She extended her hand and Winter accepted her hand into her own and shake them. 'Hello, I'm Winter. I'm new here.' 

The stranger chuckled. 'Yeah I know. It's nice meeting you.' 

'Likewise. You're the girl, mister Choi told me to approach if I had something to ask.'

'Ah yes. He trusts me with new employees.' They shared a smile before started eating. They had a meal while doing small conversations. 

It was time to get back to work. 'I'll see you on coffee break at three pm then. I'll present you to the others as well.'

This was their first meeting. Winter thought it would have been the only time they talked at lunch (and coffee break), but it was only the start of their ritual to spend time together during every break.

Months after months, they got closer. They started to meet each other outside work. From simple colleagues they turned into friends. 

So, what was the moment when Winter realized she might have romantic feelings for Karina? 

Winter would lie if she didn't find her gorgeous from the start. She was also hard-working, gosh, so hard-working. She sometimes forced her to take a break. The most interested thing in Karina is undeniably her sweet personality. She often wants to know more about her. Her new friend brings her happiness, and that all mattered to her. 

But this is not what made her realize. It was on a random day just a random moment. 

Winter was focusing on her computer when Karina quietly came next to her. 

'I saw on our schedule that we're both working late tonight, but I also saw there are fireworks near the building to celebrate something. We can see it from the rooftop, do you perhaps want to watch it with me?' she whispers. 

Who is she to refuse? She gladly accepted, and couldn't wait to watch the show.

The moment came a lot sooner than expected, and Winter was happy to have a deserved break. They made their way to the rooftop, and took a deep breath of fresh air. They laughed when the fireworks started to explode in the sky as they both had a surprised squeal.

They were enjoying the sky's spectacle when Winter turned to Karina to say it was beautiful, but her words died in when she saw the beautiful scenery in front of her. Karina had amazed eyes and a beautiful gaze looking at the sky. The color of the fireworks reflecting on her face plus the light wind breeze through her hair made the moment special to her. She didn't see her friend Karina at this moment, but a stunning girl who took her breath away. Her heart started to beat faster. It didn't help when Karina placed her hand on top of Winter's one, which was resting of the railing since the start. A knot appeared in her stomach, but it's probably better if she puts her attention back in the sky.  

She was not sure why this simple moment made her realize how crazy attractive she is... but it did. It was the start of everything ; her feelings grew stupidly stronger. It's complicated to not fall for her when Karina is here to give her random compliments, skinship or even the sweet intention of buying her favorite coffee. She felt sadness too. Why? Because in the first month of working together, Karina slipped during one of their talk that she has a crush on a boy from their office. Winter assumed she still liked him, even though it's been months they talked about it.

Here was she with an unrequited love.

So, she did what she does the best ; taking her distance. It was maybe not very mature of her, but to not hurt herself, she preferred to slow down, and took a step back.

She started to decline outside work invitations, but to stay at least a bit natural, she still stayed with her during lunch. However, Karina was a smart girl. She noticed something changing in her behavior. She said nothing about that to respect her. 

On an early morning, Winter was enjoying her coffee when Karina appeared in a good mood. 

'Good morning, Winter! Do you know what day is it today?' She said with a big smile, her hands hidden behind her back. Hm. Suspicious. 

The small girl looked at her calendar, answered it was Tuesday. Asking what was the matter. Karina just answered to look closely at the date. Winter looked back, thinking of what day could have been important. She had nothing in mind. 

'I really don't have any idea.' 

Karina pouted and presented her hands with a single flower. 'It's been one year since you entered the company, stupid.'

Winter felt touched by the pleasant gesture as well as the fact she remembered the exact day. She accepted the flower, and gave her a quick embrace just after. 

'Do you do that for every new employees?'

'Of course not, only for my favorite.' She playfully winked before going to her desk

With all the distance she did for the past few weeks, it felt great to let her heart accepting the feelings for a bit.

One afternoon, Winter still accepted meeting Karina at a national sea center. According to the latter, it's one of her favorite place to be. Just for this day, Winter allowed herself to feel things around the other girl. She was enjoying the place so much as it was the first time exploring the maritime world. She thought it was the perfect afternoon until she heard someone called for Karina. They turned around to be met with Karina's office crush. Winter and the boy politely exchanged greetings, and he started a conversation with the girl he knew. Winter lost her joyful mood and decided to walk away from them. She found a quiet spot with a bench in front of a big aquarium with sharks in there. She sat down, thanking no one in particular that there is almost nobody here. Winter emptied her mind, focusing only on the fishes in front of her.

She didn't know time passed quickly until she felt a presence next to her. By the perfume that came along, she knew it was none other than Karina. They stayed silent till the speaker explained the center will close their doors in thirty minutes. 

The duo stayed put and Karina was the first one to break the heavy silence. 

'Is something wrong, Winter?'

She didn't understand why she asked that.

'Of course not, everything is fine.'

'Why do I feel that you're lying?'

Was she expecting another kind of answer? 

'Why would I lie, honestly?'

'Why didn't you stay with me over there?'

'I just wanted to let you two some time alone. He's your crush, after all.' Alright, it sounded more bitter than she intended to. She cleared . 'When will you make a move on him, anyway?'

Karina looked at her with a serious face. 'It's been over a year... you still think I have a crush on him? Gosh, I talked about it once, then never again. You just assumed I still liked him. You should really start asking me directly and not assume things.' She laughs. 

Should Winter feel great that she didn't have a crush anymore, or stay in her sadness since it didn't mean she had a chance now. Plus, she knew they're close, but she never felt like Karina was interested in her like she was. Her thoughts are interrupted when she heard Karina said: 'But I do like another person though.' 


She looked at Karina's profile, and thought she never had a chance. She didn't say a single word after that. Karina rolled her eyes, hearing nothing from the small girl. She spoke first once again. 

'Winter... what did I say? Ask me directly who is it, please.'

She looked straight into her eyes, expecting the question at any moment.

But, for Winter why would she want to know who was it? She didn't have enough courage to ask. Yet, the piercing gaze that gave her a pressure made her uncomfortable as well.

'Who is it?' Her voice sounded so weak since she was afraid of the answer.

'Mm... someone who came into the company one year ago. We were often together, but you see, one day this person just distanced herself from me. I felt sad because we have a great chemistry. This stupid never saw the little intentions I did only for her.' She sighed. ' I hope you know this oblivious person.'

To say Winter is astonished is very obvious. She looks at Karina as if she heard a forbidden secret.

'You know, you're always cute. It's a fact, but this expression of yours right now? Truly the cutest.' She pinched Winter's cheeks, but the latter still didn't say a word. 

'Please, say something. I'm dying here.' 

'So... you like me for real?

'Until the end, you're still oblivious. But, yes, stupid, I like you for real.' She held both of her hands. 'For a while now. And… maybe how you reacted give me a little chance that perhaps you... like me back too?'

Ah. Winter saw it ; the fondness in Karina's eyes. She was so sure it was unrequited that she never saw that look. For her, it was only an interaction as she did with everyone else. 

She squeezed her hands. 

'I do like you. A lot, actually.' Her voice full of confidence now. 

They shared a sincere smile, and a warm hug. Karina stood the both of them up, and went in front of the sharks. She took her phone out of her pocket to take a selfie of the two of them. She took another one, this time wherein she kissed Winter's left cheek. They laughed at the cute picture. 

'It was my dream to have a date here. This place is more special and dear to me now... since it's with you.' 

'You can't understand how honored, and I'm happy it's me.' 

She didn't let go of Karina's hand for the rest of the day until they had to go home. She mentally promised to always hold her and never hurt her. 


Winter is done watching her camera roll filled with lots of pictures. Remembering their very beginning make the small girl realize that she doesn't need to put walls around herself. Karina will always be supportive and understand her. She notices it's past one in the morning, and she thinks it's not a good idea to call right now. She doesn't want to wake karina up if she had fallen asleep, but at the same time, she really wants her partner to come home and talk. So imagine her surprise when she hears a key opening their door.

When she goes to the living room, she is relieved to see Karina home. Their home. The loneliness from earlier disappear, the familiar warmth feel up her heart. They share an eye contact, and Winter sees the red eyes from crying. She is certainly looking the same. Winter does the first step, taking Karina into her arms and hugging her tightly. She murmurs apologies. 

'I'm so sorry, Karina. I'm sorry for being a bad partner.'

Karina shakes her head to refute what she said. 'You're far from being a bad lover. You know, I just wish we handle fights differently. I would really like if you tell me what's wrong directly. Not keeping everything to yourself.'

Winter breaks the hug and lead them on the couch to have the deserved serious talk. 

'This whole month has been hard for us. With me giving you the cold shoulder from time to time and all, but...' 

'You can say it, I'm all ears.' 

'As embarrassing as it is to say, I have some insecurities about myself and our relationship.'

Karina looks at her Winter with shocked eyes, fearing the worst.

'No, Silly, I'm not breaking up with you.' She laughs a little. 'I guess it's started at our workplace when the new employee came.' 

Karina doesn't know what it is about. 

'Since our relationship is secret over there, I started to hear some rumors about you and the newbie.'

Karina tried to defend herself, but Winter hushed her. 

'I trust you, don't get me wrong, but every day I hear: 'they got closer', 'they would be a good-looking couple' or even 'I bet if they have children, they can be models.' And that's not even all, but you got it.' Winter sighs. 'I doubted myself. I started thinking I was not enough for you, nor I give you the love you deserve. I was not even sure you were happy by my side. He's good-looking, you're beyond beautiful and the fact you somehow have a nice chemistry together didn't help either so yeah... maybe I thought you would be interested as well.' 

Karina doesn't say much, except: 'That's such nonsense.'

'Looking back... indeed. But, hearing that almost every day made me so irritated that unfortunately you were the one who went through my awful mood. I apologize with all my heart.' 

'It's a shame we fought over some stupid rumors totally false.'

Karina lays down on the couch with Winter next to her, and in her arms. 

'I just want to tell you something. You're the one who makes me happy, and the one that I love the most. Being by your side every day is enough for me. You're more than enough for me. So, no... I'm not going anywhere. On top of that, You're probably stuck with me for a looong time.' Winter chuckles.

'I'm glad to hear that. I'll try my best to go to you when I'm not fine. No promises, but I can try, right?'

Karina kisses Winter's forehead. 'Of course, I just want your happiness.' 

They close their eyes as they're going to sleep soon after an emotional night.

'What made you realize that you need to communicate with me to solve problems?'

'I remembered our beginning, and how I promised to myself I'll never let you down. I saw how much I changed, and it was not okay for you, for us. I don't want to lose you.' 

'Neither do I. I cherish you so much, Winter.'

'I cherish you too. A lot more than you think, Karina.' 


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Chapter 1: Cute and glad they were able to fix their communication problems. Thank you for sharing such a cute story with us! :D
Chapter 1: omo i live for winrina fluff!
suflitodequeso #3
Chapter 1: Soooo cute , i lov it !
clob_bolc 18 streak #4
Chapter 1: yes communication is the key. giving some space can break all thing at once. Glad that Karina came back just in time after Winter realized how much she loves her.
Chapter 1: This is so nice to read! I like it 😊 thank youu
Chapter 1: 🥺🥺🥺 communication is important!
Chapter 1: awww
sclocksmith #8
Chapter 1: This is so cute. This story is remind me of my past experience. Communication is the key.
Breezy #9
Chapter 1: Aw, they’re cute. Glad Winter realized she shouldn’t be silently jealous without talking about it
crimson_snow #10
Chapter 1: This is so sweet 🥺