Chapter 1

Becoming Death

Tap tap tap tap tap

I sigh and look out the window by my table. "Different day...same old usual nothing..." I let my mind wander into wonderland, thinking of nothing and everything at the same time. 

"Earth to Jungkook! Anybody in there?" I jump at the voice and hand now waving in my face "There you are, everything okay in there?"

I nod and glance back out into the rainy day "You think anything interesting will happen today?"

Seokjin, my best friend and co-worker, looks at me like I'm crazy "Here?" He scoffs with a roll of his eyes "Not likely."

I smile a little "Yeah, I didn't think so either."

"If you're looking for a thrill," he says with a devious look in his eyes "You can always go on that blind date I told you about. Hmm? HMM? C'mon! You know you want to!"

"No thanks, I'll pass." Grimacing *i can't even begin to imagine what kind of guy he found to on on this 'blind date' with me* I shudder at the thought and ignore the older boy. Looking back out the window I spot a guy running towards the cafe/bakery, named 'The Cakery' because reasons...*ugh just thinking of the name makes me want to cringe*

The boy steps in, dripping wet from head to toe, and sighs in what I can only guess is relief "What are you looking at now?" Seokjin turns, eyes the guy up as he makes his order, then smirks as he meets my eyes "So, that's your type eh? Cute and y all in one?"

"First of all, I don't have a type..second of all, say it a little louder would you...I don't think the entire population of Earth could hear you!!"

He laughs loudly as I stand "Oh? Hey! Be...careful...well, I tried." I hear him giggle and just keep my eyes closed "I'll go get some napkins for the both of you."

*both? Oh, right, I ran smack dab into another human...*

"Are you okay?" A soft voice says and I realize it had been a human man that I had run into *great*

"Yeah, I'm so sorry..." I trail off meeting his gaze, eyes beautiful and bright "Wow..." I breathe out. My eyes widen as I realize what I said and I slap my hand over my mouth.

"You're beautiful, single?"

"Seokjin!" Running my hand over my face in frustration I am reminded why I am standing in the middle of my workplace like an idiot.

I hear a chuckle as careful hands dab at my face, wiping away at what had been spilled there "It's okay. Yes, I'm single and clumsy...Sorry about this."

Opening my eyes I meet his gaze again. I blink a couple times then shake my head with a small smile 'it was my fault, don't worry about it. OH!" *his shirt, looks expensive* "I'll have that cleaned, I'm so sorry!"

A smile "No need, it's just a shirt, no harm no foul. Your face though, may need a little more than just napkins to get rid of the stickiness."

I chuckle and he smiles brightly but our moment is cut short by a hand flying between us. I look at my friend with questioning eyes "Isn't insane that our boy here is single too? What a coincidence!"

"Oh," he looks at me curiously "Oh wow." He trails off a bit and I punt my head down in misery *yes I know...pathetic right?* "You're way too good looking to be single."

I quickly look at him then look away *WHAT!?!?*

"Are you two going to fawn over the customer all day or are you actually going to work?"

"Sorry sir!" A groan as Seokjin and I ring this out together.

"I told you not to call me sir, it's weird."

"Yes sir!" Seokjin salutes with a smirk "Ooopsie, I mean..of course Yoongi!"

With a roll of his eyes our manager goes into the back *proabably to complain to Namjoon* a last glance at the smiling stranger and I run behind the counter.

*what's wrong with me??* I shake my head and smile at the customer in front of me "How may I help you?"

"Just a piece of carrort cake and a caramel latte please."

"Sure, on minute please." i turn to give Seokjin the order "Next please, oh..."

"Me again..aha.."

I look at the beautiful man before me and clear my through after a few seconds of silence "How may I help you?"

He smiles and a pink tinge lights up his face "Can I have one hot chocolate and...maybe your number?"


"Hey!" I squeak, my face on fire "Um..I mean..."

"Here's his number and your hot chocolate! Enjoy both!" The other boy beams and I sigh heavily.

"Is it okay to have your number?"

Blinking at the question "You're asking my permission?"

He smiles "Of course, I wouldn't want to have it if you didn't approve."

*wow what a sweet gesture...* "Well, I give you my permission to have and use it. Thank'm realizing that I don't even know your name.."

"Jimin, my name is Jimin."

"Jimin, great great, this is worker one and worker two. Well it would be if the were actually doing their jobs!"

"C'mon!" Seokjin pouts "He finally found a boy he wants to talk to and this is how you treat him?"

Yoongi fake gasps "OMG I am so totally sorry! Please go on using your work hours to fraternize with the customers. Whatever was I thinking?"

"Finally, you understand." The boy grins "But, that was embarrassing. Nobody talke like that man."

"I don't care just get back to work." He huffs "Please."

I shake my head at the two of them "C'mon only a couple more hours to go."

"Aww, man..'

I chuckle and look back over the counter "Ah, right..sorry about that, we have fun here."

"So it seems." Jimin smiles "I'm gonna leave before I get banned for holding up the line.."

"Good man, that is a good man!" Yoongi wipes at an invisible tear and I suppress the urge to laugh at him.

"Right, well good to meet you all. Jungkook, i will contact you soon okay?"


With that Jimin finally escapes our crazy and Seokjin clutches onto my arm with wide eyes "The time has come. You're finally in love. You're first time!"

i turn to Yoongi "Please fire me and put me out of my misery."

"Not in this lifetime. If I'm stuck with him so are you." He smirks and leaves to go into the back room.

"Rude." I huff and cross my arms.

"You people love me and you know it."

"Lucky for us."

"Now who is being rude?"

"Me and I freely admit to it."

"Blah blah blah, Hello how may I help you today ma'am?"

"You two must be close." The older woman smiles fondly and I do as well "A black coffee please and a piece of pecan pie?"

"Of course! Anything for a lovely lady such as yourself!"

*he's such a sweet talker* With a shake of my head I grab the pie "Whipped cream or no whipped cream?"

"Can I have extra? Don't tell my husband, he thinks I'm out getting my hair done." She beams at me and I return her smile. 

"You can have as much as you like."

"You're such a sweetheart deary."

Seokjin hands the woman he coffee "Would you like me to take this pie to a table for you?"


*he's sweet when he wants to be*

It wasn't long before the day grew dark and we were getting ready to close.


"NooOOooO!" I wail and pout as I look at my crushed scissor hands *aha scissor hands...Edward scissor hands*

"You lost you close up tonight! VICTORY SCREECH!!" 

"Please no, just no..."

"Alright, alright. But! I still win and you lose and I beat you at something so I'm better and you're just average at Rock Paper Scissors."

I heft a big sigh and push the other boy towards the doors "Just leave already."

"Fine, but I won't like it."

I furrow my brows "Then stay."

"What? No! That didn't make sense...ummm..."


"Fine fine I'm gone! Bye! You love me!"

"Yeah yeah." I wave the other off and let a breath out as I look out the silent cafe.

*something interesting happened today after all*

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Chapter 1: oh i am interested in this story. hope things will go well for the two of them. Much interested in reading the next chapter. will you be uploading it soon...??? I am waiting...