Part 1

From Heaven


3 years after that day...

Kevin's eyes started to search for something in his cupboard. Along with AJ, Eli, Dongho, and Kiseop, he looked all over for it in his room. 

"Kevin-a, where did you put the letter?" Eli asked while searching in the drawer.

"I put it on my desk about a week ago. You cannot protest, Eli! You messed up my room too!" Kevin shouted as he threw a few books at him.

Eli frowned and continued his job to find Kevin's letter. They searched inside Kevin's books and boxes but they didn't find the letter that Kevin was searching for. Suddenly, Kevin found something behind his desk. So he pulled it out and found a letter that seemed so familiar. Kevin looked at the front of the envelope. It's dated two years ago. Who sent it? Kevin thought as he opened the envelope and read the letter.

"Kevin, I think I've found your letter–" AJ said. But Kevin didn't give any respond. He looked at the letter that Kevin was holding. "What's that, Kevin?"

Kevin snapped back to reality as he turned to AJ. "Huh? Oh, no, it’s just--"

Eli caught Kevin from behind as he snatched the letter. "Is it from your girlfriend? Wow, Kevin!" he laughed.

"Hey! Careful!" Kiseop said to his dongsaengs and took it from Eli's hand. "It could be very important to Kevin."

Kevin received it from Kiseop and he smiled. "Thanks, Kiseop."

"But, hyung, what's inside of the letter?" Dongho asked. 

"Hm? It's the last letter my old best friend sent to me." Kevin said, smiling. "I thought I lost it."

Seeing Kevin's sweet and sincere smile, AJ, Eli, Dongho, and Kiseop understood. That letter in Kevin's hand was an important letter from his best friend. They can see a feeling inside Kevin's brown eyes. Kevin was very sweet. 

"It has been a long time then." Kiseop said.

Kevin nodded. "It has." Then, he held it warmly inside his arms.

"Who sent it to you? It's not from your girlfriend or ex-girlfriend?" AJ asked.

Kevin shook his head. "It is just a letter from an old girl friend. It has been three years since I met her." he chuckled. "Well... it's still a 'girlfriend', right?"

"Then... why don't you meet her again?" Eli asked.

"She said she was sick. I didn't want to bother her." Kevin said.

"What kind of sickness did she suffered?" Dongho asked.

Kevin sighed. "I asked her. But she didn't want to answer. What I know, she was really sick, like, she told me that her sickness hurts a lot, that's all.."

"This is the last letter you received?" asked AJ. "And she didn't tell you about her sickness?"

"No. I know, that she didn't want to make me worry. But she made me worry even more if she's like this." Kevin weakly said.

Dongho tapped his hyung's shoulder. "Hyung, she'll be alright. Maybe she's just taking a rest, okay? It's normal that sick people don't want to be bothered." he said. "Besides, this letter was dated like two years ago."

Kevin nodded. "Yeah. So?"

"She might have healed. Why don't you come to her house and pay a visit. Talk about your last three years."

The others agreed with Dongho's statement. They suggested Kevin to pay a visit. "Ah, by the way, what's her name?" Kiseop asked.

Kevin smiled before saying, "Hyejin. Hwang Hyejin. Oh, and if you guys aren't busy, accompany me, please? It's going to be awkward after three years." he begged.

"Okay! And hey, calm down." Eli said. "Hyejin, she'll be happy when she saw the long-lost Kevin Woo in front of her door."

"Yeah, you're right." Kevin said.

But then, AJ interrupted. "But, do you know where she lives now?"

Kevin looked at the address on the envelope he was holding. "I think she still lives here. I mean, she didn't tell me that she move away or something. So, tomorrow, let's check?"

"Then, let's check on Hyejin's house tomorrow." Kiseop said.

They all nodded in agreement.


The next morning, Kevin had prepared enough to met Hyejin again. It's already three years. Kevin missed her also. So, he prepared very well. He wore a white plain long-sleeves shirt and a black cardigan with black jeans and a pair of white-gray converse. He let his yellow-blonde hair a little bit messy. And there was the perfect Kevin for that day.

He went out of his room and found Kiseop and AJ sitting together on the sofa. So, Kevin approached them and joined them to sit on the sofa also. "So, we're checking today?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. Come on!" Kiseop said. 

"Eli and Dongho, they're not coming?"

AJ shook his head. "They're busy today."

"Then, let's go!" Kevin said and got up of the couch.


Kevin, AJ, and Kiseop arrived at a small, minimalist house. It's painted black and white with a small flower garden in front of it. It was so quiet and peaceful here. It made Kevin missed this old neighborhood where he usually played with Hyejin in the past.

He looked at the little gate at the corner of the place. Kevin remembered it was the last place he and Hyejin met. That was the day when she asked him about something. That day also, he moved away and lived with his friends now. 

Suddenly, AJ called him. "Kevin-a, is this really the house?"

Kevin turned and looked at the house AJ mentioned. "Uh, yeah. It's the right address on this letter. So, it might be right."

"You think so?" Kiseop interrupted. "It's very quiet here. It seems the house is empty."

Kevin agreed on what Kiseop said. But he always thinks positively. "She might just be walking around." 

So, Kevin, Kiseop, and AJ walked to Hyejin's house, Kevin took a deep breath before finally he putted his hand on the bell and pressed it. But there's no sound come from the bell or inside the house. So Kevin tried to knock the door. But still, there's no answer. 

"Sunghyun? Is that really Sunghyun?"

Hearing Kevin’s real name being called, Kevin, Kiseop, and AJ look to the direction where's the voice came from. 

"Ah, Youngmi-ya!" Kevin yelled as soon as he saw a girl standing at the other's house yard.

"Wow, it's good to see you again! It's been three years." she put down the flowerpot she was holding a while ago, and walked over to Kevin.

Kevin only smiled as they hugged each other. "Yeah. It has been three years."

"How are you?" Youngmi asked.

"Great. How about you?"

She smiled. "I'm great. And I see, you're not as quiet as three years ago, eh?"

"Hm?" Kevin followed Youngmi's eyes, that were looking at his companions. "Oh yeah, they're my friends. Youngmi, this is Kiseop and AJ, my friends that live with me. Kiseop and AJ this is Youngmi, my childhood friend." he introduced them.

Youngmi bowed as she greeted the two of them. "Annyeong haseyo."

"Annyeong haseyo." AJ and Kiseop also bowed. 

"You guys have been taking care of Sunghyun well." She said, smiling. "Thanks for taking care of him."

Kiseop and AJ slightly bowed and smiled. "You're welcomed."

"By the way, what are you guys doing here?" she pointed at Hyejin's house.

"Oh yeah, we're looking for Hyejin actually." Kevin said. "Is she out?"

Youngmi kind of confused when Kevin asked that. "You don't know?"

"Don't know what actually?"

"She moved away about one year ago. Her mom sold this house and they moved out." Youngmi said. "You knew she was sick. Right? Her sickness was getting worst that time. So her mom suggested to moved to a place where it's near the hospital."

Kevin looked very surprised. "I know she was sick. But I don't know precisely what's her sickness is."

Youngmi nodded. "Neither do I. I didn’t get to see her when she's moving out. I didn't even get the chance say goodbye to her."

"Didn't Hyejin contact you this late years?"

"No. Not at all." Youngmi said. "Well, she avoided me for some reason. Her mom didn't tell me why, that I thought, maybe, Hyejin begged her mom not to tell me."

"Wait – avoided?"

Youngmi nodded. "Yeah, I've once entered her house to give ahjumma a letter from umma. When ahjumma is in kitchen, I went up to Hyejin's room. When I knocked, she's there. But when I said, 'Hyejin, it's Youngmi.' she panicked and made some excuses to not let me come in." she said.

"Then, why didn't you just enter her room without saying?" AJ asked.

"Well, I agree with you, AJ-sshi. I wanted to, but then, ahjumma came and said, that it could be dangerous if I enter."

Kevin, Kiseop, and AJ nodded. "But, perhaps, do you know where she lives now?" Kiseop asked.

"Unfortunately, no," Youngmi answered. "But, I know where Habyul ahjumma is working."

"Habyul ahjumma?" Kiseop and AJ asked.

Kevin and Youngmi nodded. "Hyejin's mom." Kevin said.

"I'll take her business card. Wait here!" Youngmi said and ran to her house. After about ten minutes, she came back with a paper in her hand. "Here's Habyul ahjumma's card, I called her, and I told her that Sunghyun will come. Her assistant set you guys up  to an appointment with her. Give this paper to her assistant and you guys can meet Habyul ahjumma."

Kevin looked at the paper Youngmi gave to him. "It's tomorrow at 10:00 am?"

Youngmi nodded. "Don't forget okay? Good luck, guys!"


The next day...

Kevin pressed the up button and waited for the elevator door to open. He got in as soon as the door opened, and pressed the button to the twelfth floor. He arrived in front of Hyejin's mom office, and gave the paper Youngmi gave to him yesterday to Habyul ahjumma's assistant. 

"Oh, then I'll ask Mrs. Park. Please sit down for a while, Mr. Woo," she said, and excused herself to her boss's office.

Kevin sat down. "Oh, okay."

After a few minutes, the secretary came back. "Mrs. Park is ready to see you, Mr. Woo." she said and opened the door for Kevin. He got up from his seat and after thanking the secretary, entered the office. He looked around the interior of the huge office and saw a familiar woman sitting on her desk. 

"Annyeong haseyo, ahjumma." Kevin bowed.

Habyul ahjumma smiled the moment she saw him. "Sunghyun-a! Tell me, how have you been?"

He returned the gesture. "Great. Ahjumma seems really fresh also."

"Ah really?" she chuckled and got up from her seat. "Have a seat. We'll talk together comfortably here."

"Oh no, ahjumma. I'll just do a quick visit, you have a lot of work to do. I could ruin your schedule for today if I stay too long."

"No! Come on, Sunghyun-a, ahjumma really missed you." she said and took a seat on one of the chairs surrounding the meeting table. "Where is secretary Jung?"

"Eh, ahjumma, you don’t have to–"

“Ah, Sunghyun-a, it’s okay!” she insisted. “Secretary Jung, buy some snacks and tea or chocolate for Sunghyun here.”

Secretary Jung, who had stepped in Habyul ahjumma’s office quickly noted it all. “Yes, Mrs. Park. It’ll take some minutes. Excuse me.” she said and closed the door quietly.

After the snacks came, Kevin started to talk with Habyul ahjumma. They talked about the past three years they’ve been through. About works, friends, and other things. Until, Kevin realized, why is Habyul ahjumma not talking about Hyejin?

“Uh.. ahjumma, how’s Hyejin these last three years? Is she alright?” he asked.

Habyul ahjumma's smile suddenly faded. “Hyejinnie..”

“Yes, ahjumma. I've been wanting to meet her these last few days..” Kevin said. “Yesterday, I talked with Youngmi and I found you here. But, actually, I’m searching for Hyejin.”

“Why so sudden?”

Kevin smiled shyly. “I want to meet her. I missed her.” 

“Do you want to meet Hyejin very much, Sunghyun-a?” she asked.

Kevin nodded. “I really want to meet her.”

“Then, tomorrow, can you please come to this address? It’s our new house.” Habyul ahjumma took a paper and gave it to Kevin. 

“Yeah. When are you free, ahjumma?” he asked.

Habyul ahjumma looked at the calendar on her desk. “I’m having a free day tomorrow. Just come whenever you want.”

"Having a day off in the middle of your busy work?" Kevin asked.

Habyul ahjumma nodded. "I'm having my own excuse. Tomorrow is a really important day for me."

Kevin nodded in understanding. “Okay then, ahjumma. I’m going now. I’m still having work and you're still busy either. Kamsahamnida, ahjumma.” Kevin bowed and left the room with a happy heart. His search for Hyejin has finally ended.


Kevin smiled looking at himself in the mirror. He wore a black-white striped sweater with dark blue jeans. He wore a black jacket and white sneakers. He brushed his blonde hair a little and let his fringe a bit messy. He went out of his room and out of the house. After he gave the paper to the driver, Kevin’s ready to see Hyejin.

He stopped at an average house. It's not very different from the old house. Kevin knocked on the door and waited for Habyul ahjumma to come out. “Sunghyun-a, you’ve arrived.”

“Ne, ahjumma...” Kevin bowed. “Is Hyejin inside?”

Habyul ahjumma closed the door and said, “No. Come on. Let’s go to Hyejin’s place now. Should we use my car?”

“It’s up to you, ahjumma.”

“Then, we’ll use mine.” Habyul ahjumma said as she opened the locked car.


After thirty minutes, they arrived at a place. It was very empty and quiet also. Then Kevin realized, it was s a graveyard. Kevin looked at Habyul ahjumma’s face, doubtful.

“Ahjumma, Hyejin... who is she visiting?”

“Let’s just go inside.”

Kevin only nodded and followed Habyul ahjumma inside. After walking for a few meters from the gate. She entered a route where there were many big graves. “Sunghyun-a, you're asking me why I'm having a day off, right?" Kevin nodded. "Actually, Sunghyun-a...” Habyul ahjumma continued. Kevin stayed silent. Waiting for any explanation that may come from Habyul ahjumma’s mouth. “Hyejinnie – she died a year ago. After we moved away, her sickness was getting worse and worse. After a few months, she passed away. And, today is the day she died.”

Kevin can’t believe the words that were seemed like they've just been spat out bitterly by her old friend's mother. "Dead?"

“So, Sunghyun-a, if you have something to talk about with Hyejin, take as many time as you want." Habyul ahjumma walked to the main road and waited in a gazebo. 

Kevin sat silently in front of Hyejin’s grave. He reached for the gravestone and caressed it slowly. "Hey, Hyejin-a. I missed you, don't you know?" He smiled, it was just like talking to an old friend like Youngmi. But it’s still different, his old friend that he really missed, didn’t and will never respond to everything he said. "I have many things to tell you. And.. I don't know if you've forgotten or not, but.. today, I'm giving you the answer of the question you asked me three years ago.

“Hyejin-a, about the question you’re asking when I was going to move out, did you want to know my answer?” he said. “Actually... I do believe at love at first sight. I really believe it.” He holds Hyejin’s grave tightly before saying, “I wanted to say this to you too, I’ve waited for the moment we meet again, and here we are. Only at different worlds.."

“The first time I saw you, I felt something different. Like, when I looked at Youngmi, I feel some kind of brotherly love. But when I saw you, I felt a different way.” He could feel his eyes burning with tears. “Hyejin-a, I love you.” Kevin said. “Do you love me too? Or do you have someone else that you adore?”

He could feel one by one of his tears rolled down to his cheeks. Accompanying him in his sadness.


Kevin put the flower on Hyejin's grave. He got up and went to the main road again. He walked to the gazebo where Habyul ahjumma is waiting for him. He sat beside her before he turned and looked at Habyul ahjumma's face. “Ahjumma, why don’t you told me earlier?” Kevin asked.

“I’m sorry, Sunghyun-a.” she said with the tone of regret. "Hyejin didn't want you to know. But I guess, it's the best for you to find out about Hyejin's sickness and death." Then, Habyul ahjumma took an anvelope from her bag. “Here’s the last mail that Hyejin wanted sent to you.”

Kevin opened the envelope that Habyul ahjumma gave him. He could feel tears starting to flow again.

Dear, Sunghyun...

Sunghyun-a, it’s nice to talk to you again. How’s life? Enjoying it so far? Tell your parents I said ‘Hi’.

Sunghyun-a, you knew that I was sick, right? Anyway, my sickness is kind of getting worst. The doctor said that I suffer of lung cancer.  I don’t have much time. It’s really bad and I don’t like it. Because of it also, I can’t be a singer like I wanted to. But Sunghyun, you have the chance to do anything you want. Anything.

But don’t think about me. God had made things like this, so we cannot protest. Fulfill your dreams for me too. One day, if I’m no longer in this world, I’ll be watching from heaven. I’ll wait for your shows. And I’m going to watch on a very luxurious VIP seat. Up there, in heaven. You have to remember that! Continue living okay? 파이팅! ^^
Oh... And Sunghyun-a, that day, when I asked you about love at first sight, I wanted to say. That actually, the first time I saw you, I knew that I love you. Sunghyun-a saranghae. Perhaps... do you love me too?

From, your late friend
Hwang Hyejin


After coming back from Habyul ahjumma’s house, Kevin went to the old neighborhood of his and got out of his car. After he took a look on Hyejin’s old house, Kevin went to the other house next to it. He knocked on the door and waited for a while. After minutes, Youngmi came out of the house with a cheerful smiling face. But Kevin didn’t respond with any smile, instead he held Youngmi’s hand tightly. 

“Sunghyun-a, what happened?” Youngmi asked in a worried face.

“Youngmi-ya, I have something to say...” he said. “It’s about Hyejin.”

Looking at Kevin’s expression, Youngmi nodded. Kevin told Youngmi everything and what he had been trough earlier. “Youngmi-ya, our best friend... she’s not here anymore. She’s been living in a better place.”

Youngmi doesn’t understand what Kevin said. “What?” she weakly said. She tried to hold her b tears.

“Hyejin is gone. I’m sorry. God has took her away about a year ago.” he said. “She’s gone, Youngmi-ya.”

“Hyejin’s g-go-gone?” she stuttered. “What do you mean?” Youngmi looked up to see Kevin’s face. Seeing Kevin’s firm face, Youngmi surprised. “Hyejin couldn’t have leave us!” she said.

Kevin shook his head to convince Youngmi. But she also did the same, she shook her head and looked down. Afraid of looking at him. “Hyejin is gone. Gone there. Gone to heaven. She’s gone...” Kevin said. But the girl didn’t seem like she’s going to change her mind about Hyejin.

Kevin held his childhood friend’s shoulder. “Youngmi-ya! Wake up! Hyejin’s dead and we can’t change it!” he yelled, his tone desperate, exasperated, helpless.

Youngmi froze because of Kevin’s statement. Her visions became blur because of tears. He pulled her into his arms. He could feel her shiver so hard. After he felt her hold tightened and her sobs was getting louder, Kevin was sure, Youngmi is crying now.


Kevin returned home at a late hour. He opened the door of his dorm and found his friends still joking around at the living room while watching TV. Kevin didn't really bother, he even wanted to be alone for a while. Knowing that Hyejin's dead was just too shocking. He regretted why he didn't answer her earlier. They could be a couple, even just for a while. He was deep in his thought when Kiseop realized his presence. 

"Kevin, finally! You're back!" he yelled, making the other member turned to Kevin also.

He gave them a weak smile. "Yeah guys, I'm back."

"Finally got to see her. Aren't you suppose to be happy?" AJ asked.

"Huh?" Kevin uttered. "I.. I'm happy." he said weakly.

The other gave him a confused look. "Are you sure, hyung?" Dongho asked. "You don't seem like it."

Kevin shook his head. "No, really. I'm happy to see her again. Really. I'm happy."

The other just nodded. "Then, now, you knew where she lives right? Where did she live?"

Kevin stayed in silent before pointing up. "Up." he answered shortly.

"Up?" the other repeated. "Up where?"

Kevin looked up and said. "Up there. In heaven." he said.

"What...?" they all asked in shock.

"What do you mean by that?"

Kevin only sighed. "She died a year ago due to lung cancer." Kevin said. "Today, Habyul ahjumma took me to Hyejin's grave."

"But... lung cancer?" AJ and Kiseop asked. "Kevin, you're not making that up, right?"

He shook his head. "If I could. I would say that Hyejin is still here." he said weakly.

Kevin gave them the letter Habyul ahjumma gave him earlier. "What is this?" they asked.

"It's a letter from Hyejin." he said.

The other received it and they read it together. As soon as they finished, they look to Kevin. He only gave them a weak smile. "Kevin we're very sorry." they said.

 Kevin nodded before saying, "It's okay. Heaven knows the best for both of us."

© 2012, kkkey031110's story


So, how's the first chapter? Is it boring? Is it okay? Sorry if it's too long ><

Please click 'next' and find out what's going on next.... 
And I'm sorry for Soohyun and Hoon lovers. I thought about adding them as Kevin's closest friend. But I think the "seopsters" are more suitable. So, miaan! >< But I hope you guys will still like it... ^^

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I read the first chapter while listening to In Heaven{JYJ} and Thank You,My Love{M Signal}. Word to the wise,don't do it because you'll most likely cry. Tears burned my eyes for a short moment,honestly.
OMG~ the first chapter was BREAK MY HEART.
but the second was... so sweet :3 sweeter than chocolate. kkk~ ok, i'm overact. but overall, it's really sweet, and beautiful. keep writing to ur next story^^
sooo sweet...
1st chappi i was sad, but u made me happy now :)
So sad, yet, so beautiful :)